“I feel better than at 20”: how to fulfill all your dreams in retirement

The inspiring story of our reader Asya Kononenko, who at the age of 60 was not afraid to change her profession, learn English and even become a yogi.

I always wanted to become a journalist. I am a process engineer by education, worked for many years in a film studio in Khabarovsk, and then moved to the civil service. And only at the age of 55, after retiring, she finally decided to take up the business that she had dreamed of since her youth.

A friend became my mentor – she is an experienced editor, and it so happened that at that time she was just offered to publish a newspaper. We write about veterans of all international conflicts in which Russia participated, as well as about their families, we publish essays about mothers and widows of the military.

Before, I was even afraid to talk to someone. It seemed to me that I would not be able to do journalism. And now I can reveal even the most shy heroes. They themselves are surprised: “How did you talk to me like that?”

I always get feedback: people are tearfully thankful that we tell their amazing stories. It helps me move on and believe that I am doing a good job.

At the same time, I do yoga. I have been fond of it for 11 years, and after retirement I decided to improve my level and take training courses to become an instructor. I love yoga because it does not have any goal or outcome, it is the process of knowing yourself, your body that is important in it. It is also a great opportunity to change mentally. Psychologically, yoga helps me a lot.

Children laugh at me: “In any incomprehensible situation, mother stands on her head.” And it really helps and resets the mind. In youth, there are always many worries, you need to do everything – how can you get yourself out of bed even earlier and force yourself to do something. And now I feel much better than when I was 20, I don’t have to prove anything to anyone.

Of course, I didn’t become younger, but more energy appeared in my body – every day I wake up and get up with joy. And I spread the rug not because I have to, but because I just want to work out: today I will stretch, tomorrow I will work on strength.

I tried to learn English all my life. I first encountered him during the 1980 Olympics. I then studied in the first year and was selected for a group of assistants and guides. For a whole year I studied the language by the author’s method with immersion. Each had their own role and story. We did not memorize the rules and grammar, we did not even have notebooks, and we did not sit at our desks, but in a circle. We were only speaking English.

I remember how our story began: “Let me introduce myself.” During the Olympics, I worked with groups, conducted excursions, told foreigners interesting facts about Moscow. We even had KGB officers in our classes. They warned about espionage, talked about exploding toys and pens from which you can shoot. They said not to take anything from foreigners, but once they gave me a tip – then for the first time I held 100 dollars in my hands.

I began to fully study English after a serious injury. Last February, I went skiing to Sakhalin and broke my leg there. I came back in a cast, and then there was quarantine, so for days on end I lay at home in bed. And then Sasha, my daughter, says: “Come on! Finally, you have time to study English.”

She recommended the Skyeng online school, and there I found a native speaker, Charlotte, with whom we began to study intensively.

I passed the first English test through tears

I took mistakes too close to my heart and thought that I would not succeed. I still have this perfectionism. Over time, the fear went away, and I was very interested in the classes.

A year later, I have already seen great progress. Now I read English-language blogs and articles about yoga, I even leave comments under the posts. I also like to communicate with my grandchildren in English, they are sometimes surprised that I do not make mistakes when speaking.

I am still at the beginning of my journey. Self-knowledge is actually endless, and you can start doing something new at any age. I’m having such a good time! I only regret sometimes that some things, including learning English, I used to perceive as a difficult task, but you could just turn it into a pleasant pastime!

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