I moved to Spain, I tell you how I cook passion fruit tincture here, which I collect from a yard tree

Do you know what passion fruit is? Before moving to Spain, the word “passion fruit” brought to mind an instant drink “Zuko” with the same taste. I didn’t even know what this marvelous fruit looks like in real life.

The first time I came across this very passion fruit by chance in a box with promotional apples. Apparently, the staff, through an oversight, threw it up. I cut a carefully ripe overseas fruit, and immediately my mood was gone.

Passion fruit smells good, one might even say excellent. But the appearance of the inside is not very good, to be honest. Something stretchy, yellow mixed with bones. The taste is interesting, but sour. This fruit did not impress me, and I might never have experimented with the tincture, if not for a fluke.

This story was sent by subscriber Oleg from Spain.

How did the idea to make a tincture come about?

As it suddenly turned out, the fence on the neighboring side is completely entwined with this same passion fruit. And during the ripening period, this passion fruit attacked our side of the yard, as if the Kamaz had turned over with the fruits. And so there are a lot of these yellow-tubs, which is even inconvenient. Falling, lost product. I’m not used to this.

I collected as much as I could in a bag with a slide and dragged it home. And there is somehow especially and do not want to. Only sometimes I glance at this mountain and think, where should I apply a bag of these sour-tasting tennis balls?

And then it dawned on me, like a giraffe, true, but it dawned on me! I used to trade in “horseradish”, “cranberry” and “pepper”, that is, alcohol tinctures based on natural plant ingredients.

And since passion fruit smells good and is sour, then it can make an excellent tincture. Now it was necessary to get the right basis for this business.

What ingredients are required

In the manufacture of tincture, there is one small but very important detail – high-quality alcohol. In my research, I prefer to use the world-famous Absolut vodka, its cost varies from 1000 to 1200 rubles per 0,7 liter bottle.

If you are suddenly unlucky and it is not available, you can safely replace it with Finlandia. Passion fruit will cost from 800 to 1400 rubles per kilogram, depending on the region of Russia.

Right into the bottle, I dug about 500 ml of the insides of these yellow-tubs, poured a 700 ml bottle of vodka on top.

Passion fruit before pouring vodka.

I thoroughly mixed all this, shook the bottle with all my heart and let’s wait. And at the same time, take a sample after a week of inactivity every day, well, in order to understand the process and not to miss when the tincture is the most delicious.

The tincture maturation process

The tincture should ripen in a cool place. Ideally, this should be a wine cooler, a cellar, or a winter balcony.

Our only cool place is an ordinary refrigerator. There the tincture stood all this time. The main thing is not to forget to shake it every few days.

On the second week of ripening, a pronounced taste has already appeared, but not enough time has passed. And by the end of the third week, the passionfruit in the tincture opened up like that, not a fruit, but a fire!

This is what the tincture looks like after the second week of ripening.

It turned out to be a very worthy thing in taste, color and smell. Vodka pulled such a beautiful color out of it, which is just a feast for the eyes. I didn’t even regret that I didn’t add sugar this time, despite all the sourness of my face that the fruit caused me while eating. Although the idea of ​​​​adding sugar did not leave me until the end.

What did you get as a result

To be honest, by the end of the fourth week there was not much to try. I strained the rest of the sweet, it turned out to be about 150 ml of the finished product, which very quickly came to an end. It turned out well, but not enough.

For lovers of sweets, it is worth adding 250-300 grams of sugar per pound of passion fruit and 700 ml of vodka, but even without it, the result is very worthy. The most delicious tincture is obtained by the end of the fourth week, but if you try unbearably, you can break the fast on the third.

Now I wander under the fence in anticipation of a new harvest. I’ll try again, but with sugar. Do you think it would be better with sugar?

*Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health!

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