“I knew it would not work.” A moving interview with Ania Przybylska’s sister

The death of Anna Przybylska was a shock. Although information about the actress’s disease circulated in the media, no one expected such an ending. The actress’s departure hit her loved ones first and foremost. In one of the interviews, Agnieszka Kubera, Ania Przybylska’s sister, told how Ania struggled with the disease and what the world looks like when her loved one is no longer with her.

Anna Przybylska died in 2014, when she was only 35 years old. At that time, she orphaned three young children. Agnieszka Kuber was by her side in the most difficult moments. Anna Maruszeczko talked about Ania’s life after the diagnosis and about accepting the loss of her closest person in the latest issue of “Beauty of Life”.

Agnieszka Kubera works in the computer tomography laboratory. Medical topics are no strangers to her, so when she heard her sister’s diagnosis, she had no illusions. “She called me and said,“ Look, I’m in a hurry.

– I did the gastroscopy, but there was nothing there. I did an ultrasound, and there is something to be treated. This inflammation is supposed to go away after two weeks. ” But it didn’t go away. It was Friday, 12 o’clock. “On Monday you will come to see me for a CT scan,” I reassured. She was impatient, she called again: “How would I do an MRI?” “Where am I going to get you an MRI before the weekend?” “I will pay. Call your friends, let them see me tomorrow. I called and, as if jokingly said to my friend, the doctor: “But if there is something, tell me.” “Stop where, with a young girl?!” The next day, Ania called me to look after the children, and she went to the examinations herself. Before she returned, the doctor had time to call me: “There is something here,” she says, “but don’t worry for now, because if it does, it’s probably a mild change.” Ania replies: “You know what, the doctor said there is nothing there”. Then I went back to talking to the doctor: “I’m not going to tell the girl who gets into the car that I already see something.” In the evening she called that we had to arrange an appointment with the surgeon Ance. They made her another ultrasound, but the version of the mild change was still in force. It was only on the operating table that something else turned out – he says.

Nobody expected that

Although the change was malicious, no one expected that Ania would die. As Kubera says, Ania was always very lucky, if someone was to succeed, it was hers. Nobody suspected that the disease had developed in her for a long time. Depression, stomach pains, which she tried to heal with parsley, should already be guessing. – We’re so smart now. Ania was very slim. Her pants were still open, because something was crushing her. Three years before her diagnosis, she lost a lot of weight. “Anka, are you not exaggerating with this spinning rod?” She could exercise in the morning and evening. I said, “This is sick. Child, you will fit in your daughter’s clothes in a moment. ” She liked to eat, but she always got sick of it. It lay on the right side, then on the left side – he comments.

Once it was known that the condition was serious, the disease was not mentioned. Kubera admits in an interview that she tried to avoid the topic or speak cautiously. Today I regret it. – There are some things we should tell ourselves. She would sometimes say, “If only I can live to see Easter.” “Anka, I am begging you. What are you thinking about? ”I replied evasively, because I knew he would not live to see the next Christmas. Was I going to say, “Hope you live to see?” Or: “We will definitely succeed”? Anka was not stupid – she admits.

Lost hope

Pancreatic cancer is an extremely dangerous cancer. Ania, like many other patients, was looking for new methods that would help her deceive the disease. Even though she had not benefited from stem cell therapy, another chance had arisen. – She lived on a science program in the States. And time was running out. I think that if it were to happen for the second time in my life, I would probably mortgage the house, the cars and go, whatever I want. Because in Switzerland, this is how they automatically approached it, prognosis, statistics, “the decision is yours”. The American program also turned out to be not as wonderful as it seemed – says the actress’s sister.

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