Who watched the cult film of the Coen brothers “The Big Lebowski”, drew attention to the main character’s favorite drink – the White Russian cocktail.
And I also turned and wanted to try. Popped into the local bar, ordered a drink. When I took a sip, I thought: “It would be great to sometimes cook a “white Russian” at home!”
“White Russian” is vodka, cream and coffee liqueur
This recipe was sent by subscriber Herman, who joined our blog 3 months ago.
Why I decided to make alcohol myself
I asked the bartender for the recipe. For the “white Russian” you need: vodka, cream and Mexican coffee liqueur Kahlua (Kalua).
If there were no problems with the first two components, they are sold in any store. But liquor in my provincial town is an outlandish thing.
Not without difficulty, I found it in a large supermarket, but the price did not please me.
I was not ready to pay such money. And I decided to remember the student moonshine past and make liquor on my own.
What ingredients are required
After a long walk on the forums, I chose, as it seemed to me, the best recipe.
For liquor you will need:
- 200 grams of sugar;
- 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar or vanilla bean
- 200 ml coffee; the taste of the finished product directly depends on the quality of coffee, so make good coffee, do not use instant coffee (if you are too lazy, go to a cafe and order a couple of cups of espresso);
- the most important thing: 300 ml of vodka or moonshine with a strength of 40 degrees.
I used moonshine from my stock. If you are distilling at home, then throw coffee beans into a steamer or gin basket. Then the distillate will bring its own coffee notes to the liquor.
For liquor I took: 200 g of sugar, a spoonful of vanilla sugar, 200 ml of espresso and moonshine with a strength of 40 degrees.
The cooking process
Stages of preparation:
- We make coffee. I used a coffee machine and freshly ground arabica coffee for this.
- In hot coffee, dissolve all sugar, including vanilla. You will get a viscous syrup – the basis of our liquor.
- Before adding moonshine (or vodka), the syrup must be allowed to cool. It is pointless to pour alcohol into a hot solution. By doing this, you will only increase the evaporation of alcohol and your drink will lose a degree.
- If you are an aesthete or are going to treat someone to a drink, you can filter from a fine suspension of coffee. For this purpose, a coffee filter will do. But I did not filter – I did not have much suspension.
- If instead of vanilla sugar you decide to use only natural products and stock up on a vanilla pod, then throw it in a container with liquor, let it brew for a week. I was not wiser and just added vanilla sugar.
- An important point that everyone forgets. The finished drink must be poured into a beautiful bottle, best of all from the original liquor. Especially if you let someone “dust in the eye” or put on the table.
I asked at a nearby bar to treat me to an empty bottle of the original Kahlua liqueur (Kalua). I poured my homemade drink into it.
What result did I get
Of course, I did not drink pure liquor. I made a White Russian cocktail.
Traditionally, White Russian is served in a glass called Roks.
Pour 30 ml of vodka, 30 ml of 10% fat cream and 30 ml of coffee liqueur into large ice cubes (namely cubes, not frapé).
The result pleased: the taste is soft and pleasant. And most importantly: the cocktail turned out to taste very close to what I tried in the bar.
For a branded drink – a branded bottle
I decided that good things should be shared. And on the next holiday in a narrow circle of friends, he put his liquor on the table. Naturally, he did not tell anyone that it was homemade. I treated the guests to two cocktails: the classic “White Russian” and “White Trash”.
White Trash is a variation of the White Russian cocktail that uses whiskey instead of vodka.
The guests were happy. The ladies showered me with compliments, what a good host I am, that I forked out for such an expensive drink and treated my friends.
Try and make your own Mexican liqueur Kahlua and check out the recipe. What would you improve on it?