“I met love when I went to buy a mop”: 14 love stories

Sometimes it seems to us that romance exists only in the movies, and in life, few people manage to meet a truly close person and build relationships for life. We have compiled a selection of touching stories that refute this misconception.

“According to the general opinion, we live in a world of hatred and greed, but I do not agree. It seems to me that love is everywhere. Often not very noticeable and solemn, but it is everywhere. Fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, lovers, mistresses, bosom friends … ”- with these words the film Love Actually begins, which many people like to revise when they want to believe in romance and love again.

The storylines can be hilarious: a prime minister who falls in love with a secretary, an affair between a writer and a housekeeper. It seems that this happens only in the movies, but sometimes life is more inventive than the screenwriter with the richest imagination. Here are some proofs.

About dating

“There are a lot of articles and trainings on where and how to meet a man: in cafes, bars, and so on. I can’t argue, but I can’t advise something, because I met my love when I went to buy a mop.

“I’m on my way to work. Suddenly, a small Nissan Micro flies into the right door of my sedan. Behind the wheel of this yellow misunderstanding was a girl. Petite, slender, freckled all over. “It’s my first day behind the wheel,” she says, but she has tears in her eyes. I got scared. While waiting for the traffic police, we went to a cafe opposite. Now we meet. Fell in love. And she gets along with my daughters. I’m going to propose living together.”

“The daughter decided to buy scales, drove into the store. The consultant, to confirm that the scales are working, is weighed in front of her. The daughter makes a verdict: “You need to eat more,” and gives him her lunch, four meat pies. Now they are married.”

“A year after the divorce, the struggle with discouragement. I register on a dating site. The first message was “Marry me” (neither I nor he had any photos in the profile, only age, height, weight). I answered: “I’ll go out, go to apply, pay the state duty.” He gave the address of the registry office and the time of the meeting, reminded me to take a passport. I took it and came … They filed an application, got married a month later. Now we have two daughters and two sons.”

“My father recently told me how he met my mother. He had a problem with his knee – he could bend at any moment. And then he went to propose to another girl. Goes, the ring examines. And suddenly the knee bent, so much so that he had to stand on it. And he stood right in front of my mother. And now he stands in front of her on one knee, in the hands of a case with a ring. Mom immediately answers him with a smile: “I agree.” The father, without knowing why, immediately changed his mind about marrying that girl. After many years of happy family life, he realized: it was true love at first sight.

“The acquaintance of grandparents is still a mystery to me. If you ask your grandmother, she will say: “I was standing in the store, then my grandfather comes in. Stunned by my beauty, and got up. Then I woke up and got to know each other.” And the grandfather tells this story like this: “Two girls ran after me, my grandmother and a neighbor, I no longer knew where to go from them. Grandma was more stubborn. That’s how we live”.

About courtship

“In the kindergarten, we were given two dishes for lunch: soup and porridge. I couldn’t stand soups, so I agreed with the boy that I should eat two porridges, and he should eat two soups. He agreed, said that he did not like porridge at all, and until the very “release” we changed portions. We recently met by chance, got to talking, and he admitted that he actually hated soups too, but agreed to change because he liked me.

“We lived in poverty. Dad never gave mom flowers, they were never together in a cafe, they were only abroad to work. But every night, dad, before lying on his side of the bed, lay down in mom’s place, so that later he would give her a warm place to sleep.

“They say men love with their stomachs. I’m not a man, but my stomach is just as loving. My boyfriend was a cook when we started dating. I didn’t feel feelings, but every day he brought me all sorts of delicacies, he cooked himself. The very idea that a man cooks for his beloved woman captivated me so much that I had a crush on my ears after a week of dates. Now I have a cook husband and kids.”

About compatibility

“Everyone knows that a happy relationship is a difficult job that involves both. My husband congratulates me on all anniversaries like this: “Happy professional holiday, colleague.”

“I don’t like people. I do not trust them, I do not communicate, I almost do not contact. I don’t have friends. This is from school. I am from a poor family, I always dressed in not the coolest things, I didn’t have a cool phone, but I studied among the rich and spoiled. My parents were worried that I would be alone, that I would not find a girlfriend, that I would not start a family. I myself became afraid. But I found her, she doesn’t like people either. We have our own house outside the city, two children, our own small cafe, which we created for those who like to sit in silence with themselves, there is always calm music and books. And I think life is good.”

About what didn’t work out

“I fell in love, met for two years, until they started telling me how bad it was that she was a year and a half older, and I believed that this decides everything in life. As a result, I am not married, for 15 years I have been coming to her windows and watching how she lives. First alone, then with a boyfriend, husband, now with children. She has a family, I have her family and regret that I listened to advisers. I accompanied her son to first grade, then my daughter. And she doesn’t know that I’m still around. I hope he doesn’t move.”

About quarrels

“We had a fight with my husband, threw a vase at him. Now he is afraid of me. A man who served in the special forces for many years is afraid of me.”

“I had a big fight with my husband, right up to the divorce. They argued for several days, and he decided to pack his things at night and leave. Picked up and left, but not for long. Came back and went to bed because the package was torn. So the poor quality of the packages saved the marriage.”


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