I don’t want to be born! The girl was forced to be born by a court decision

Mom was very tired of walking pregnant. And her daughter, it seems, trolled her even before she was born: the training fights simply tormented the poor woman.

“Hurry to give birth!” – such a thought probably visited every mom in the last stages of pregnancy. Swollen legs, a huge belly, it is impossible to get comfortable either in an armchair or in a bed, the impression that you are not a woman, or a whale, or a hippopotamus … In general, those are still joys. Kylie Base felt them to the fullest. She was pregnant for the third time, the long-awaited girl was about to be born – a great company for Kylie’s two sons. But “just about” is a very loose concept, as it turned out.

“When will you be born” – with such a thought the woman woke up every morning. “I’m not in a hurry,” the baby thought in response. She probably thought: her thoughts are unknown to us, but Kylie sighed, got out of bed and went to work. In America, maternity leave is only allowed after childbirth, and even then for a short time. At work, Kylie was greeted amicably: “You still haven’t given birth ?!” The woman sighed again and went to her desk – she works as a clerk in court.

And then – lo and behold! – the contractions began. Kylie rushed to the hospital almost skipping. But when she ran, the contractions stopped. “No, you are not giving birth. It’s too early, ”the doctors pronounced the verdict. The next day, Kylie again sadly trudged off to work. “You again?! Are you still pregnant ?! – colleagues were already outraged by this behavior of Kylie’s daughter. – Maybe you will stay pregnant? Forever and ever?”

“These false contractions, false births are the most unpleasant thing in the last trimester of pregnancy. I was pregnant three times, and each time there were training contractions “, – Kylie said later.

The unfortunate mother’s colleagues no longer had the strength to look at her torment. But how can you help here? Kylie’s boss, Judge Lynn Davis, decided to at least defuse the situation. “Let’s write her an eviction order. Suddenly it works, ”she suggested to the upset woman. She waved her hand: come on!

“You must vacate the occupied territory within three calendar days, counting weekends and holidays,” the order says. This is because “you are causing your mother discomfort, including heartburn, swelling and inability to move.” And the standard sanctions that will follow if the child does not comply with the court decision are listed: forced eviction, a fine and other troubles. “You can contact the landlord to discuss the details,” the order ends with these words. “This is the first time in 31 years of my work that I have signed something like this,” admitted Judge Davis.

And you know, it worked! 12 hours after Kylie received the email, she started having labor pains. The girl seemed very impressed by the strict tone of the official document: she was in such a hurry to be born that the birth lasted only two hours. The baby was called Gretzel. She is completely healthy, and her mother is just in seventh heaven with happiness that her daughter is finally there. Not inside.

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