Author — A.P. Egides. The book «How to understand people, or the Psychological drawing of personality»
The intonations of the hysteroid are melodic. He has a wide range, almost from bass to coloratura soprano. He can arbitrarily slow down and speed up the pace of speech. There is no engraving of an epileptoid, there is a melodiousness. The words are spoken fluently. There is no discontinuity, and if it does appear, it is intentional so that people get emotional, to show how «I am confused.» The speech of the hysteroid is foldable; not in warehouses he reads an unfamiliar text, but as if he had learned everything by heart in advance. The modulation and tempo of the hysteroid’s speech can be hypertrophied, but almost always adequate to the content of the statements, in contrast to the inadequate speech of the schizoid. The speech of the hysteroid is more expressive than that of the epileptoid, in which, however, it is also adequate to the meaning, and more modulated than that of hyperthym (this one is just fidgety in speech). Sometimes the hysteroid manifests an imposing or ironic intonation. His speech expresses emotions quite subtly.
The diction is excellent, all letters are pronounced, everything is clear, articulate. It is easier for him than for other psychotypes, tongue twisters are given. He can pronounce the word «lightning» so that zigzags are heard; please. Easily and naturally pronounces such pseudo-scientific abracadabra as associationism, etc.
Hysteroids speak with some pressure, but in terms of the degree of conviction and persuasiveness they lag behind the paranoid ones.
The hysteroid explains the meaning of what was said with gestures and facial expressions: “And vegetation in the valley of the vine …” This is from Pushkin’s “Prophet”. And he shows with gestures how thin, lonely and unhappy she is. Gestures are also smooth, plastic, melodic, like all his movements. In principle, he can and tries to speak clearly, knows how to convey his idea to the listener. But sometimes, when he wants to show his involvement in a certain elite, the hysteroid can deliberately use terminology that is incomprehensible to most, which manifests a kind of coquetry. «Do you mean pseudo-hallucinations as part of the Kandinsky-Clerambault syndrome or hypnopompic hallucinations of an ash-game nature?» — in how twisted. This is a «psychologist» — to teachers who are not erudite in psychopathology.
In contrast to such hysterical sadistically incomprehensible passages, the schizoid imposes an inaccessible style of speech because he himself is poorly connected with the environment, chained in armor of terminology, cannot get out of them, he seems to be meditating, quoting himself, talking to himself.
The hysteroid’s speech is similar to acting. But there are differences between less educated hysteroids, «provincial», and educated, as it were, «metropolitan». It can be said, “a metropolitan hysteria is an artistic speech, a provincial hysteria is a theatrical speech.” In any case — coquetry.
Hysteroids often interrupt interlocutors, they don’t allow themselves to be interrupted, and if someone tries to do this, they force their voice, speed up their speech. The speech formulation of thoughts in the hysteroid is quite clear and understandable. He, like an epileptoid, well structures his oral statements, if not according to the principle of “first — second — third”, like an epileptoid, then all the same, different aspects of thought are emphasized at least by voice.