My family does not like banal souvenirs. I myself am the first opponent of duty magnets, plates and key rings. I like to bring from trips not standard, but atmospheric things.
My wife buys clothes under this brand, she will not miss a single interesting store. Woman – in a word. Then she is proud of the uniqueness of her wardrobe: her pants are from there, the dress is from there, the bag is from somewhere else.
My subscriber Dmitry shared the story.
Why I decided to make alcohol myself
I often choose local products as a souvenir. It is very nice to feel the taste of vacation again at home. And I also bring friends: jamon from Spain, tea from England, cheese from France. But everyone knows that this year the system failed and the whole family went on vacation to Yekaterinburg.
I won’t write about how cool we had a rest, this is a topic for a separate article. I’ll tell you about my local gastronomic souvenir. After one of the excursions, we had lunch in a restaurant.
As a bonus, we were all brought a glass of strong berry tincture. To say that I liked it is to say nothing. I expressed my delight to the guide, and he said that this is a Ural drink and he prepares it himself and will teach me without any problems.
Actually, my mother-in-law is responsible for the tinctures in my family. So I decided to try to make a Ural drink at home to prove that I’m not a fool either. Well, what, it will work out well for me too, I am confident in my abilities!
What ingredients are required
Bird cherry blooms for a week and a half.
As long as it blooms, nothing compares to it!
She spread her tents and tents
She raised her canopy, bright and white-faced.
A. Kushner
I was very surprised when I found out the composition of the drink. It seemed to me that the taste is very multifaceted: there is sweetness, bitterness, and aroma. And the tincture consists of only four ingredients. It is based on cherry.
Berries are very common, but, as I thought before, completely useless. We never ate them, believing that only birds peck at it. But we still have bird cherry in the country, it’s painfully blooming beautifully. It’s just a pity it’s not for long. Bird cherry we need a little – just a glass.
And also prepare the standard ingredients for sweet tinctures – sugar, vodka and water. I have plans to try such a drink on other berries, because the whole family really liked the result.
The cooking process
So, we take one glass of water and one glass of sugar and cook the most common syrup. As if the jam was going to be rolled up. Well, how to cook: wait until the sugar in heated water is completely dissolved.
Then the bird cherry is used (that’s true jam). Add a glass of berries to the finished hot syrup, which must be washed well before that. I usually eat unwashed garden gifts, but for blanks it is better to get rid of dust and plaque. So more reliable.
We fall asleep bird cherry, mix everything and let it cool slightly. Now in almost jam we add the main thing and the main thing – a bottle of vodka. The brand can be any, to your taste. Mix everything well and pour into an airtight container.
This is important so that valuable degrees do not evaporate during the infusion process. A bottle is good. It can be just from used vodka.
Pour with a funnel. We twist it tightly and hide it in the most reliable place (who knows this mother-in-law, but I’m generally silent about the father-in-law!). Now you need to patiently wait for 14 days. No need to check, shake, stir. We’re just waiting.
What result did I get
After two weeks, we take out the treasured bottle and filter through a sieve. Berries need to be removed. Then we pour it back into our container and …
And now, after the cherished days, I try my masterpiece. What a flavor! And the taste really draws to be branded, Ural. I am surprised that the juice is not squeezed out of the berries, they are not crushed, and at the same time the drink comes out so rich.
My dosage and mother-in-law, sparing
It can be served as a completely independent aperitif. Personally, such a souvenir would go with a bang. The guide was right, preparing just for one or two.
I advise everyone to repeat both my trip to the capital of the Urals and the preparation of the Ural tincture. There is only one but. Bird cherry is a seasonal berry. So get ready for the whole year!
And here I am in thought. With what other berry would the experiment be repeated?