Her husband wrote a book to help his wife remember at least the story of their love.
“I don’t know who you are, but I love you,” 24-year-old Camre Curto told her husband when she regained consciousness a few weeks after giving birth. This feeling is the only thing that remained in her memory.
The story of this couple made all of America cry. Camre and Steve met 10 years ago. After three years of relationship, the girl became pregnant, the lovers were happy. And at the 33rd week, Kamra had to do an emergency caesarean due to severe preeclampsia. During the operation, the girl experienced clinical death. For about 6 minutes, her brain was deprived of oxygen. Because of this, Kamre suffered a stroke and intracerebral bleeding. They could hardly save her, plunging her into a coma for two days. But that was not all. When she woke up, Kamre did not recognize anyone around: neither her husband, nor her parents. She didn’t even remember she was pregnant.
“It was unimaginable – the most beautiful moment in our life, the birth of a child, but at the same time the most tragic. The woman you love looks at you and has no idea who you are. I took over all parenting, of course. Camre first took our son in her arms only a month later, ”Steve told The Daily Mail.
The doctors did not immediately understand what had happened to Kamre. She tried to speak when she woke up, but her words had no meaning, her speech was so distorted. She spoke to her hand, thinking she was on the phone. Very slowly, Kamre learned to speak and walk again, but she could not remember anything.
“The doctors said her brain was like a hard drive that had been completely formatted,” says Steve.
“People have memories that they have been hoarding all their lives. I didn’t have anything, ”Kamre shrugs.
Everything she was told, she remembered only for seconds. Now that seven years have passed, the girl is already able to remember at least something for several hours, or even days. But this was not easy. Kamre instinctively reached out to her mother, although she did not understand who she was. After being discharged, she left for her parents’ house. Steve came to her every day. A month later, he invited her to get acquainted with her own son. Steve brought the girl to the hospital, where they nursed their son, who was born prematurely, and each time she asked whose child it was.
“This has been repeated dozens of times. Camre didn’t remember who it was, but she was very affectionate with our son, ”recalls Steve.
After another month, Kamre suddenly looked at him and said: “I don’t remember who you are, but I know that I love you.” Steve remembered this moment for the rest of his life.
When Gavin, Kamra’s son, was one year old, Steve invited them to live together again. Camra was scared: until now, she spent only days with Steve in his house, at night he took them with the child back to their parents. But the girl felt that she had to try. Two years later, they already lived together permanently. And a year later they got married. Now Kamre is reviewing photos from the wedding, sees herself, but absolutely does not remember how she got married.
“I want to feel the feelings that come with memories – sadness, joy … But none of this is there. For me, these photos are just a picture, behind which there is emptiness, ”says Kamre. And Steve tells her over and over again what it was like – their wedding.
And then the man wrote a book for his wife, which he called: “I don’t remember who you are, but I know that I love you.” In it, he described their love story, which Kamre does not remember either.
“I read it and now I understand what I have lost. But now I have to just live and just enjoy every moment of my life, ”says Kamre.
The girl is now struggling with seizures of epilepsy, which became her curse after a stroke. But he hopes for the best – suddenly there is still a cure for this disease:
“I dream of going to work again, driving a car. I don’t remember how I did it, but it was all. I want to go shopping again and take my son to school. I want to get my life back. ”