Hypothyroidism – what is it like and how to treat it? [WE EXPLAIN]

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Hypothyroidism is a disease caused by insufficient levels of the hormones produced by the thyroid gland. Its symptoms are so diverse that they are often associated with other diseases. What are the causes of hypothyroidism? How do you know her?

  1. Thyroid diseases are becoming more common in our society
  2. It is estimated that women develop hypothyroidism almost five times more often than men
  3. A symptom of hypothyroidism may include increasing body weight
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

Hypothyroidism – what is it?

The thyroid gland, or actually the thyroid gland, lies at the bottom of the neck in front of the windpipe. This small gland is responsible for the production of thyroid hormones, which regulate metabolism in the tissues and organs of the body. These are triiodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4) and calcitonin. For their production of the thyroid gland, adequate amounts of iodine from food and air are necessary.

The hormone TSH, produced in the pituitary gland, is responsible for the work of the thyroid gland. When for some reason the thyroid produces too little hormones compared to the body’s needs, we are talking about hypothyroidism. Older people, mostly women, are at risk of falling ill.

Appropriate laboratory tests are performed in order to diagnose and differentiate thyroid diseases. Order your thyroid diagnostic package now, which includes FT4, TSH and anti-TPO measurement.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism can occur in two forms – subclinical (latent) and full-blown (clinical).

Subclinical hypothyroidism it is the mildest form of the disease, which causes very few, hard-to-see symptoms. In adults, it can only be a depressed mood, a state of chronic fatigue, and even depression. It is difficult to clearly ascribe these symptoms of hypothyroidism, and ignoring them may lead to the progression of the disease to the full-blown phase.

Subclinical hypothyroidism in young children is characterized by: prolonged jaundice in newborns and a mental and physical delay in the child’s development – growth disturbance, trouble eating, cold, flaky skin or a hoarse voice. By latent hypothyroidism in older children, growth inhibition, dry and brittle hair, intolerance to cold, nagging headaches and slow speech can be noticed.

To support the work of the thyroid gland, order ThyroMe Complex Health Labs – daily thyroid support. It is a set of supplements available on Medonet Market.

Full-symptomatic hypothyroidism manifests itself in very different ways, so it is important to present the doctor with all the mysterious symptoms and conduct appropriate tests to verify the level of hormones in the body. Patients often complain of weight gain, frequent constipation, shortness of breath, muscle stiffness and sore joints. Hypothyroidism can also cause problems with maintaining pregnancy, decreased libido and impotence.

Poor memory, difficulty concentrating, headaches, and a bitter cold feeling (even on hot days) are also classified as symptoms of hypothyroidism. The skin becomes dry and becomes rough, which is especially visible on the elbows and knees – they seem “dirty”. Hypothyroidism also affects the hair – it becomes dry and brittle, and the eyebrows thin out. The patient’s face becomes “poured”, the eyelids are swollen, the so-called the second chin, and the dimples in the collarbones disappear.

A proper diet, tailored to your health, is helpful in minimizing the symptoms of hypothyroidism. Check out personalized diet plans prepared by Hashiona’s nutritionists.

In the presence of symptoms that indicate thyroid disorders, an appointment with an endocrinologist should be made. You can arrange your visit via medoentmarket.pl. Also, prophylactically perform a home TSH level test – a cassette test, thanks to which you can determine the condition of your thyroid gland.

Check also: What is an overactive thyroid?

Further part under the video.

Hypothyroidism – causes

Hypothyroidism can be caused by a variety of causes. If the hormone deficiency is caused by damage to the thyroid gland, it is called primary hypothyroidism. When the abnormalities occur as a result of decreased stimulation from the pituitary gland (less production of TSH), it is secondary hypothyroidism. It also happens sometimes tertiary hypothyroidismwhich results from too little TRH (thyreoliberin) produced by the hypothalamus.

You can check the level of TSH by performing diagnostic tests that you can buy on Medonet Market.

Do factors of primary hypothyroidism one of them is Hashimoto’s disease – chronic autoimmune thyroiditis, when antibodies against enzymes naturally occurring in the thyroid gland become active in the body. Primary hypothyroidism is also influenced by total or partial thyroidectomy, irradiation of the neck area in cancer treatment, and iodine deficiency in the environment.

If you want to support the work of the thyroid gland, reach for a selenium dietary supplement. This trace element supports the production of thyroid hormones and helps regulate its work. The daily dose of selenium helps the body to deliver 200 µg of selenium. Also try the Selen SOLHERBS supplement. It is completely natural and has ecological packaging. Vegans and vegetarians can also take it.

Secondary hypothyroidism occurs as a result of damage or cancer of the pituitary gland. Tertiary hypothyroidism can similarly occur when the hypothalamus has suffered from a tumor or injury. Another reason may be sarcoidosis.

Less common causes of hypothyroidism include:

  1. inflammation of the thyroid gland occurring after childbirth
  2. subacute thyroiditis,
  3. hypothyroidism caused by a certain class of drugs
  4. secondary hypothyroidism during pituitary diseases.

Some herbs, such as English oak, nettle or rowan, also have a supportive effect on the thyroid gland. You can find them in Hypothyroidism – a herbal blend available on Medonet Market.

The incidence of hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is a disease that affects about 5 percent of people. women (adults) and only about 1 percent. men. It is a fact that the risk of developing the disease increases with age, but it happens that we may encounter hypothyroidism in both young people and children. Hashimoto’s accompanying hypothyroidism often occurs in family members.

Hypothyroidism is less common in men and more common in women.

The high incidence of hypothyroidism (subclinical form) is observed in older women – in this group, the disease affects up to 15%. women. Although the risk of developing hypothyroidism also applies to children, it is even ten times lower than in adults.

To challenge your thyroid gland, use the Daily Thyro® smart thyroid supplement regularly. Its composition can be modified depending on the needs. For this purpose, it is enough to hold the phone to the place indicated on the packaging.

Hypothyroidism – diagnosis

The doctor orders hormonal tests to confirm or rule out hypothyroidism. To begin with, the patient should perform the level of TSH in the blood, which may even be ordered by the family doctor. If the TSH is above the upper limit, it is necessary to measure free thyroxine (fT4). If the elevated TSH concentration is accompanied by a low FT4, it means that we are dealing with primary hypothyroidism, which is associated with a thyroid disease, not a pituitary disease.

When diagnosing hypothyroidism, it is worth considering purchasing a diagnostic test package on the drDiagnoza.com platform. The tests included in the package will allow you to quickly assess the condition of the thyroid gland and start treatment. Also on Medonet Market you will find the Thyroid Health Assessment package – diagnostic tests, which is worth using if you want to check if your thyroid is functioning properly.

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Next, the doctor tries to find out where the disease came from. To facilitate this task, he performs an ultrasound of the thyroid gland (as for Hashimoto’s, it is manifested by a reduced size of the thyroid gland and low echogenicity).

You can also measure the levels of anti-thyroid immunoglobulins in the blood, especially anti-thyroid-peroxidase (anti-TPO) or anti-thyroglobulin (anti-TG) antibodies: high levels of anti-TPO suggest Hashimoto’s disease.

  1. Read more about diagnostic tests performed when thyroid diseases are suspected, that is, with a thyroid profile.

Hypothyroidism – treatment

Treatment of hypothyroidism in the lion’s share of cases is based on the constant administration of thyroid hormones. Their amount is selected individually so as not to get too high concentration in the body. After the hormone levels are restored to normal, the body begins to function properly. In hypothyroidism, hospitalization is rarely required – usually treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis.

It is a bit different when he is responsible for the disease iodine deficiency – then supplements containing it are administered. The Swanson brand offers a high-quality dietary supplement with iodine, the natural composition of which supports the proper functioning of the body.

To take care of your thyroid, you can also order a complex of nutrients important for its proper functioning. We recommend ThyroidComplex Viridian – a supplement available on Medonet Market.

Hypothyroidism and the chance of complete recovery

A very large group of people struggling with hypothyroidism are forced to take them for the rest of their lives levothyroxine (eg Letrox, Euthyrox) and check your TSH levels periodically. Of course, there are cases in which the hypothyroidism disappears spontaneously, they are: postpartum thyroiditis, drug-induced hypothyroidism, subacute thyroiditis.

Hypothyroidism – prophylaxis

The fact is that hypothyroidism is genetically determined and cannot be influenced by humans. If you have or have a family history of thyroid disease, you should inform your doctor about it, to avoid taking medications that may affect its development. People with predisposition to diseases of the thyroid gland should ensure that TSH levels are periodically tested to be able to recognize hypothyroidism at an early stage and prevent severe symptoms. You can buy a TSH test, based on a blood sample, at Medonet Market.

As part of caring for the thyroid gland, it is worth using EutroHerbs Thyroid gland regularly – a herbal mixture that is a natural dietary supplement with perfectly selected ingredients.

Hypothyroidism and diet

The diet for hypothyroidism should primarily contain large amounts of iodine and protein. Iodine is an important element for the proper functioning of the body – it is involved in the production of thyroid hormones that affect growth and proper metabolism. You can supplement your iodine deficiencies with the Kelp dietary supplement from Now Foods.

Warning: Iodine should not be supplemented prophylactically or in the absence of medical indications. Too much of this element in the body can cause the Wolff-Chainkoff effect. It causes the inhibition of the synthesis of thyroid hormones.

If you gain weight quickly, have dry skin and are constantly cold – see your endocrinologist as you probably have hypothyroidism. You can arrange a consultation with a doctor online via the halodoctor.pl portal.

The human body needs about 160 µg of iodine daily (180–200 µg during pregnancy and breastfeeding). Iodine should be supplied by inhalation (staying at the seaside) or in food, large amounts are contained in fish and seafood, which are its natural source. The amount of iodine in dairy or grain products and vegetables varies and depends on the place of their cultivation (if the soil has too little iodine, the plants growing there will not contain it).

Good sources of iodine for people with hypothyroidism include: mineral waters, bran, cod, mackerel, mussels and oysters. Some countries, in order to make up for the deficiency of this element, iodine table salt, which in turn is added to ready-made meals. Iodine is contained in some mineral waters and dietary supplements, such as Dr. Jacob’s dietary supplement to strengthen the body.

List of products that limit the absorption of iodine:

  1. cauliflower,
  2. cabbage,
  3. soy,
  4. Brussels sprouts,
  5. brukiew,
  6. turnip.

Cooking vegetables lowers the content of unfavorable substances, but people who are deficient in iodine must limit the above-mentioned vegetables and additionally peanuts or mustard.

When suffering from hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s disease, a proper diet is recommended, which facilitates treatment and reduces symptoms. Complete a short survey and check the personalized diet plan for people with thyroid problems.

W the diet of people suffering from hypothyroidism there should be not only iodine, but also:

  1. selenium – is involved in the conversion of thyroxine to T3, with its deficiency, the absorption of iodine decreases; rich sources of selenium are fish, shellfish, garlic, Brazil nuts, mushrooms and dietary supplements, such as Selen SeLECT 100 mcg.
  2. Iron – insufficient iron supply increases the risk of a decrease in T3 levels and an increase in TSH; iron can be found in flax seeds, red meat, egg yolks, sesame seeds or pumpkin seeds; To prevent iron loss from the body, take iron supplementation with Iron Complex.
  3. Zinc – a trace element important for the proper functioning of the thyroid gland; a zinc-rich diet should include whole grains, pumpkin seeds, wheat germ, and flax seeds; The daily dose of zinc helps provide Zinc 50 mg from Now Foods.
  4. Fiber – The role of dietary fiber in hypothyroidism is crucial in preventing constipation, improving gastrointestinal motility, and increasing bowel movements. You will find a blend of natural fibers in the Solgar dietary supplement.

It is also important to eat protein, which should account for about fifteen percent of all calories. Protein not only supports metabolism, but also causes the production of growth hormone, which affects fat burning. Patients with hypothyroidism should therefore increase the amount of protein in their diet to about 100 g.


Remember to drink plenty of water to avoid damaging your kidneys! (at least 1,5 liters per day).

Read also:

  1. Diet in hypothyroidism – what is it and what effects it gives
  2. Thyroid Lumps – What They Can Mean?
  3. Enlarged thyroid gland – causes, treatment

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