I have Hashimoto’s – what tests should I do for other comorbidities?

Hashimoto’s disease does not like loneliness. It often invites to our body others with a similar background, i.e. immunological. It is better to act in advance and check whether Hashimoto has caused more confusion. Research will help in this. What comorbid tests should you do if you have Hashimoto’s? You will learn from this article.

Hashimoto’s is autoimmune thyroiditis. This means that your body is misreading the signals and is attacking itself. The thing about autoimmune diseases is that they don’t like to be alone. If you have one autoimmune disease, you need to be prepared for the risk of more. About 30 percent. people suffering from Hashimoto’s struggle with other autoimmune diseases.

Additionally, when the work of an important gland like the thyroid gland is disturbed (as is the case with Hashimoto’s), it can disrupt the work of other organs in your body.

The most common diseases associated with Hashimoto’s include: insulin resistance, type 1 diabetes, celiac disease, pernicious anemia, depression, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, vitiligo and others.

Type 1 diabetes

To find out type 1 diabetes in your body, you can do a blood glucose test. Go to them if you notice any disturbing symptoms that may indicate you have this condition. Belong to them:

  1. drowsiness and frequent fatigue,
  2. feeling dry and excessive thirst,
  3. frequent urination,
  4. low finger temperature,
  5. sudden weight loss.

Remember that the diagnosis of the disease, based on the test results and symptoms, is always done only by the doctor. In Poland, the medical specialization that deals with both the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes is called diabetology (diabetologist). You can talk to a diabetologist and a clinical nutritionist about nutrition in diabetes.

Also check: Earliest Diabetes Symptoms

Celiac disease

It is a disease of gluten intolerance in your body. The following can be used to diagnose celiac disease:

  1. a blood test that will detect the presence of the appropriate antibodies: endomysium smooth muscle (EmA), tissue transglutaminase (tTG), gliadin antibodies (AGA) and antibodies against gliadin deaminated peptides (DGP) in the IgA and IgG class;
  2. small intestine biopsy, i.e. collecting its fragment for diagnosis;
  3. genetic research

Either of these tests is best done when you notice the following symptoms:

  1. chronic diarrhea 
  2. weight loss
  3. flatulence
  4. intense abdominal pain, 
  5. anemia.

After recognizing your symptoms and performing tests, it is worth visiting a gastrologist for diagnosis and treatment. The support of a clinical dietitian will also be useful here, who will help you choose a gluten-free diet rich in micro and macro ingredients.

Find out more: Symptoms of celiac disease – when should you see a doctor?

Pernicious anemia

Also known as pernicious anemia Addison-Biermer anemia, like Hashimoto’s, is classified as an autoimmune disease. It is characterized by low levels of red blood cells, hemoglobin, and hematocrit in the blood. It is caused by too low levels of vitamin B12 in the body.

Its symptoms include:

  1. weakness,
  2. smoothed, dark red tongue, 
  3. numbness and paraesthesia of the hands and feet,
  4. problems with concentration.

Anemia is diagnosed on the basis of blood tests – mainly blood counts – where low levels of erythrocytes (red blood cells) or low values ​​of red blood cell parameters such as volume are observed, as well as low content of reticulocytes (immature red blood cells), low hemoglobin and low hematocrit .

Additional tests to assess the cause of anemia will be Fr.the price of the nutritional status of the body with iron by assessing the concentration of iron in the blood, as well as its various forms, such as transferrin and ferritin, and total iron binding capacity (TIBC) and vitamin B12 concentration.

When reading morphological tests, most doctors will be able to recognize anemia and indicate the treatment path. Pharmacotherapy may be supported by changing eating habits, so it is also worth using the help of a clinical dietitian.

Also check: Anemia symptoms – characteristics, classifications, causes and effects


Difficult to recognize as symptoms are often non-specific. Symptoms of depression include:

  1. permanent lack of energy,
  2. no joy in life, 
  3. decrease in activity and willingness to be with others,
  4. loss of interests,
  5. a sense of emptiness,
  6. concentration disorders.

The patient does not necessarily show his symptoms to others. He often appears smiling and joyful in company. If you recognize these symptoms, be sure to go to a psychological or psychiatric consultation. Also take care of your loved ones.

It also turns out that an anti-inflammatory diet can reduce the risk of developing depression by as much as 40 percent. Therefore, it is worth going to a clinical dietitian for advice in order to make some changes to your diet.

we recommend: Depression hurts. Seven physical symptoms of depression you had no idea about

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune disease. It primarily affects the synovial lining of the joints and manifests itself with pain, swelling and redness within them, and even limited movement, which can lead to disability. This disease, affecting the joints, can cause:

  1. arthralgia,
  2. joint swelling 
  3. sensitivity to pressure in joints, 
  4. joint deformation.

To diagnose this disease, serological tests are performed, in which the titer of antibodies characteristic for this disease is checked. These include rheumatoid factor (CF) and anti-CCP antibodies. Anti-CCP antibodies are the so-called “gold standard” in the diagnosis of RA, the most reliable indicator.

Additionally, tests for the titre of anti-carP antibodies as well as the concentration of calprotectin can be performed, which will enable the observation of the severity of the disease and the severity of the damage to the joints. Doctors also often recommend magnetic resonance imaging, X-ray, ultrasound. Pains in joints or limbs are treated by rheumatologists and orthopedists.

we recommend: 9 banned foods when you have RA

Psoriasis and albinism

These are skin diseases that most commonly occur with Hashimoto’s.

Vitiligo involves numerous discolorations on the skin. Most often it begins with an outbreak of skin discoloration around the hands or eye sockets. Unfortunately, the course of the disease is unpredictable. There is also no completely effective treatment method.

On the other hand, characteristic skin lesions appear in people suffering from psoriasis. Most often they are reddish-brown lumps, clearly distinguishable from the rest of the skin, with a rough and scaly surface.

If you notice any skin changes on your body, it is best to go to a dermatologist who will assess them with a professional eye.

Remember that if you are concerned about symptoms of any of the above-mentioned diseases, the situation will be best assessed by a specialist. Therefore, after noticing them, it is best to do the research immediately, because a quick diagnosis can speed up the remission process.

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