Today we will prepare watermelon wine. Yes, you heard right: real, very tasty wine made from watermelon and grapes.
For many, watermelon is a wonderful berry that is associated with a warm summer season. But my memories of watermelon are also associated with alcohol.
Watermelon wine poured into glasses
Even in my youth, my own grandfather treated me to watermelon wine. He did not share the recipe with anyone. However, in the last years of his life, he nevertheless shared technology with his beloved grandson.
I listened carefully and wrote down everything he said, and now, after years of honing my skills, I am sharing the secrets of making watermelon wine with you, dear readers.
Favorite grandfather
This story was sent by my subscriber Oleg.
What we need
Watermelon is a watery berry. It is made up of sugar, acid and water. It is best to use special evaporated watermelon juice for wine, but it is hard, almost impossible to find it.
Therefore, we immediately buy ten kilograms of watermelon in the market or in the store. Take berries of sugary varieties: spend less on sugar when making wine.
Delicious and juicy watermelon
We move on. We definitely can’t do without grapes. It will give the wine a slight sour note. Instead of grapes, you can use raisins, but then you need to reduce the amount of sugar added during cooking.
Personally, I buy dark seedless grapes. It is ideal for making wine.
Dark, sweet grapes
Let’s not forget about the main thing – sugar. Probably, it is in every house, but just in case, check. It would be terrible not to find him in the kitchen in the midst of cooking.
We need about 500 grams. It all depends on the products that you will use: add a little less sugar if we cook wine with raisins, and, conversely, add a little more if we cook with grapes.
Spare no sugar
Main Ingredients:
- 10 kg of watermelon;
- 1 kg of grapes;
- 500 gram of sugar.
How are we going to cook it
The first action is quite simple – wash the original products: watermelon and grapes. We cut the watermelon into small pieces, get rid of the green peel and seeds.
We send the resulting pulp to a meat grinder: I have heard many times that some winemakers crush watermelon with their hands, but I say from my many years of experience that this is wildly inconvenient. Pour the resulting liquid into a vessel.
Let’s do this with watermelon
We scroll the grapes through a meat grinder. Then add the grape mixture to the watermelon. We cover the vessel with a gauze bandage and send it to a warm place for several days.
After a while, the wine will begin to sizzle. That’s when we slowly add the sugar. Mix the liquid and pour into another vessel. We put on a rubber glove on the neck.
Final result
We send the bottle to a secluded place for about one month. Do not forget that one finger of the glove must be pierced. During this time fermentation will take place.
Make sure that the temperature in the room does not exceed twenty-five degrees. Otherwise, the wine simply will not work: most likely, a bottle or a glove will explode.
What will be the result
How do we know that the wine is ready? The answer to this question is very simple – you need to look at the glove. When the wine is fully prepared, it will simply deflate. At this point, it is important to follow some sequence.
Under no circumstances should wine be poured over the edge. Instead, we take out a tube or hose and pour the liquid into another container.
Finished wine
We close the lid and send the wine to infuse. Within two to three months, the bottle should stand in a cold room.
Do not be alarmed if the wine gradually changes its color from pink to dark brown. If this happened, then you did everything right. After maturation, the wine will become even tastier.
I sent my wine to the garage
The taste and aroma of watermelon wine is quite specific. Probably, not everyone will like this alcoholic drink, but true connoisseurs of wine will definitely note its sweetish aftertaste and very delicate berry aroma. A dark brown color will give the drink a share of aristocratic chic.
This is how the wine ended up.
How to serve and with what to use
Watermelon wine is suitable for any table. My wife and I love to spoil ourselves with wine at dinner. And, of course, we treat friends and close relatives with our watermelon wine with pleasure.
I like to drink fruit wine just for fun without snacks. It’s pretty easy for that. After a hard day at work, it is very pleasant to sit in the kitchen in silence and peace. But my best friend does this: he pours wine into several glasses and drinks with such shots.
I took a picture of a glass of wine for you
Wine should be served in a bottle. Before using, I put it in the refrigerator for about two to three hours. During this time, the wine will become cold and pleasant to the taste. Then I pour the wine into glasses, and put the bottle back in the refrigerator. I can’t stand warm alcohol.
What can be changed in the recipe
As I said before, I inherited this recipe for watermelon wine from my grandfather.
He carefully kept all the technology of preparation, and for a long time, when I prepared wine on my own, I did not change anything. But one day my wife told me how to speed up the cooking process.
I listen to the words of my beloved wife quite often: she is a very wise woman. Therefore, instead of a long fermentation, I tried another way and added a whole liter of vodka to the mixture of watermelon, sugar and grapes.
I buy Five Lakes vodka
Of course, the degree of the drink has risen a lot, but this did not prevent the wine (although, in fact, it is no longer wine, but tincture) from remaining very tasty and elegant. I have only made this recipe a few times.
All the guests were completely delighted with the watermelon-grape vodka. Therefore, if you do not want to soar over fermentation for a long time, this recipe is definitely your option. Remember that the number of starting products does not change.
Finally, let’s calculate the cost
The cost of watermelon wine is low. In the season, watermelons in our city cost about twenty-five rubles per kilogram.
When preparing wine, we used 10 kilograms. That is, about two hundred and fifty rubles were spent on watermelons. Of course, prices may vary from seller to seller, but the difference will be small.
Watermelon for 10 kilos with a little
I buy dark grapes at the market in a large vegetable stall. There I have a salesman I know who keeps the best goods for me.
And sometimes you have to pay for it. For grapes last summer I gave two hundred hard-earned rubles. It seems to me that this is more than an adequate price.
The same store
And lastly, sugar. Everything is simple here: one kilogram of sand costs forty wooden rubles. We needed half of the package.
Now we add the whole amount together and get the final result: we spent five hundred rubles on the production of watermelon wine, taking into account electricity. A small price for such a divine drink.
That’s how much money I needed
Dear readers, my recipe is not the ultimate truth. Many of my friends make wine using their own technology, which is very different from mine.
I will be happy to listen to criticism and read your recipes for making delicious watermelon wine. I hope you read this to the end: if so, thanks and all the best!