Hypothyroidism in women

Gipotireoz – This is a dangerous disease of the endocrine system, which is characterized by a decrease in the production of the required amount of thyroid hormones. This is usually associated either with pathological changes in the body that negatively affect the hormonal background, or with malfunctions of the gland itself.

Hypothyroidism in women is a fairly common disease, especially in old age, but very often it is diagnosed in the later stages. This is due to the insignificance of the manifestation of symptoms, which are often perceived as the result of overwork.

Signs of hypothyroidism in women

Hypothyroidism in women

Most women do not associate poor health with the symptoms of the disease and explain their condition with fatigue or short-term malaise.

The main signs of hypothyroidism in women include:

  • sudden unreasonable changes in a woman’s weight;

  • violation of the menstrual cycle;

  • constant fatigue, apathy, impotence;

  • systematic headaches, tension in the joints and muscles;

  • numbness of limbs;

  • decreased libido;

  • change in appearance, swelling and puffiness of the face;

  • lethargy, forgetfulness;

  • change in body temperature;

  • loss of appetite, constipation;

  • tendency to frequent infectious diseases;

  • ringing in the ears, blurred vision;

  • hoarseness, snoring during sleep.

Hypothyroidism has a negative effect on the functioning of the heart. Patients show a slowing of the heart rate up to 60 beats per minute. The negative effect on the menstrual cycle is expressed in irregular heavy periods or their complete cessation.

Features of hypothyroidism in women

Since the disease mostly occurs in a latent form, a woman may experience such manifestations as a change in cholesterol levels, an increase in pressure. Often, hidden hypothyroidism is expressed by slight tingling in the hands or neck and can be mistaken for cervical osteochondrosis.

Also, hypothyroidism negatively affects the functioning of the nervous system, which can cause severe headaches and sudden attacks of fear. These symptoms are often associated with cerebral atherosclerosis, which leads to incorrect treatment failure and significant progression of the disease.

Causes and types of hypothyroidism in women

Hypothyroidism in women

Depending on the characteristics of the disease, 3 forms of hypothyroidism are distinguished:

  • congenital;

  • primary;

  • secondary.

The congenital form of hypothyroidism is observed from birth, and girls are most prone to this type of disease. The cause of the disease is genetic disorders in the body. This form of the disease is dangerous for the newborn. Hypothyroidism significantly inhibits the development of the infant’s central nervous system and has a negative effect on its psychomotor functions.

Primary form of hypothyroidism in women, it occurs due to a malfunction of the normal functioning of the endocrine system. The main cause of the disease is a pathological change in the functions of the thyroid gland after various inflammatory diseases and iodine deficiency. In rare cases, primary hypothyroidism is caused by cancer and chronic infections.

Secondary hypothyroidism develops with violations of the pituitary gland or its congenital pathologies. In the patient’s body, there is a decrease in the amount of thyroid hormones and an intensive extinction of the activity of the thyroid gland. The main causes of secondary hypothyroidism include brain injury and malfunction of the pituitary gland caused by various tumors. 

Hypothyroidism during pregnancy

Hypothyroidism in women

Pregnant women are very rarely exposed to this disease. The low incidence in this period is explained by the fact that the presence of an advanced form of hypothyroidism before pregnancy often leads to infertility.

 During the bearing of a child, the symptoms of the disease are accepted as common ailments of pregnant women.

Common signs of hypothyroidism may include:

  • yellowness and severe swelling of the face;

  • convulsions;

  • hair loss;

  • drowsiness;

  • dry skin;

  • constipation and nausea.

The development of hypothyroidism during pregnancy is the greatest danger to the fetus. This disease has a negative effect on the development of the child’s brain and interferes with its normal formation and functioning. However, after the birth of a baby, a timely detected disease can be corrected, which gives positive forecasts for a speedy recovery.

In the case of an untreated disease in the mother at the time of pregnancy, the formation of the nervous system of the fetus is subjected to an insufficient supply of thyroid hormones. This can lead to a deficiency of substances necessary for brain development, and lead to irreversible mental impairment.

Treatment of hypothyroidism in women

Hypothyroidism in women

An important factor that positively affects recovery is proper nutrition of the patient. It is recommended to follow a diet high in protein and limit the amount of carbohydrates and fats. Excellent results bring good nutrition, enriched with iodine.

The most effective treatment for hypothyroidism is medication therapy, which includes thyroid hormones. The preparations consist of the thyroid gland of animals, specially processed and ground into powder.

The maximum content in the preparation of hormones that are not enough for the patient’s thyroid gland has a beneficial effect on the course of treatment. The systematic use of thyroid hormones compensates for their deficiency in the body and promotes a rapid healing process.

Also, the appointment of a drug called triiodothyronine by an endocrinologist brings effective results. It is based on valuable hormonal substances of the thyroid gland, which are obtained in laboratories by a synthetic method. The action of this drug occurs rapidly, and after a day there is a significant improvement in the patient’s condition.

Hypothyroidism is an unpleasant and serious disease. In the absence of proper treatment, serious problems in the body can occur, which are fraught with a dangerous hypothyroid coma. However, high-quality and timely treatment with modern drugs prevents the progression of the disease and provides favorable prognosis for recovery.

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