“I’m not in the resource”: 7 easy ways to fix it

“I’m not in the resource” is an expression that we often hear both from popular bloggers and from our environment. So often that it has already become a joke. What is behind the fashion statement really? And how can we replenish our energy charge in order to “be in a resource”?

A resource is an internal energy on which our mood depends, the desire to set new goals and achieve them, the ability to dream big and big. It is not surprising that if the “resource” is at zero, then we do not want anything other than watching TV shows or social networks.

But fixing it isn’t that hard. We share techniques that will help you increase the power of your internal battery.

1. Thank yourself

We recommend making this practice your daily habit.

Remember what you can thank yourself, your environment and fate for. List everything you value today, what you have achieved and who you have become. This exercise will teach you to look at the world with different eyes, stop devaluing yourself and obsessing over negative points. It brings you back to reality, to life here and now, teaches you to be in harmony with yourself and hear your inner voice.

It is also useful to teach this practice to children – before going to bed, talk with your child about what good and interesting things happened today, for which you are grateful for this day. The sooner children learn to notice such moments, the more open they will be to the world.

2. Imagine an alternative life

What would you do if you could live your life without thinking about your earnings? Would you become an artist who does not create for profit, but only for pleasure? Or an extreme adventurer exploring the world on his motorcycle?

Think about what you could transfer from a fictional life to real life. Sign up for a skydive if you’re looking for the thrill, or buy a subscription to a watercolor course. Such a change of activity will give a surge of energy, allow you to evaluate your life from the outside and “update” it.

3. Learn to double your happiness

First, remember the happiest moment in your life. Live it in detail, feel the mood and emotions that you experienced then. To enhance the effect, use the body – dance, jump, sing, shout. When you have plunged into this state, try to double it, to become twice as happy: for example, by connecting your imagination.

Thanks to this practice, you will be able to feel better without changing life circumstances – after all, the subconscious mind does not distinguish between reality and the picture that we draw in our imagination. It can come in handy during important working negotiations and a personal meeting that did not go according to plan. You will enter a “peak state of happiness”, come to a resource state and change to the outcome of the meeting.

Just rehearse the exercise in advance so that it is not so difficult to use it at the right time.

4. Review your life

A bad mood and a breakdown can be the result of the fact that you are unhappy with some area of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXblife, but you cannot admit it. The following exercise will help identify this area and understand how to correct the situation.

Divide a sheet of paper into several parts, where each corresponds to a specific area: health, beauty, children, career. Take a few pencils, give a meaning to all the colors that will be used: red – danger or anxiety, gray – despondency, yellow – happiness, blue – harmony.

And paint each sphere with the appropriate color. Rely only on your feelings, without thinking about how your career or family is evaluated by the environment.

As a result of this practice, you will see exactly what changes in life you need, where you should direct your energy to find inner harmony.

5.Clean up space

According to Feng Shui, unnecessary things serve as an obstacle to changes in your life, as they clog the space energetically. Revision of old items will cheer you up, get rid of unnecessary ballast and memories of the past, and prepare your home for positive changes.

The main rule for such cleaning is not to be greedy. Throw away at least 30 items from each room. Start with those items that remind you of unpleasant moments: why do you need a wedding dress or mother-in-law service after a divorce? It’s the same with the wardrobe: if over the past two years you haven’t found a reason to walk your stunning dress, feel free to part with it. Give the library books that don’t fit with new hobbies.

And you should not transport packages with unnecessary things to the dacha or garage – part with them for real, finally.

6.Turn on Do Not Disturb

After the audit in the apartment, spend it on gadgets – every minute updating the news feed and an endless stream of (not always necessary) information can cause you to be nervous.

Exit uninteresting chats, cancel irrelevant subscriptions in applications, unsubscribe from unnecessary updates – all these notifications are just annoying. Delete unnecessary files from your desktop, sort photos by chronology, clear spam mail.

Pay attention to the phone book: first, delete or block toxic personalities after communicating with whom your head hurts. Then delete the contacts you can’t remember. Believe me, more important and interesting people will soon take their place.

7. Visit your “place of power”

Everyone has a special place that is associated with pleasant or important moments of life: the square where you walked with your parents as a child, the park where you had your first date with your husband, your favorite museum where you forget about everything and just enjoy the pictures. Visiting such places fills us with energy and brings peace.

About expert

Irina Pracheva Coach, author of Dream and Act: Your Desires Are Real. Her blog.

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