“I am ashamed to go to a cafe with my husband: he eats from other people’s plates”

An incredibly frugal man seems completely devoid of any sense of shame or embarrassment. His wife has to take the rap.

Roy Haynes looks like a pretty decent person: respectable, in a nice car, runs an animal shelter. But, as is often the case, devils are found in a still pool. In the case of Roy Hayens, they are very frugal devils. Real curmudgeons.

“I’m the greediest, meanest person in the world,” says Roy proudly.

At the gas station, he squeezes out the gasoline from the hose to the last drop. He cuts emptied tubes of toothpaste to smear everything down to the last gram, and he washes disposable towels and even dishes, washes and dries on a rope in the kitchen. He and his wife go to the movies with their food, so as not to spend money on popcorn, and divides the two-layer toilet paper and rewinds it into two separate rolls. In restaurants and fast foods, he does not hesitate to beg for portioned sauces – ketchup and mustard in single-use sachets. At home, he squeezes their contents into bottles.

“It won’t take a lot of time, but it’s saving money,” Roy shares his life hacks.

Just look at his date with his wife in the movies!

Over the past ten years, he bought clothes for himself only once. More precisely, he paid twice for the same shirt: he bought one at a sale for $ 8, which fit perfectly on him. And then he planted an ink stain on it. The dry cleaner asked for 12 dollars for washing, so Roy decided to part with his shirt and took it to the second-hand – not to throw away the good! He returned to the store two days later. The stain was taken out of his shirt and sold for one dollar. Roy bought it. Saved 11 bucks on dry cleaning – no joke!

He also got married for a reason, but for mercantile reasons. He needed an expensive gum surgery, and there was no money. But his girlfriend Lisa had health insurance! On Tuesday, they signed, and on Wednesday, the newly-made husband was already operated on at the expense of Lisa’s policy.

And the wedding anniversary? In honor of such an event, friends each time showered the spouses with rice – a tradition. The thrifty groom did not let the product go to waste.

“He collected all the rice, brought it home and cooked it. I didn’t eat it, ”Lisa shrugs. However, she seems to be happy with everything. Despite the fact that his approach to family holidays is a real shame.

On the 25th anniversary of the wedding, Roy planned to spend a fortune – a dollar. He found flowers for his wife in the trash heap. Three wilted pink roses in his eyes turned into a “sweet bouquet.” However, once he brought Lisa a really luxurious bouquet of yellow roses. She was happy until she found out that the flowers had been thrown away by the funeral home, and Roy picked them up right away. In addition, he found a teapot in a dumpster and bought some trifle at the supermarket – a few cents out of the budget, but he was very pleased with himself. Then he found an old postcard that a friend had once given to his wife. Corrected the date, crossed out the signature, added a few words – done.

In honor of the holiday, Roy took Lisa to a restaurant. An ordinary diner, actually, but Roy considered the establishment an “expensive restaurant.” Lisa tensed from the start.

“I am embarrassed to go to a cafe with my husband. You know, he… begs for food from the people at the adjacent tables, ”she managed. “I am ashamed, I am humiliated, sometimes I am ready to kill him, but he still will not give up his idea.”

Lisa is not exaggerating. Roy really does not hesitate to approach the people sitting at the tables and asks if they will finish this or that dish. People are very surprised, but give him leftovers. You never know, suddenly he collects for the dogs! But no, he eats up for absolutely strangers himself. And a romantic date with his wife in honor of the anniversary was no exception. Roy again begged for scraps from the next table.

“I believe in everything free. If you give something for free, it’s for me, says Roy. – And let them laugh at me – at my age of 55, I have no debts, no mortgage, no loans. And everything that is needed for a happy life is there. “

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