“I always want to sleep”: why this happens and how to help yourself

You don’t just feel “slightly sleepy” – it’s like a stove from under which you can’t get out. Perhaps, tired of this condition, you go to the doctor and get tested. All indicators are normal, which means that physically everything is in order with your body. But there is simply no power to function. How to get out of the state of “spring hibernation”?

Let’s start with the main thing: inexplicable fatigue is a sign that the level of stress and overload has reached its limit and psychological health is at risk. If the problem is not addressed now, the consequences can be very serious, including anxiety, burnout and depression. Why does this happen at all?

The past year is partly to blame: the pandemic, the economic crisis and the state of total uncertainty exhausted us emotionally, adding additional psychological problems to those that we already faced daily. Of course, it is not in our power to change the global alignment, but we can – and must – come to grips with our own state. Here’s what can help us.

1. Build a schedule in accordance with the rhythms of the body

The more stress, the more fatigue. These are the laws of the functioning of the body. Knowing them, you can build your own schedule: include breaks (including for daytime sleep) and rest.

Are you a lark or an owl? Answer this question for yourself and start rearranging your daily routine (taking into account the interests of those who live with you, of course) in accordance with the rhythms of the body. It’s like going with the flow: everything will turn out faster and easier.

2. Create habits that will help you

Habits set the structure of the day, form a system that is easy to follow, even if the world is slipping from under your feet. Think of something that will be good for health and general well-being, and do it every day. With no exceptions.

Five push-ups, smoothies in the morning – what is right for you. Whatever you want to do, plan that activity the same way you plan work—the day before. And then don’t be late for these “meetings”.

3. Learn to manage emotions

Note that “manage” does not mean “suppress”. Recognizing and being able to express emotions is great, but letting them capture you is not so good. Therefore, if you have planned something the day before (for example, push-ups from the previous paragraph), just do it, whether you want it or not.

4. Tidy up

You will be surprised, but this is incredibly effective: by putting things in order, we clear our mind and get rid of negative thoughts. It is not necessary to start a general cleaning – start with the corner in which you spend the most time. Throw out the trash and keep only what you really need or bring you joy.


It is impossible to constantly “cook” in the news about vaccines and protests, as well as in work tasks. The brain needs rest. Read a book or watch a movie that will take you to another place and time (and possibly dimension). Look at something bright, cute and amazing. Mentally go as far as you can. Reality is not going anywhere, it will be waiting for you when you return.

6. Keep Curiosity

Replace statements with questions – ask as often as you can. Do not rush to share your opinion, it is better to question your point of view.

Learn new things and never cease to be amazed. Curiosity will not let you lose heart even in the most difficult days, it will save you from the destructive influence of your negative thoughts. This is a priceless gift, so do not part with it even for a minute.

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