I never liked raisins, but here my friends treated me to a tincture that immediately sunk into my soul: I share the recipe

One day I tried excellent, as it seemed to me, home-made wine with friends. I was struck by the pronounced aroma of grapes, and I was extremely surprised that raisins were used as the main ingredient.

For some reason, from childhood I got used to the fact that raisins are such shriveled berries that have nothing to do with juicy grapes, and, to tell the truth, I never liked them.

Raisin alcohol was a real discovery for me! Especially when you consider that he was preparing on the basis of ordinary moonshine. I decided to repeat the experience of my comrades, and make a tincture of raisins in a duet with dried apricots.

The story was shared by my longtime subscriber Vasily.

Ingredients and equipment

From the equipment I needed only a 2-liter jar and gauze, with the help of which I not only filter the infusions, but also squeeze the ingredients. Fruits, vegetables and berries give all their natural juices, but at the same time they themselves are well saturated with moisture.

And if you do not properly squeeze the spent fruits, you can lose a lot in the volume and aroma of the future drink.

As ingredients I used:

  • moonshine or distillate of the desired strength – 1 l;
  • raisins – 300 g;
  • dried apricots – 100 g;
  • honey – 2 tbsp. l.

I ask you to pay special attention to the choice of raisins, because not only the shade, but also the taste of the future tincture will depend on the color of the dried fruit.

I believe that black grapes have a richer and more tart taste, respectively, and raisins from such grapes can give the infusion the brightest and deepest flavor.

Immediately calculate the cost of the drink:

  • 1 liter of moonshine costs from 150 rubles;
  • 1 liter of pure distillate – from 250 rubles;
  • 2 tbsp. l. honey – about 40 rubles;
  • raisins, depending on the grape variety and the manufacturer’s company, cost from 35 to 250 rubles per 100 g (I bought a pack of 300 g in the store for 171 rubles);
  • the price of dried apricots varies in a smaller range, from 50 to 90 rubles per 100 g (I bought 100 g of dried apricots on the market for 67 rubles).

I used my double-distilled moonshine, the cost of which I estimate at 180 rubles per 1 liter, and as a result of simple calculations, my tincture of dried apricots and raisins cost me 458 rubles.

The cooking process

There is nothing difficult in preparing dried apricot and raisin tincture:

  1. Pour thoroughly washed dried apricots and raisins into a clean container.
  2. Add 2-2,5 tablespoons of honey (you should be guided by your taste preferences).
  3. Pour dried fruits with a liter of alcohol and close.

Raisins and dried apricots.

The mixture should be shaken well and left in a dry, warm place for 14 days, and during this time periodically shake the future tincture.

After 2 weeks, the tincture is ready. We just have to strain the drink and squeeze the ingredients well. Even despite the spin, be prepared for the fact that the tincture will lose 150-200 ml of its volume.

Now you can start tasting.


The tincture of dried apricots and raisins has acquired a pleasant tea color, shimmering orange in the light.

Tincture of dried apricots and raisins.

The aroma is deep, even languid. On inhalation, grapes are well felt, and on exhalation – dried apricots. This tincture, like a good perfume, does not open immediately, but sequentially.

The taste is sweetish, honey well hid the strength of the tincture. Surprisingly, she reminded me of fruit wine – sangria. Something so fresh and summery, though somewhat stronger. Although the fair sex in our company unanimously declared that they drink “like compote”.

With what to submit

I am a big fan of cheese and nuts, they fit perfectly as an appetizer with dried fruit tincture. The ladies preferred chocolate and kiwi, but as a result, our entire company agreed that such a fragrant tincture is difficult to spoil with anything.

I will definitely repeat this experience, perhaps adding new ingredients or spices, but now I know one thing for sure: raisins are an excellent base for homemade tinctures!

Have you tried making tinctures from raisins or dried apricots? Share your experience in the comments

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