
Tatyana, perhaps this reaction — tears — will still persist for some time, especially when talking on certain topics. No need to worry or try to fix it urgently. This is a feature of your emotional recovery. Everything that has been formed in the psyche over the years cannot be changed instantly.

Discuss in sessions with a psychologist what emotions are hidden behind these tears, what message they convey. I’m sure he knows the peculiarities of your internal processes and understands how to work with them.

Learn to express directly your feelings and needs not only to your mother, but also to other people. At first, this may not be easy. Some people misunderstand emotional freedom as the permission to hurt others with hasty words. First, it is important to learn to simply be aware of feelings, choosing those words that can most accurately convey your state. Learn to trust what you feel without trying to drown out the flow of experiences. This practice must be done every day. Ask yourself throughout the day: “How do I feel right now?” By learning to recognize your own emotions, you can more easily share them with others.

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