A moonshine still for a distiller is like a scalpel for a surgeon, like a brush for an artist, the main tool on which depends, if not all, then the main part of the result of his work.
I chose the equipment for a very long time, shoveled almost all moonshiners’ forums, traveled to all the shops in the area.
Who knows what it’s like to choose a device, understands how much the eyes diverge from the assortment, and how painful it is sometimes to look at the price tag.
Let me serve as an example for other people, which will prove that saving on buying equipment is stupid. I’m just one of those who pays twice for their stinginess.
Distillation column
I made the main emphasis on the choice of a distillation column, since it is it that largely determines the quality of the distillation. My choice fell on the product of the company Aquagradus – Alpha. Ordering online at a discount, such a toy cost me 23 rubles.
The column has a convenient connection technology, which allows you to quickly assemble and disassemble the device. Each connection was supplied with 5 sealed gaskets to eliminate any contact with air.
The ability to adjust the internal section allows you to control the speed of distillation.
An aftercooler, the possibility of full control over ongoing processes, a convenient outlet for the cooling system, well-placed drains and holes for thermal control – it’s all cool.
But, I will not hide, the price hit my pocket, so I approached the issue of buying a cube not so wastefully, but in vain.
Cube – a game of homemade
A cube is just a cube. At least that’s what I thought. This is a metal container that costs about 10. This pricing policy did not suit me, and I began to look for alternative ways.
I had a few sheets of stainless steel in stock, so I decided to make a cube myself. No, not with your own hands, but simply hire a welder.
Among the neighbors in the country and I have a lot of handy men who know how to work with a welder. But how wrong was I then.
Glass flasks – additional visual control
Welded, filled with water – flowing. Brewed – dripping. No matter what we did, it was still impossible to achieve perfect seams on thin stainless steel.
Over and over again, raping a layer of metal, we first tried to weld leaks, then weld with electrodes, even tried to insert separately cut pieces and weld them on top. No matter what we tried and no matter how we tried, the result was the same – to flow.
Attempt #2
All attempts ended with the fact that we simply ruined the metal. I bought a new sheet for 4 rubles, since no one was selling cuttings. It turned out that stainless steel is an expensive metal. This time I decided to turn to professionals.
As it turned out, it is necessary to cook such a metal with argon, and the cost of 1 cm of cooking with such equipment is 100 rubles. In total, I had to weld almost 1,5 meters – 135 cm!!!
As a result, they gave me a discount for the “high moral quality of the work” and the promise to treat me to the drink I received, and I gave 11 guys for the work. It is easy to calculate that 000 + 11 = 000. It turns out that I overpaid half.
I don’t even want to say that after two distillations, this miracle device dripped hot and smelly mash right on the floor. I will not list everything that I heard from my wife.
Let me just say, I went and bought a normal cube for 10 rubles, with the ability to control the heating level, with a built-in temperature sensor that still works.
Done with savings
Separately, many gadgets were purchased – a dry steamer with the possibility of additional loading, a cooler for mash, adapters for strengthening cooling systems were replaced, the column was modernized with an electronic display and connected sensors.
I didn’t resort to saving money and playing “crazy hands” anymore. Store only, warranty card only.
To all my hobby colleagues, I can give some advice regarding the collection and purchase of equipment:
- It’s really cheaper to buy online. Especially for those who live in large cities – not so expensive delivery.
- Find a consultant in your city, warn him not to buy anything and give him 500 rubles. Most often, those who understand it work in moonshine equipment stores.
- Excessive savings is a disastrous business, remember this as an axiom.
If they told me right away that all my undertakings with the cube would make me overpay almost three times more, I would be very grateful to this person.
But here’s what’s interesting, did someone manage to completely assemble the device with their own hands? Are there any among you who have succeeded?