I have HPV – what should I do?

After doing DNA tests, it turned out that I was infected with an oncogenic HPV virus. The cytology results are correct. Do I need to be treated in this situation? How To Remove A Virus?

Unfortunately, there are no anti-viral drugs on the market designed to treat HPV infection. Possible treatment is only for lesions caused by HPV viruses, including genitourinary warts, precancerous lesions and cervical cancer. Therefore, it is worth vaccinating in advance against oncogenic variants of the human papillomavirus to prevent future infection.

In your case, there is a chance that the infection will disappear on its own, but the body will fight it off. However, in women over the age of 30, the risk of persistent HPV infection, which our immune system cannot deal with, increases. That is why you have to perform smear tests and colposcopy very regularly so that any changes in the cervix are detected in the pre-invasive and fully treatable stage. The first colposcopy is best done right away.

Prof. dr hab. Jerzy Stelmachów, National Consultant in the field of Oncological Gynecology

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* —Nowatabela 1 | 1 ||| r ||||||| Polish Coalition to Fight Cervical Cancer has developed a comprehensive project of preventive measures. The introduction of the proposed solutions will make it possible to significantly reduce the dramatically high number of deaths due to cervical cancer in Poland.

Each vote of support will increase the chances of a serious social discussion on this topic. Support the RSM Coalition. Accelerate the changes. |—

No Polish woman has to die of cervical cancer!

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