It is more and more difficult for a person who has already received an education to answer the question of when and how to engage in self-development. Kelly Services conducted a study that showed why our countries find it difficult to find time for it
The Kelly survey included 897 respondents. 92% of respondents work on a permanent basis. The rest are freelancers, business owners, temporary (project) employees or the unemployed.
Is there a balance between work and personal life?
To be able to engage in self-development at home, it is important to have not so much money as time and energy.
- 52% of respondents said that they try to lead a busy life outside of work.
- 48% said that work takes all their strength.
According to the statistics of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD, unites 36 most developed countries of the world), the average employee in our country works 1972 hours a year. This is the highest result in all of Europe. For comparison, in Germany this figure is 1363 hours, and in France 1520 hours.
The Kelly study confirms the fact that in our country people really work very hard. Only 8% of respondents work less than 8 hours a day. The main part of our countries (43%) most often spend 8-9 hours a day at work, almost a quarter (23%) – already 9-10 hours a day, 12% – 10-11 hours a day, 9% – 11-12 hours a day. 5 hours a day, 12% – more than XNUMX hours.
But usually doesn’t mean always. 33% of respondents work at work every/almost every day, 30% several times a week, 20% several times a month, and 17% answered that they rarely stay at work.
Even if an employee has found time and energy for self-development, what should he do?
We have identified three main ways of spending leisure time – physical development / sports, intellectual development, entertainment.
50% of respondents go in for sports less than once a month, 23% allocate time for intellectual development, another 23% for entertainment. Several times a week, more respondents spend it on intellectual development – educational literature, courses, classes with a tutor, training videos.
What does the employer do?
Almost two-thirds (63%) of employers do nothing to help employees organize life outside of work, 18% introduce flexible hours and shortened days, 15% conduct training courses and trainings, 12% provide premises / trainers for sports, 6% – tickets to events .
Employees were also asked how they would like the company to encourage their pursuit of self-development. 33% of employees answered that they would attend open events within the company, and 35% would use tickets for external trainings, events. Only 15% of respondents said they were unlikely to use any of the offers from the company.
Respondents on preferred ways to encourage self-development
“Free access to electronic libraries; holding competitive events in professional skills with the assignment of appropriate places and an additional allowance to the salary, valid until the next competition”
“A more normalized schedule, less workload, so that there is time and energy for development”
“The ability to maintain a balance between work and personal life, and then I myself will find how to organize my leisure time”
What about finances?
Nowadays, there are many ways to get information and development for free. 20% of respondents are not ready to spend money on self-development and prefer to use free sources. 51% pay for sports, 55% allocate money for visiting theaters, museums and other leisure activities, 41% attend paid courses and trainings.
The majority of respondents are ready to spend from 36 to 37 rubles both on self-development (2%) and on entertainment (5%). per month. 26% do not mind allocating from 5 to 10 rubles for this. monthly.
The situation with the lack of time for self-development was commented by the territorial director of recruitment departments of Kelly Services Ekaterina Gubanova:
“Constant commitment to work keeps us in a state of tension. The well-being and emotional state of employees deteriorate if they do not allow themselves to rest, play sports and switch, which affects the quality of work. It’s impossible to always be at the same point of balance between work and personal life, but it’s important to find a way to maintain balance so that neither side of life suffers.
Many managers and HR departments have already drawn attention to this problem in order to adjust the culture and offers for employees, to help both inside and outside the company.
Now some employers motivate employees to take part in sports events and competitions, install tables for table tennis, football and so on in offices, organize sports clubs, recreation areas, open cafes and restaurants. These measures have a positive effect on employees, increase the index of satisfaction with work and the quality of leisure.
Employers meet and are ready to offer home office (work from home. -) with regular intervals, flexible work schedules so that you can use this valuable time for health, sports and solving various household issues. Increasingly, short meetings are held for employees with experts on personal finance, legal issues, proper nutrition, thereby making information more accessible and life more comfortable.”