I heard about a strange tincture of porcini mushrooms from a fellow traveler on the train, repeated – it turned out delicious and does not “knit” in the mouth: I share the recipe

The secret of preparing a unique tincture of porcini mushrooms was revealed to me by a random fellow traveler on the train, returning from a mushroom hunt. Frankly, this unusual tandem – a combination of mushrooms and an alcoholic base – seemed rather strange to me.

However, after writing down this original recipe, I decided to try it right away. The result was a surprisingly exquisite drink – a real masterpiece, the recipe of which I want to share.

The story was shared by blog subscriber Cyril.

What you need to prepare the tincture

The main task is to correctly approach the choice of mushrooms. Of all the variety presented on store shelves, I settled on a porcini mushroom. Why not mushroom pickers? It’s safer that way.

Industrial cultivation of mushrooms is a guarantee of quality and environmental friendliness. As for the price, there is no significant difference between it in the store and on the market.

Note! It is better to buy fresh mushrooms. The cost of 1 kg is no more than 400 rubles. Whereas dried or frozen cost from 2 rubles. and higher.

As an alcohol base, you can use vodka, alcohol or moonshine.

The cooking process

The whole procedure is quite simple. I advise you to make a small portion for the first time, using a different alcohol base.

Tincture with porcini mushrooms on vodka

To prepare this option, I used:

  • 400 g porcini mushrooms (fresh);
  • 200 ml of vodka (any);
  • 50 ml of water (boiled and chilled).

Important! The final result depends on the exact observance of proportions.

The simplicity of the procedure allows you to strictly adhere to the original recipe, so I scrupulously follow all the advice of my companion:

  1. I thoroughly wash the mushrooms.
  2. I grind them.
  3. I put the mushrooms in a dark glass dish.
  4. I pour it with a mixture of vodka and water.
  5. I send for 2 weeks in a dark place.
  6. Then I filter the tincture, squeezing the mushrooms.

I use the tincture twice a day before meals, after diluting 1 tbsp. l. in 100 ml of water. I am of the opinion that you should not abuse this tonic drink.

Tincture with porcini mushrooms on moonshine

Homemade moonshine is the best base for mushroom tincture. However, a quality drink is obtained using the most purified moonshine.

For this recipe I needed the following ingredients:

  • 30 g dried caps of porcini mushrooms;
  • 1 ml of moonshine with a strength of 500 °;
  • dill seeds – 1 g;
  • black peppercorns – 5 pcs.

You can add other spices to taste, but I limit myself to those listed. The taste and smell is amazing.

I remind you once again that following the sequence of actions is a guarantee of an excellent result:

  1. I wash dried mushroom caps.
  2. Heat for 5 minutes in a hot pan, stirring constantly.
  3. I’m cooling down.
  4. I grind.
  5. I fall asleep mushrooms in a glass container of dark color.
  6. I add dill and pepper.
  7. I pour moonshine. Tightly clogged, leave in a dark place for 21 days.

After three weeks, I filter through a filter using gauze with cotton wool. I store the tincture in the refrigerator in a dark container.

What is the result

Unlike champignon tincture, which I also tried to make, drinks infused with porcini mushrooms do not have an unpleasant astringent aftertaste.

Tincture with porcini mushrooms on vodka or moonshine has an amazing mushroom aroma and rich color.

The cost of mushroom vodka will also please: a drink from the first recipe will cost only 200 rubles. You will have to spend 100 rubles more on tincture with moonshine, but the output there is 20 times more!

What can be substituted in the recipe

If your craving for experimentation is irresistible, I advise you to try other options:

  • replace porcini mushrooms with chanterelles, morels or expensive truffles;
  • instead of vodka and moonshine, use alcohol or homemade grape brandy;
  • add honey – this will give a special piquancy to the mushroom tincture;
  • to get a rich coffee color, use oak bark, large leaf tea;
  • cinnamon, garlic and dill seeds added to the composition will bring a charming aroma.

I hope my advice will be useful to you in bold experiments to create unique tinctures. Feel free to bring your ideas to life!

But maybe you already own a family recipe for mushroom alcohol? It would be interesting to listen.

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