How many girls dream of a flat tummy, beautifully traced muscles and a thin waist.
How many girls work hard on the abs and already see themselves in dreams with a seductive short crop top that reveals a perfect tummy. And how many girls are disappointed in abdominal exercises, because a small, so to speak, pillow still chooses, and for some reason the waist becomes wider. We find out why and why, together with an expert.
Fitness trainer Pamela Giselle Ngatsala told why it is not necessary to kill and swing the press for half an hour a day and what are the most important mistakes girls make.
FORTISEgo Personal Fitness Trainer
– Firstly, local fat burning does not make sense, therefore, it is not necessary to spend only 30 minutes on the press. There are many functional exercises in which the abs work unnoticed for you. And it will be more useful, since not one muscle will work, but the whole body. More muscles involved, more joints involved, more calories you burn. The simplest example is a variety of planks.
Secondly, those who dream of cubes should understand that in such a context the press is “built in the kitchen”. This is a rather tough diet, and if you are not a professional athlete, then such a diet can only harm yourself and also push yourself away from the desired result. Therefore, nutrition should be correct, balanced, and this will already help to reduce the body fat and will already give a result.
And thirdly, my favorite moment. This is work with the inner layer of muscles. And here is a good example. You’ve seen huge, muscular men who have cubes, but they are on a huge belly! Here is the reason for the wide waist – in their specificity there are few exercises on the muscles of the center, namely the transverse abdominal muscle. It is located under the top layer of muscles, that is, under our potential cubes. When it is the fibers of the transverse muscle that contract, the waist becomes thinner and the belly smaller. No wonder this muscle is called a muscle corset. The transverse abdominal muscle works very well in Pilates classes. Her secret is that you do not feel her during training, as with ordinary twists, but the result is visible almost immediately. For example, girls after childbirth begin to work on the transverse abdominal muscle through breathing. This is a very gentle and safe exercise, and then more difficult ones are gradually added. You can endlessly twist and work only on the rectus abdominis muscle, and yes you will have abs. But since the transverse muscles are weak, the tummy will still treacherously fall out. Often girls come to me, and I see that the problem is not in body fat, but in a weak transverse muscle.