I am preparing the legendary Borodino tincture on bread: what happens if you combine bread, a little spices and moonshine

Memories of grandfather’s real bread sour kvass still warm the soul! We drank it in the heat, filled it with okroshka, and, to be honest, I have never met a drink that tastes like it.

I remembered and decided to repeat the experiment. True, it turned out not quite kvass, but a wonderful tincture on Borodino bread! Well, what did you want, with age, you want to warm the bones, and not cool them.

The story was shared by blog subscriber Vlad.

Ingredients and equipment

Usually, I first list the ingredients needed to prepare the tincture and immediately sum up the approximate cost of the product.

However, today I will start with the equipment, because for our today’s recipe you will only need a liter jar (bottle) and a strainer (funnel). Yes, it’s that simple!

With a list of ingredients is already more interesting:

  • moonshine or distillate at least 40% – 1 l;
  • Borodino bread (or crackers) – 80 g;
  • sugar – 2 tsp;
  • cumin – ½ h. l;
  • coriander – ½ tsp.

If suddenly you don’t have Borodino bread at home (and in nearby stores too), you can get by with ordinary black bread, but we increase the amount of cumin and coriander to 2 tsp.

Now let’s calculate the cost of our Borodino tincture. If you are not distilling mash at home, you can buy alcohol or moonshine. On average, 1 liter of moonshine costs from 150 rubles, and distillate – from 250.

I valued 80 g of Borodino bread for 20 rubles, cumin and coriander for 5 rubles, since the cost of 100 g of these spices varies from 60 to 100 rubles in different regions of the country. And 2 tsp. I don’t know how to evaluate sugar at all, because this product is in every home.

Therefore, the final cost of Borodino tincture will float in the region of 180-280 rubles, depending on the alcohol base.

The cooking process

The process of making tincture from Borodino bread is as simple as possible! So:

  1. In our dishes we put 80 g of Borodino bread (or crackers), sugar and spices.
  2. Pour the ingredients with a liter of alcohol (moonshine, distillate).
  3. We leave to infuse for 3 days.
  4. After 3 days, the tincture must be filtered. I used a funnel with gauze. I recommend not to squeeze the bread. 20-40 ml of tincture will be lost, but the color and texture will be preserved without impurities of bread crumb.

Everything, our wonderful tincture is ready and you can start tasting!


As a result of simple actions, we get a tincture of a pleasant cognac (tea) color. Clarity will depend on the choice of alcohol base, however, the “purity” of the infusion will be the result of how well you strained the drink.

If the remnants of bread still got into the bottle, the filtering procedure can be repeated.

The infusion has a persistent aroma of Borodino bread, enhanced by cumin and coriander. Even if you used ordinary rye bread for cooking, spices will do their job, and sugar will remove the characteristic “sourness” and bitterness of alcohol.

Adjustment goes very easily both on an inhalation, and on an exhalation. The aroma and taste of Borodino bread stimulate the appetite very much!

How to use

You can use the tincture as an aperitif and at the festive table in a friendly company.

Choose an appetizer based on your taste preferences, but my personal experience has shown that lard with garlic harmonizes incredibly well with the tart aroma and aftertaste of Borodino tincture. It turns out a kind of sandwich!

Do not forget about the proportions, if you decide to make not a liter, but 0,5 Borodino tincture – the amount of ingredients must be halved. Or vice versa, increase, depending on the desired volume.

I wish you a great appetite and successful moonshine! Do you like such experiments or are you a supporter of pure alcohol, like a baby’s tear?

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