I have been making moonshine for 15 years and I realized one thing – there is nothing tastier than horseradish: my recipe

Horseradish among the people is better known for strong curses and it’s a shame. In fact, it will give an excellent taste not only to jelly, but also to alcohol.

I am an experienced moonshiner and I am ready to prove it. Radish horseradish is sweeter, I have already tested it on myself, so I suggest trying my horseradish recipe.

This is an easy-to-prepare strong alcohol infused with horseradish root. His taste is rare and very unusual.

This story was shared by my reader Gennady.

Moonshine and only

I have been making alcohol for a long time – more than 15 years. Why did you start? The answer is banal – brandy, whiskey, and vodka are expensive, and sometimes the quality leaves much to be desired.

In general, I am a simple person by nature, I do not like frills. The wife even often complains: “You won’t try anything with you, eat one potato with meat and pickles, I’m already tired of cooking the same thing!”

Yes, I also don’t like to spray on different ideas, but I approach everything thoroughly. For moonshine too. Getting a quality product is not easy. I had to go through a lot of trial and error. I studied literature, asked others, was interested, and now I learned.

Now, after a while, I am already confident in my moonshine. No fusel smell, no turbidity, no hangover in the morning, but the color and taste are pleasant.

All my drinks start like this

The key to a good drink is quality products. I take 30 liters of raw water (I have such a capacity – whoever wants to do less or more, choose the proportion), 10 kg of sugar, 1 kg of yeast and in a warm place for 2 weeks.

It is better to use glassware or stainless steel, like mine. Be sure to install a water seal. Then the first race.

This is what my moonshine looks like

The resulting product – about 6 liters – has a strength of 50 degrees. I dilute it with water 50/50 and add charcoal (about a handful per 3-liter jar) and a little potassium permanganate so that the liquid is slightly pink.

Moonshiners should be aware that when diluted, moonshine is added to water, and not vice versa. After the first distillation, alcohol is not yet ready for consumption. So let’s be patient. Coal and potassium permanganate will soon do their job.

Coal cleaning

After two weeks, I filter and distill again. The resulting liquid already has a strength of 60 degrees. I dilute to 40. Our water is soft from an artesian well. It is important that it is not icy, the temperature of moonshine and water should be the same.

The taste of horseradish lies in the details

During my winemaking, I insisted moonshine on pine nuts, and on apples, and on oak bark, on various herbs. Every drink deserves respect. “Moonshiners” know that the longer you insist, the better the taste, color and aroma will be.

But that’s not the case with shit. Add peeled and chopped horseradish root to the moonshine. It grows in my garden (I live in a private house), so horseradish is always at hand. We put about a handful on a 3-liter jar.

My shit is coming

I insist for a day, the drink will be ready quickly and it is very important not to overdo it. The delicate taste and aroma of horseradish will be revealed and complemented by a tablespoon of honey. Everything, you can try.

Another important detail is that the finished product is not stored for more than a month. Horseradish is the only one of all my tinctures that has such a short shelf life.

And if appearance is important to you, then I warn you right away – it, unfortunately, is not the best. The tincture is slightly cloudy. But the taste is excellent. Everyone who has ever tried it asks for more.

Natural product – what could be better

Horseradish is a useful spice, especially for men. My friends and their wives know this. This is where I have to do the shit. And since it is impossible to store for a long time, then I treat and often give.

All my relatives and friends have already forgotten the taste of store-bought spirits, and if you have to choose, then my horseradish invariably wins.

Try it! I am sure that this drink will take the first line of home alcoholic charts. And what do you insist on moonshine?

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