
Our heroes managed to accept and love their appearance with all its features, many of which are considered to be shortcomings. Their self-confidence and gift for living life to the fullest in an imperfect body is admirable. Three stories from the first person and a candid photo session.

Too small height or very large leg size, no waist or dimples on the cheeks, a long nose or short fingers, the wrong shape of the chest or the shape of the eyes … Reasons for dissatisfaction can be very diverse. Of course, there are times when the body has obvious flaws caused by illness or injury. But, oddly enough, in this case, too, some of us cannot come to terms with the fact that they differ from bodily canons, while others settle in their new body and feel happy. Sometimes we tend to be overly critical of our body shell, deny ourselves indulgence, or make obviously impossible demands even when only we ourselves notice the imaginary shortcomings. However, loving your body does not mean being complacent. Rather, it means treating him as a true friend and life partner who needs care and understanding. We were very lucky in working on this issue. We have met those who — by virtue of a happy nature, as a result of self-improvement or thanks to positive life experiences — managed to accept their bodies. Wanda, Ilgiz and Maria not only decided to sincerely talk about their relationship with their own appearance, but also agreed to pose naked in our photo shoot.

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«I won’t change for someone’s approval»

Wanda, 46, HR Director

“I love to have fun, and delicious food is a great pleasure. It has always been that way, since childhood. Neighbors sometimes invited me to visit: their son ate very poorly, and I was a good example for him. Now he is an adult handsome man — I believe that in many ways he became so thanks to me. In a word, I have never been thin … And for the last six years I have been working at a chocolate factory and during this time I have gained more weight. I can’t say exactly how much, because I don’t get on the scales, but judging by the clothes, I’m gaining about a kilogram a year. I am surrounded by different people, and I did not think about how important the size of my hips is to them. The boss thinks I’m beautiful. We have very tasty chocolate, we all eat it, and although there is chocolate without sugar, I still prefer it with sugar. Sometimes I think that I should do something about it, stop, but pleasure always wins, and I do not suffer because of my weight, but live happily with what I have. Boys have always liked me, I have been married several times, and now if there is someone who does not like me, then I do not know anything about it. Is that the son sometimes teases me, but it’s loving. Sometimes I lose weight, but it happens by accident, without effort on my part. I move a lot, it gives me pleasure: I used to figure skate, now I ride a bike and go to the gym. I wouldn’t change myself for anyone’s approval. It is important for me that I feel good, live happily and with pleasure, wear clothes that I like. Our company does not have a strict dress code, so I wear feminine beautiful dresses just above the knee to work. But I also wear jeans. I also love extravagant outfits, red and bright colors in general.”

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“My main trump cards are charisma and intelligence”

Ilgiz, 29 years old, businessman

“At the age of seven, I had an unfortunate fall and got a concussion. As a result, the trace element that is responsible for hair growth has ceased to be absorbed by the body. By adolescence, I was completely bald, my eyelashes and eyebrows fell out. All teenagers are painfully aware of changes in their bodies, but my experiences have taken radical forms. Still, I was very different from my classmates, and children can be very cruel in their ridicule. It was especially difficult for me when I moved to a new school in the eighth grade — they humiliated me there. I had to wear a cap all the time. I lived with incredible tension, as I was always waiting for the next “joke” …

But one day I suddenly thought that since I have such a special appearance, it means that I need to take something else. This coincided with my departure home abroad — after graduating from school, I went to study in England, where my idea of ​​myself completely changed. Nobody cares about how you look. And there I realized that I have charisma and charm, which make me attractive to girls and even sexy. Moreover, my “minus” turned out to be a plus! How many times have girls come up to me and asked for permission… to pat me on the head! It turned out that my “features” only attract them. Therefore, after returning to Moscow, it was not difficult for me to charm my future wife. She likes the way I look and it makes me even more confident. Now I feel absolutely comfortable in my body, because I know that my main trump cards are charisma and intelligence.

«My body is no longer my enemy»

Maria, 41, PR director

“I was a teenager, and I was afraid of the changes that were happening to my body. I was especially worried about the forthcoming appearance of breasts, which, moreover, did not want to increase in size in any way … Time passed, I did not change and was completely sure that no one would love me because of my small breasts or, having fallen in love, then reject me. In my fantasies, there was an image of a “real woman” — one who can have relationships with men, a family, children, and an independent life. She must have big boobs. But one day I met a man who turned my idea of ​​myself upside down. We were together for a year and a half, and it was the most passionate romance in my life. He was incredibly sexy, and I responded to him like never before. He passionately explored my body and my reactions; the satisfaction and joy of sex was not a taboo for him, but rather a mutual game. A game of everything — dressing up with stockings and lace, oil and shower, a mirror, all sorts of poses and ideas. But most importantly, he was interested not only in what I considered my advantages, but also in all my “flaws”. One day, watching me dress, he said that it was stupid to wear padded bras, because it is still clear that the chest is small, and cotton is on top. Another thing is when small nipples are guessed under the clothes … In my opinion, I gave up the bra on the same day! And in general, I stopped trying to see myself as different from what I really am. And although I am still vulnerable and continue to “settle in” my femininity, my body has ceased to be my enemy.

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