I’m starting today, so no more excuses

Exercise is like losing weight from the next Monday or unrealized New Year’s resolutions – you want to start, and yet you don’t move from the comfort of your couch. However, there are ways to finally change that.

You find dozens of excuses, and you probably waste more time making excuses than you would have spent practicing alone. Consider why you are not taking up physical activity or why you can stick to your resolutions for only a few days. Be honest by writing “pros and cons” on a piece of paper. It will quickly turn out that you really lack an explanation.

What to do to persevere in the decisions that are imposed on yourself? First, you need to have realistic goals ahead of you. Second – choose the type of exercise that suits your lifestyle and health condition.

I’m so tired

This is probably the most common translation. After all, you have so many things to do – work, home, cleaning, children, preparing dinner or caring for a sick person. – When I come home late in the afternoon, I only dream about rest – says 49-year-old Barbara, working in the office.

You explain to yourself that you do not have the strength for everyday matters, let alone exercise. When you have a free moment, you prefer to rest on the couch, watch your favorite series and eat something good.

Meanwhile, physical activity counteracts fatigue and apathy, adds energy and increases the level of endorphins, hormones responsible for well-being. Some exercises, such as tightening your buttocks or stomach muscles, can be done by watching a movie, preparing dinner or standing in line at the grocery store. It is important to choose exercises wisely, choosing them according to your abilities and preferences, and to do them regularly. Take a walk, and if you are bored you can go cycling, swimming in the pool or signing up for a dance class. By taking the time to exercise, you improve your health, fitness, figure and mood.

I have no time

You don’t have time for yourself and your family, you neglect your friends, and at home you feel like a robot doing everything on time. And yet the excuse “I have no time” is no excuse. You don’t need to exercise an hour a day – 20 minutes before going to work is enough. The most important thing is mobilization and consistency, just a few stretching and breathing exercises are enough. The beginnings aren’t easy, but when you start you’ll quickly find that you wake up more easily and have more energy, and exercise becomes as natural as brushing your teeth.

If you are unable to exercise when you get out of bed, you can walk in the morning to get your bread for breakfast every morning, only to a store a little further away from home. Either take a stop or two on your way to work or drop off early on your way home. But be careful! Do not carry shopping bags then, do your errands as close to home as possible.

Remember that a stressful lifestyle and an unhealthy diet adversely affect your health. – Lack of physical activity can lead to many diseases, often very serious. Overweight and a sedentary lifestyle contribute to atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, diabetes, depression, gout (podagrze), varicose veins, and kidney stones. Even cancer affects obese people more often – says doctor Joanna Wasilewska. These are probably enough reasons to find the time to exercise.

Also read: Fatigue – symptom or disease?

I can’t alone

However, you may find that your willpower is not enough. You came home from work, put on your sweatpants, and started exercising. Unfortunately, then everyone started to disturb you. The husband couldn’t find cheese in the fridge, the daughter had to watch a TV program, a friend called to gossip. You haven’t started for good yet, and you’ve had enough and irritated. You have nowhere to exercise calmly and you can’t focus.

Then talk to your relatives, explain that you would like to have time for yourself, set times when no one will disturb you. Or maybe the solution is to act together – a walk with my husband, gossip with a friend in the park, a bike ride with my daughter. Then you spend time with your loved ones and at the same time exercise.

If, despite your best efforts, you are unable to motivate yourself to exercise at home, look for a swimming pool or fitness club near you. Consult the trainer when you are reasonably physically fit – join a regular group. If, on the other hand, you are older and have difficulty exercising, choose a senior group.

I certainly can’t handle it

This is a good excuse when looking for excuses to stay on the couch. However, you have to admit that you will only know whether you can handle it or not if you check it. If you are escorting your grandson to the pool or tai chi exercises, practice instead of waiting on a bench. Talk to a friend who actively spends her free time and do not excuse yourself, think about the benefits.

– As a gift from my family, I got an exercise pass – says 56-year-old Zofia from Warsaw’s Fitness Park. – I come here because I want to be independent and efficient for as long as possible – she adds. You can watch classes in almost every sports club. Sit down and see what exercises are performed, who comes to training. You will see that not everyone is doing great, yet they don’t get discouraged and keep trying. When you see people your age, you will gain self-confidence.

You can always approach the trainer conducting the classes and ask for details, make sure that the exercises will be adjusted to your abilities and health condition. Before you decide to take group classes, you can practice the sequences that arouse your concern at home.

I’m ashamed of

Often the reason for inactivity is ashamed. You feel that you have a few pounds too much or you are doing the exercises awkwardly. Are you afraid of confrontation with other women who exercise, because you are convinced that they are shapely and much more efficient than you? Or maybe you think you look bad in sweatpants?

It’s understandable that it’s hardest to break down and start exercising when you’re not satisfied with yourself, but think about it – if you stay in front of the TV with a box of chocolates, the kilos will only increase and your well-being will deteriorate.

Believe us – women of various shapes come to the classes and you will certainly not feel worse there than others. And when it comes to clothes, go shopping and choose a workout outfit that will make you look good. If you have bunions, be sure to wear comfortable footwear.

Or maybe it’s worth starting with an activity that does not require changing your outfit? Walk with a marching step or take advantage of the stay on the plot. There is always a lot of work there – watering, uprooting weeds, transplanting. Think of gardening as training.

I’m too old

Or maybe you think you are too old to exercise? – The oldest person coming to my classes was an 80-year-old lady – says Katarzyna Szmyd, who conducts classes for seniors at the Warsaw Fitness Park. Ladies in this age group say that they cannot mobilize themselves to exercise at home, so classes at the club are a great motivation for them. At the same time, they do not pay attention to younger people exercising next door.

– We disconnect as a group, we focus on exercise, music and trainer commands – they say. They also admit that these classes are an opportunity for them to meet new people and talk. Ms Kasia confirms that social contacts are an important factor motivating to exercise for the 50 plus group. And it shows, ladies come to classes twice a week and treat people from their group as friends.

I’m sick!

The more years, the more diseases. Some ailments can be serious, operations and diseases weaken the body and limit the performance of some exercises. But remember that there is no one who cannot exercise at all. It is important to choose them according to your health and condition.

Being active in any case is very important. Ms. Maja from the senior group at Fitness Park had a serious car accident. She came to the first class on crutches and at the beginning she did the exercises on a chair, because standing, she could not catch her balance. After a few months, he no longer needs to prop himself up. Gymnastics strengthens the muscles and supports the skeletal system. But not only. – During the classes, we perform various exercises that improve physical fitness, but also prevent osteoporosis or the problem of urinary incontinence – says Katarzyna Szmyd. It is an unpleasant and often embarrassing ailment that affects women twice as often as men. Proper exercise can help with this condition.

Therefore, you have no excuse, you need gymnastics. Get started now!

Text: Monika Brodowska

Source: Let’s live longer

Also read: Exercise for illness!

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