EXERCISE 2: “I am a mother”
Son, Alyosha. 12 years
1. Purpose: Positive perception of the world, yourself, your strengths
What do I do: I translate negative thoughts of my son into positive
Alyosha, doing homework and also lessons at a music school, says: “It’s difficult, it doesn’t work out, to have time to do lessons for the school and for the music school, and even do it on time!”
Me: «Alyosha, always believe in yourself! You are stronger than you think, you will succeed, I am with you, dad is with you, so we will cope with any task together! Repeat!»
Alyosha repeats, agrees, finishes the lessons, I check, he goes to bed calm.
2. purpose: Learn to do things well.
What do I do: I come home, the dishes are washed badly, the floors are not washed in some places. I propose to concentrate more closely on what he does and how. We agree that if he takes it, he does it qualitatively. If there is a lot of work, then he prioritizes, but does it as well as possible in the conditions (in terms of time, resources) that are available.
Alyosha: «I understand, yes. I didn’t, well I understood, I’ll do it well next time.”
Daughter, Anya, 4 years old
1. Purpose: Form the habit of setting intentions.
What do I do: She explained that when she wants to ask for something or explain or tell something, you must first say what she wants.
Anya: “Ma-ama, don’t wipe my head (after the bath), I don’t want to.”
Me: «Anya, tell me, what do you want?»
Anya: «I want my hair to be smooth, as it is now (the hair is wet and lies flat)
Me: “Anya, then let’s dry them and comb them, they will be smooth, but drier, okay?”
Anya: «YES.»
Anya: “Mom, I don’t have a handkerchief!”
Me: «Anya, so, and what do you want, tell me.»
Anya: “Mom, please, give me a handkerchief, I have a goat. in-from look what! :-))»
Observations, finds:
There are many such situations. The child often first says that she does NOT want, that she does NOT need. I try to notice such situations and correct them in the designation of intentions.