
​​​​​​​Author — A.P. Egides. The book «How to understand people, or the Psychological drawing of personality»

The hysteroid likes to do a lot loudly: read poetry loudly, shout slogans loudly … And he loves to love loudly. That’s where he met and fell in love. He immediately takes her to his company to show off. And so that everyone approves — if they don’t approve, he can snort and leave with her to show her in another company, but he may also lose interest in his new love. And if they approve, she will love even more strongly and go with her to all other companies. He calls all his friends and informs about his new love. And as soon as someone can hardly get through to him (and it was he who was talking about his new love to the previous “subscriber”), he immediately begins to excitedly tell him the same thing in full. In love, the hysteroid pursues beauty, and when he gets it, he flaunts it: look, I have the best women. To the question: «What do you like most in a woman?» — the hysteroid will say something like: “Well, of course, the neck …” Or maybe it will be the eyes or the line of the hips — in a word, the details of appearance are important to the hysteroid. (The schizoid appreciates the mind more, the epileptoid — accuracy, the paranoid — devotion). A hysteroid can also appreciate beauty and elegance in a man, and if he is ugly, then he must have some socially significant qualities (wealth, status, fame, nobility of the family). And she brags about it too.

A wedding is also like a show: look at my new big, serious love. Hysteroids adore the wedding as a public institution. It should be magnificent, there should be many guests on it, who should come with many expensive gifts. And everything at this wedding is for show — even a trip to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and «Seagulls» or «Mercedes» and carrying the bride in her arms, and the outfit of the Snow Queen, which has already lost its original meaning of the symbol of «innocence», and imprinted on a kodak or better on video. And then all this is enthusiastically viewed with the same or other guests, and so that everyone says: “Lovely.”

In love relationships, hysteroids are manipulators.

Here, the hysteroid seems to be leaving him … but «returned for things», and he already «understood» what a terrible, unforgivable mistake he made by releasing her and not yielding to her demands. After all, she is clearly more important than what she requires, and he rushes to her with entreaties.

It serves him right. Epileptoid men too quickly get used to wives, who are part of their comfortable life. But the man’s hunting instinct works: he will not move if «the object does not run away», but if he «runs away», then he rushes after him. Hysteroids unconsciously feel this and begin to stimulate their husband with just such demonstrative departures.

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