I’m Trying The Covid-19 Vaccine: A Patient’s Column

The girl told why she decided to experiment.

Do I need to get vaccinated against coronavirus? While the incidence continues to rise in Russia, doctors are testing a new vaccine for COVID-19. President Vladimir Putin asked to start vaccination from mid-December – doctors and teachers will be the first.

The invention was tested by volunteers. For example, Polina Reutova, 27, is a journalist and marketer from Moscow. She told Wday.ru why she decided to give herself a little-studied vaccine, how she prepared for this and how she felt after the injection.

A vaccine against coronavirus in Russia is already being tested on volunteers

I decided to get vaccinated for the simple reason that I don’t want to get sick. I don’t even want to try. The coronavirus has changed everything, and it is not yet known where it will lead. Of course, the impossibility of freely moving around the world puts a lot of pressure on the psyche. Constant fear for loved ones. I have seen many who have encountered this virus, among my friends there were cases of severe pneumonia. Participation in this experiment is a kind of social burden. I understand that thanks to me the drug can be released, improved, become more effective and safer, and will save many lives.

I was not scared, I think the president’s daughter would not be vaccinated with something dangerous to health (Vladimir Putin said that his daughter had tested the vaccine – at first she had a temperature of 38,4, on the second day – 37 with a little, and now she is feeling well. – Approx. Wday.ru). Moreover, we very loudly declare that we have this drug. And the study is quite broad – 40 thousand people are involved, 30 thousand will receive a real vaccine (the rest – a placebo). I think that the people who are responsible for this would not take such risks. 

Possibly, vaccination against coronavirus will begin in December

I filled out an application on the website of the Moscow government, this, as I understand it, is an initial screening. There were simple questions about pathology and chronic diseases. A few days later, they were invited to the clinic, for an initial conversation with a doctor and for taking tests, as well as filling out an informed consent – there are listed the stages of the study, how it goes, how you interact with doctors and what tests are taken. 

The doctor asked about chronic diseases, drugs that I take. Did she come into contact with people who were infected, did she travel outside the region. He also warned that while you are participating in the study and within six months after that, you do not need to get pregnant.

Polina decided to become a volunteer when she saw how many people around her were sick

Then I was sent for testing – blood sampling from a vein for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis and antibodies to coronavirus. There was also a urine test for the presence of narcotic substances. Checked for alcohol and pregnancy. And the first vaccination was prescribed four days later – on October 2. By the way, I still don’t know if they gave me a real vaccine or a placebo. For the purity of the experiment, I decided not to take the antibody test, I find out only at the very end.

The day after the vaccination, I was insanely sleepy, I wanted to sleep all the time. By midnight, the temperature rose – 37,3. On the third or fourth day, the arm began to hurt in the place where the injection was given. And that’s all. I did not feel any more side effects. The first time the doctor called, asked how I was feeling, what symptoms. I also honestly keep an electronic diary, answer questions about my condition there. 

After vaccination, the girl felt drowsy, her temperature rose

The second vaccination was given to me on October 23rd. And the symptoms were more pronounced: a rise in temperature to 37,7, chills, weakness, aches, the arm ached, like the last time. It is also important: doctors warn that the drug has not been studied and all the consequences cannot be predicted. Therefore, people who participate in the study are insured. There is a gradation of amounts according to the degree of damage to health. The biggest one – 2 million rubles in case of death. If there is harm, but without disability, the amount is up to 300 thousand rubles.

I have not regretted. Now people are divided into two categories: who will get sick and who will get vaccinated. I like to relate more to the second category.

PS After a few weeks of testing, Polina passed the test, which showed that she had antibodies. So, most likely, the girl was given the coronavirus vaccine, and not a placebo.

From the editorial board: dear readers, Polina’s opinion is one of the points of view. We do not impose it in any way and do not urge you to get vaccinated against COVID-19, this is everyone’s choice and responsibility.


Will you be given the coronavirus vaccine?

  • Sure! I believe that Russian scientists have made a high-quality vaccine, and I fully trust her.

  • What are you! Of course not. And I will not advise anyone until the consequences are fully understood.

  • I dont know. I’ll see how my friends and acquaintances decide. I will act like the majority.

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