Hypoxia during pregnancy: consequences and treatment

If, while in the womb, or during childbirth, the child experienced a lack of oxygen, then this can lead to serious health problems. While in the uterus, the fetus receives oxygen from the placenta, but sometimes it may not be enough. This condition is called intrauterine hypoxia. The stronger the hypoxia, the more severe its consequences. Lack of oxygen negatively affects the growth and development of the child.

What is cerebral hypoxia?

Cerebral hypoxia is a common pathology of newborns. There are several varieties of it. So, the fetus may suffer from a lack of oxygen even while in the mother’s body, during a certain period of pregnancy. In this case, we are talking about chronic hypoxia. An acute form of oxygen starvation is observed during childbirth. In addition to the child’s brain, other systems of his body suffer: cardiovascular, hepatobiliary, respiratory. Hypoxia can lead to disability of the child.

Types of hypoxia

Hypoxia during pregnancy: consequences and treatment

Depending on the cause that provoked hypoxia, the following types are distinguished:

  • Against the background of bronchospasm, asphyxia or pulmonary edema, respiratory hypoxia develops.

  • With violations in the work of the heart and blood vessels, hypoxia occurs, which is called circular.

  • If a low level of red blood cells and hemoglobin leads to hypoxia, then it is called hemic. It can also develop as a result of high levels of carbon dioxide in the blood.

  • In violation of the absorption of oxygen by the tissues of the organs, tissue hypoxia develops.

  • If hypoxia is caused by increased physical exertion, then we are talking about overload hypoxia.

  • When a person suffers from a lack of oxygen against the background of its insufficient content in the air (when he is at a height or in a submarine), then he develops exogenous hypoxia.

  • When several causes act simultaneously on the body, they speak of mixed hypoxia.

Causes and consequences of hypoxia

Hypoxia during pregnancy: consequences and treatment

Being in the mother’s womb, the child may experience hypoxia due to various reasons:

  • Hypoxia against the background of intoxication of the body, with severe toxicosis in a woman.

  • Chronic pathologies of a pregnant woman: diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine and other systems.

  • The frequent stress experienced by a pregnant woman affects the normal supply of oxygen to the fetus.

  • Hypoxia of the fetus can cause serious errors in the nutrition of the mother.

If the age of a pregnant woman is over 35 years old, or under 17-18 years old, then the child is at risk for the development of hypoxia. Rhesus conflict is another common cause leading to oxygen starvation of the fetus.

Acquired hypoxia can develop against the background of entanglement of the baby’s neck with the umbilical cord, with difficult childbirth, multiple pregnancy, with early or late onset of labor.

How to detect hypoxia in the fetus? Sometimes hypoxia may indicate excessive motor activity of the fetus. He often begins to roll over, kicking his mother from the inside, pushing. After an increase in motor activity, its noticeable decline is observed. The child is quiet, his movements are barely perceptible.

To suspect hypoxia, a simple test can be performed. The active movements of the crumbs should be counted. If in an hour the child made less than 3 active shocks, then you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

If there is evidence, the doctor will send the woman to undergo the following studies:

  • Cardiography.

  • Fetal EEG.

  • BFP.

  • Delivery of blood tests.

Dangers and consequences of hypoxia for the fetus. With intrauterine hypoxia, the brain suffers from a lack of oxygen, which can cause the development of encephalopathy, as a result of which the child may die. Also, the consequences of the transferred oxygen starvation can manifest themselves in the future, when the child is already born.

Severe hypoxia does not pass without a trace, it provokes disturbances in the functioning of the brain. This causes serious disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. The risk of developing cerebral palsy is high.

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