If you’ve read articles like «how to delay getting old» or «what to do if you’re over 50», you’ve probably noticed the same list of tips: travel, study, dance, try extreme sports. But for those to whom they are addressed, a fair question arises: is it possible to simply continue to live? Psychologist and writer Elena Kolina reflects on this.
What do we do at night? We read social networks, news and more. And what do we mostly get? Half of my tape consists of this — «how to arrange life after 50.» What if it’s a secret message? Someone from above is watching over me and thinks I’m living the wrong way, on the side that isn’t bright enough? He thinks that I need to do something new: if I haven’t jumped with a parachute yet — jump, if I haven’t skated — ride, if I haven’t flown — fly.
Every time I react to the proposal in the same way: a bird-like head a little to one side, a bewildered grimace — is that all for me? I don’t get old, I don’t get old! No need to pressure me! Well, don’t you understand — this is not an «aging me», it’s just me!
So, one fine day, I suddenly realized that I, an angel who never gets irritated and is friendly to all forms of activity, hate these calls. Start a new life, start, start, start… Get in a van and circle around Europe, or go to a festival — everyone “after 50” will be there, you will find new friends your age, finally have fun as a person.
But I haven’t finished the novel yet, and I have tickets to the theater … and I don’t choose my friends by age — many, by the way, are younger than me, one of them, for example, is six.
I myself — myself, without any old-fashioned hobby groups — dance in front of a mirror in rabbit ears, learn to play the piano, and there is a lot of fun in me. And I, just as before, bend over with laughter, dress in everything slanting and crooked, especially not in famous brands — a well-known case, expensive clothes age. No need to lecture me about fashion — «Listen, old man, how to wear a hat» — I’m wearing a hat myself! No need to pressure me! And make me live on the too bright side.
Please don’t tell me that everything is possible for me: I didn’t even think that something was impossible!
All this bacchanalia is to me — “Come on, come on, you can change your life! Focus on the area, quickly participate in the drama circle, quickly sing in the choir, ”reminiscent of the attitude towards a distant patient. They put on shoe covers, inhaled, entered the ward, glued on a smile, but suddenly they could not restrain themselves and looked with round, honest eyes with pity … jacket — and into the light, into the sun!
Can you imagine that Churchill, who became prime minister at the age of 76, was told: “Well, well, we are still doing well, maybe we will like to embroider?” And Trump, whatever one may say, is 71. We are not Churchill or Trump, but this does not change things.
Please don’t tell me that everything is possible for me: I didn’t even think that something was impossible! Mind if I’m like always? Continue your life? Is it possible not to assign us to the younger age group and force us to live on the bright side there? For this, we pledge not to age and promise to always actively engage in sports and sex.
By the way, about sex. We are actively convinced that after 50 it is, inspiring examples are given. What are you guys? Did you really think that this requires a separate explanation? Sex in the head, didn’t you know? I don’t want to be pressured. In the end, an impatient desire to be left alone, the conviction that you know how to do it, is the surest sign of youth.