Since the nineties, the peoples of the CIS have taken root the term “singed vodka” or simply “palenka”.
For violation of Soviet Standards in the manufacture of this drink in the old days, it was possible to get it, and after the collapse of the country, a huge amount of a surrogate poured into the market, drinking which could lead to irreversible consequences.
So, warm greetings to everyone, let’s talk about safe modern brands of vodka, the price of which is 300 rubles or less. What provoked me to write such material?
All the same “remnants of the past”, when the word “singed” or the question “is she not burned for an hour?” sounded in almost every kitchen. Years have passed, but the risk of running into a “palen” remained. Or no longer?
The average cost of vodka in a store
In our time, in no case can one draw conclusions about changes in the price of vodka, based only on its quality. Yes, I do not argue, the price depends on the brand of alcohol, the degree of its purification, the quality of the water and the promotion of the brand (yes, this also affects).
Even bottles (there are classic ones with an aluminum cap, there are “advanced” ones with glass balls for “smooth” pouring) – and those are worth something!
Do not judge strictly, but I tried this vodka in my youth – I didn’t like it, some kind of fuselage
The price also depends on the plant. For example, the final cost can be affected by the state of the company – the purchase of new equipment, debts, courts. I remember seeing a slight downward price spike for vodka from Cheboksary.
At that time, they were demolishing old enterprises (still royal ones), and the product from the warehouses had to be sold. It happened that the prices for some vodkas increased, while for others they “held”.
Plus inflation, plus “cockroaches in the heads” of store management – they can raise prices if they take well, they can lower them if they need to sell out as soon as possible.
Vodka is the same product as sausages, sausages and cheeses, which can “fly up” or go down as a result of some (not taking into account the delay) changes in factories or stores. Plus there is the so-called. resellers, intermediaries. In short, the market is the market.
Germany, prices in Euro. Bank stylized as “Rammstein”, 0,7, but immediately 40 euros. White, even 0,5 – 18
For example, in July 2018, the average price for vodka was 207 rubles, and it depends on all, all the nuances that I mentioned and did not name. Judging by the source (now I will give a screenshot), it continues to rise. Here is how the price has changed in 2 years:
In 2019, it increased by 8, and this year – by 15 rubles at once!
Is it possible to visually distinguish a good drink from a fake
There are two types of counterfeiting: passing off a product as being recognizable and passing it off as a quality one.
In the first case, practically nothing can be done, if the “villain” needs to fake vodka, then he will do it.
He will stick everything that the client likes on the bottle, write about silver water “from heavenly sources to them. I.V. Stalin”, will award itself with “Best Product” medals on the label and slightly change the name. And that won’t change.
She was increasingly called “burned” because of the supposedly terrible quality. I took it in 2019 for testing in a 100 gram funfary. Try. Didn’t get sick, but didn’t enjoy it either.
Fake – this does not mean that the “palen”. It can also be of high quality, with good alcohol – after all, the task of the “villain” is to pass off his product as recognizable and popular in order to quickly recoup the money.
When the “scoundrel” wants to pour garbage, and pass it off as decent vodka, then you need to figure it out:
- Sediment in the bottle – flakes, fibers. Real vodka is always perfectly filtered, seven times by standards. Although there are exceptions – Pervak is generally muddy.
- Crooked labels – either the equipment is old and worn out, or IT was poured in the basement and the label was glued by hand.
- Excise – some slobber them to see if the letters smear, some get scared if it’s pasted upside down.
- Maybe this is the case – the imprint on the bottle or the design on the cork indicates one plant / brand, and on the label – a completely different vodka.
- Foam when shaking, the exception is vodka with additives (I shook “birch” vodka like that, a little foam – vodka is normal), but not such foam that it is shaken like soapy water!
They even make themed t-shirts – funny
We look at everything carefully. There is also such nonsense as an incomprehensible GOST. They write: “Produced according to GOST-number”, but in reality it turns out that this standard is for bottles, and not for vodka – and you won’t dig in.
Is there a fundamental difference between the very expensive and the cheapest vodka
Personally, I don’t see any differences here, but I never came across a “palenka”.
He also took the promoted “Beluga” and “Russian Steel” with “Maikopskaya” and “Russian Currency” from the budget category. Here, I think, it’s more about beautiful labels, brands and gift-wrapped bottles.
My favorite vodka, although 38%, is, in my opinion, very good. It seems that there is only in the GROZD chain of stores.
Again, “very expensive vodka” can be easily counterfeited. For me personally, pour “Blue Topaz” (it’s not even vodka, but bitter tincture) into a bottle from Beluga, decorate it well, cork it and that’s it – you can’t tell.
Some will say: “Some expensive vodkas are easier to drink, there may be a special taste, after them the head does not hurt so much,” I will answer: “I have seen such drinks among the cheap ones.”
Popular brands of vodka worth up to 300 rubles
Now I have a strong indignation – I just watched the TOPs of cheap vodkas, there is not even a part of the product that is really inexpensive and drinks very well.
Okay, let’s go:
- “Husky” – I personally did not drink, but they take it really often – I see it in the garbage in the alleys. The price is around 290 rubles.
- “Tundra” – I didn’t drink, but I won’t come to the checkout to punch products, someone is definitely standing with such a “wide” bottle. Constantly shares on it. The price is about the same as for the Husk.
- “Talka” – I didn’t drink, but they also constantly take it, it costs around 250 rubles.
- “Stolichnaya” is generally a “classic of the genre”, drank. Good. 290 rubles somewhere she is now.
- “Five Lakes” – I drank, but I, and many others, note that its quality has fallen a bit. It costs about 250 rubles and more.
And there is such a “Russian Steel”, it costs more.
Now what I haven’t seen on the “Internet” at all, but it definitely enjoys popularity:
- “Russian Steel 5,45” – there are two of them. One is of the “premium” type, the other is of the budget type at 38% (it goes like vodka, not tincture). For 0,5 I gave 217 rubles at the beginning of 2020.
- “Maikopskaya” – I saw only in checks, I drank in the same way. 1 bottle for 0,25 costs 115 rubles, 230 for 0,5 it turns out. Take it often and a lot.
- “Russian Currency” – I will express myself as a pharmacist: a complete analogue of “Maikop”, I saw only 0,25 liters, it costs 115 wooden ones for a check.
- “Harvest” – I bought a check for 143 rubles, multiply by 2 – we get 286. In my opinion, there are 0,5.
- “Good Bear” – I saw it in checks at Pyaterochka, 120 rubles for 0,25. Good. 0,5 seems to be there too.
- “Starley” – I did not see 0,5 each, I took a check in “Red White” for 105 rubles. 210 for half a litre.
- “Crimean” is an analogue of all the previous ones, it’s “harsh” for me personally. I didn’t take it myself, I treated it.
- “Nemiroff Gorilka” – I took it in “Red White” in jars, 145 rubles or something … For two it will turn out 290. Well, a bottle of 0,5 is somewhere like that.
- “Blue Topaz” comes as a tincture, but by the new standards, everything that is transparent and colorless, prepared according to the principle of “alcohol and water” from 37,5 revolutions, is called vodka. Personally, I like vodka. Good, I took 100 grams in “KB” for 50 rubles. I didn’t see it in checks, or in 0,5 liters (or didn’t look). God bless her, I multiply 100 by 5, I get 500 ml for 250 rubles.
Maybe even some vodka and forgot. Now I don’t drink alcohol at all, but until the moment I gave it up, I almost always took cheap vodka, and here’s why:
- I was a fan of “Blazers” and similar cocktails, and poured vodka there to increase the fortress;
- I was a student and could not afford to buy these Belugas of yours and the same Pervaks for “a la, let’s drink”.
If there is any similar budget product that is safe and you like it, then write in the comments. Here, only I liked Russian Steel 5,45 purely from my company, the rest complain about a severe hangover after it.