I got a moonshine still, it was a pity to throw it away: what happened to cook from 6 kg of sugar, a pound of yeast and 3 kiwi

You will laugh. I inherited a moonshine still. For a long time I could not attach this unit anywhere. When I took it to the garage, my husband immediately dragged it back. Having tried to arrange the device in the closet, I listened to a whole lecture from my parents about unnecessary trash.

What was to be done? You could get rid of him forever. But, on the other hand, if you turn trash into useful equipment, then there will immediately be a place for it.

Story from my subscriber Arina K.

Why I decided to make alcohol myself

And that’s why I decided to try the moonshine in action. I am not a connoisseur of strong alcohol. And I don’t have my own recipes. The omniscient Internet came to my aid. I dug into its depths. Analyzed a lot of useful information.

Of course, I also talked about this topic with “knowledgeable” people. The risk of spoiling the food was great, but the game was worth the candle. Moreover, I was already spurred on by excitement. And I decided that I would experiment.

Looking ahead, I’ll say that I thought in advance: if I get moonshine, then I will definitely “ennoble” it. I really love kiwi. I like to add it to cakes, ice cream or jellies. Berry goes well with meat. Why not insist on moonshine on it?

What ingredients are required

In order to start the “production process”, I bought 6 kilograms of sugar and half a kilogram of yeast. Well, in the future, I needed 3 kiwis. I also stocked up on manganese crystals.

So, I found a suitable container – a plastic barrel designed for food.

I poured sugar into it. Mashed the yeast and added it to the barrel. Then she filled everything with 18 liters of hot water. Close the container with a lid tightly, but not airtight.

The cooking process

My raw material fermented in the barrel for two weeks. In order to understand that you can proceed to the next stage, I poured a little mash into a metal mug and threw a lighted match into it. The liquid flared up immediately. So, it’s time.

Now I proceeded to the following algorithm of actions:

  • of course, with the help of her husband, she poured the mash into the moonshine still installed on the stove;
  • connecting the cooler with running water, I turned on two burners;
  • as soon as the liquid in the apparatus boiled, I turned on the fire;
  • little by little liquid began to drip from the apparatus. The jet should not be strong. It is very important.

“Life-giving moisture” passed through cotton rolls, which I kneaded in a large watering can. Between the tampons, I poured two tablets of softened activated charcoal (as a filter).

Moonshine gradually filled a 10-liter bottle. You know, like in old movies. I immediately remembered “Wedding in Malinovka”.

You can “drive the product” up to a certain point. I checked like this. She poured moonshine into a spoon and brought a burning match to it. If the fire immediately “seized”, then the degree is still good. The process continues.

I got 6 liters of moonshine with a strength of 50 degrees. Next, I added manganese to the bottle at the tip of the knife. And sent it to the closet (it’s dark there).

I defended moonshine for a whole month. After that, I carefully strained it and bottled it. Moonshine turned out perfectly transparent.

But I wanted a hard time getting moonshine. I wanted something more interesting. So I took three pieces of kiwi and peeled it. Then mash them with a fork to a puree.

I must say right away that I took soft berries. I added the berry mass to a three-liter jar of homemade moonshine. And sent everything back to the pantry for three weeks.

When my patience was already running out, I took out the moonshine from the pantry. Carefully filtered it through a cotton-gauze filter. Otherwise, the berry pulp will cloud the alcohol. And now, everything is ready.

What result did I get

It’s time to take a sample. To do this, of course, I needed help. My parents and husband volunteered to be “volunteers”.

First of all, I will say that the smell was pleasant and unobtrusive. In general, the “product” looked decent due to the light lemon shade. And the taste turned out to be mild with a slight flair of citrus fruits.

In general, my family members were surprised and delighted with my experiments!

And the funny thing is, the moonshine still has a worthy place.

And since then I began to use moonshine to create interesting compositions. Do you want me to share recipes with you?

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