I’m not smoking tomorrow!
I’m not smoking tomorrow!

This wishful thinking has probably been made by every smoker. Nothing simpler, I’ll get up and smoke no more – said hundreds of times everyone who thought about breaking up with nicotine life. So, as you might suppose, something that turned out to be easy is not easy at all. Why?

The answer is simple – habit, or – addiction. It’s all a matter of how you define smoking. Some say they smoke because they like it. And in this “liking” lies the devil. Because if you don’t call this practice beautiful, it is only an addiction that you can fight.

The main factor why people reach for a cigarette is stress. The nicotine that gets from the body makes a person feel apparent sedation. He unloads his frustrations on co-workers or household members on a five-minute “smoke”.

Is it worth it?

Definitely not worth it. Smoking cigarettes increases dopamine in our brain. This, in turn, causes an accelerated heart rate and dilation of the pupils and leads to faster work of our body. However, this is not a good solution because it becomes addictive very quickly. Small doses of nicotine last for about 80 minutes. Then this level drops so drastically that in order to stop the suddenly deregulated body, the smoker reaches for the next dose. A vicious circle is created that does not allow you to give up smoking.

Encouragement for a good start

Each of the smokers knows that persisting in the addiction shortens his life, exposing him to strokes, strokes, cancer, etc. However, few people are aware that this habit is primarily in our psyche. After 24 hours from the last cigarette, the sense of smell returns to normal. After 3 days, the level of oxygen and dioxide in the body is regulated. After about 10 days, the heart begins to beat more regularly. Blood cells, which until then carried nicotine to the cerebral arteries, are also purified. After 14 days from smoking the last cigarette – most importantly – the body no longer needs nicotine for the proper functioning of the nervous system.

So why the problems?

Problems arise from the weaknesses that smokers are filled with. Stressful situations have so far been “burned out”. But now you have to deal with stress differently. Not everyone knows how to do it properly. Instead of reaching for another bar or sandwich, it’s worth going out for fresh air. That is why the sports factor is so important when quitting smoking. It is worth getting tired while running or swimming. Such an effort will mobilize the body to work hard and at the same time give a feeling comparable to inflammation.

You can’t do push-ups every hour!

Exercise is good, but how do you deal with the urge to smoke during a normal day? The best method will be to set a goal and motivate the brain to “not think” about nicotine. You can use pharmaceutical agents that guarantee high efficiency. So if you have a “weak willpower” and you can’t just “deny yourself” tobacco pleasure, invest in dietary supplements without hesitation. The most important thing is the will, if you keep this state, then any solution will help.



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