Author — A.P. Egides. The book «How to understand people, or the Psychological drawing of personality»
For a hysteroid, the family in most cases is quite significant, as well as for an epileptoid. And even more so for a hysteric. After all, she fancies herself not only an artist, but also a wife-mother. Her family home is a kind of proscenium, a catwalk, a way of life. And so the hysteroid seeks to get married and create her own home. If only with someone — it’s not for her. Just falling in love and getting married is not enough. She sets a goal—this one should be mine—and in three leaps bridges the gap that separated him from her. And then she contrives to marry the man she has chosen.
Demonstrative flirting with a rival, and an “accidental” pregnancy, and an “accidental” delay in having an abortion are also used. Or such a sublime love that with a loved one — even to the ends of the world.
And there it turns out that she meant the outskirts of Paris.
However, the hysteroid can also belong to Bohemia, especially at a young age, and in this it resembles a paranoid one. But even if he wants a family, he is a poor support for her. Not only the hysteroid, but also the hysteroid, in essence, destroy the family. She destroys her with exorbitant demands on her husband, who is exhausted, works hard, breaks laws, enters into conflicts — and all this for the sake of her outfits, for the sake of her “European renovation” dear to her heart; with her, the fashionable is the enemy of the fashionable; it is not the worn-out, but the “morally obsolete” that is thrown away.
The hysteroid is unreliable and irresponsible. Strangers to him, as well as paranoid, may be more interesting than his wife and children. The hysteroid, like the paranoid one, usually marries the one who shares and supports his way of life and who can effectively help, playing the role, as already mentioned, of an impresario, housekeeper, typist, editor. And these roles can be played, as we already know, more by an epileptoid and a hysteroid, well, maybe a hyperthymia. And yet, no matter how she plays the role assigned to her, the hysteroid is scandalous, as well as paranoid, and often the family collapses. Having divorced, he rushes into a new relationship (“Again, in love, I will go out into the games, illuminating the bend of my eyebrows with fire”). The new wife begins to play these roles at first, from his point of view, better, and he, like the paranoid one, completely forgets his former wife and children, communicates little with them.
A male hysteroid, as a paranoid and epileptoid, in principle prefers beautiful plastic hysteroids. He loves beauty, loves to own beauty and admire a beautiful wife, he is proud of her, boasts to society. The hysteroid loves paranoid and epileptoids more. As already mentioned, there are more hysteroids among women than other psychotypes, so the combination of “paranoid plus hysteroid” is not uncommon. And here again the husband is busy with work, he is overworked, besides, there is no time to look after his wife, and she needs perfume, admiration, going out and receiving guests, but he is not interested in all this and there is no time. It’s fine if he lets his wife go on Sunday with the children, but he works himself. And this is all very irritating for the hysteroid. However, all this was said almost word for word in the chapter on the paranoid psychotype.
Cheating ===
A hysteroid often cheats on her husband. In pursuit of impressions, out of a thirst for adventure, maybe even for the sake of business, and also out of revenge for insufficient attention: “You don’t love me, but look how others like me.”
According to her logic, if a husband does not give flowers, it means that he loves little.
And the lover gives. She does not understand that her lover gives in order to win her (and her husband has already won), that this is only manipulation on his part or an action forced by her manipulation. At the same time, since the husband is more often epileptoid or paranoid (hysterics «sink» as if on real men, with a rod), it is precisely because of his employment that he stops giving flowers, and he believes that since he provides for the family, this is enough , and flowers are a whim, a fantasy. Well, they also give mistresses or brides — where to go. Hysterical and hyperthymic men also give, maybe to their wives, but they don’t always manage to earn money for it.
A hysterical woman forgives herself for her betrayals, believing that she has moral grounds to be happier, out of egocentrism — “we live once”, why not snatch from life what floats into her hands.
If the hysteroid does not change, then she flirts and does not hide it, but, on the contrary, does it for show: she needs everyone to see that they are looking after her, that they are trying to achieve her. Recall the epileptoid, even if he cheats, he hides it. Hyperthym cheats randomly, and hysteria — only with those who admire him, paranoid — with whom he needs to do business.
Men-hysteroids, of course, also change. Also for the sake of impressions: they need to impress and get impressions.
Both the hysteroid and the hysteroid experience adultery with tantrums, sobs, reproaches, screams, farewells and returns, forgiveness, oaths of allegiance and repeated betrayals. However, the hysteroid, like the paranoid one, is not mortally jealous, can forgive with sincere repentance — but that this repentance be in public, loud, oathful and sacrificial.
Hysteroids take care of children a lot, but superficially: they teach good manners, decorate with bows, dress up.
Usually, almost every parent with the help of the child and, alas, often at the expense of the child, tries to solve their problems. But the hysteroid in this matter is the leader. For a hysteroid, a child is most often desired, but not because she realizes that she gives life and education to a new creature, carrying out the continuation of the human race, but because motherhood is prestigious in our society, and look at me, I am a mother, and not so easy .
In this regard, the child is also considered as a means of self-affirmation. He should ride with her in the best carriage, not from Turkey or Poland, but from Germany or France. I have to study figure skating, at a music school, at a private gymnasium … In the chapter on egocentrism, I already said that the hysteroid puts his children in a golden cage, and everyone sees that it is golden, and only a child sees that this is a cage. Hysteroids should remember this as an aphorism throughout their parental life.
And why is it a music school, sports, and so on? Then, what if the hysteroid itself has not achieved success in an artistic or sports career, let the son or daughter try for him. At the same time, what is more important for a paranoid or epileptoid is what he did himself, and the hysteroid is satisfied that he will at least be the parent of an interesting child on whom attention is concentrated.
This is overcompensation for their failures. The remedy is children. And he almost sadistically makes the child play scales, so that later he can brag about his achievements. It is often the hysterical mother, who fails to dominate at work, who gradually lost power over her husband with age and marital experience, focuses more and more on children, baking them and for the time being satisfied with this power. As a result, an hysteroid is also formed, a kind of “heir to Tutti”, whom everyone caresses, around whom everyone fusses, runs around, and he is naughty, jerking his leg. And then this heir himself begins to educate his child in his own image and likeness, so that he makes up for his failures.
This is how hysterical dynasties arise. A hysteroid forms a hysteroid. He wants to show off his child to the public and puts him on a high chair, makes him read a poem. The kid reads, he is applauded, praised, set as an example, he begins to like being in the spotlight, and he becomes a hysteroid. Professor-psychiatrist O. V. Kerbikov said that the hysterical character is formed according to the type of family idol.
The hysterical parent may be even more caring than the epileptic parent and more regimental of their child’s behavior.
But here is the opposite picture.
Parents still strive for success themselves, say, on stage. As a result, the child is entrusted to neighbors, given to his grandmother, taken to the village, abandoned in a boarding school. In any case, he is deprived of sufficient attention and supervision, so there is a risk of being involved in dangerous companies.
Sometimes the hysterical mother begins to hate the child as the reason for her failures. If it is a child from an unsuccessful husband, the «guilt» of the husband is transferred to the child. In addition, he prevents her from organizing a new married life. And even good mothers, as in the movie «Winter Cherry», suddenly, for no reason at all, punish their child, and then cry.
Hysteroids often require exceptional conditions for their offspring at school, exceptional attention. This can be used in the interests of the cause: you want special conditions for the child — let’s create these special conditions together — and the hysteroid begins to be included in school activities.