Hypothyroidism in pregnancy – research. What symptoms appear with thyroid disorders in pregnancy?

Hypothyroidism is nothing more than a disease caused by too little thyroid hormone. It is very difficult to diagnose this condition correctly, because it causes so many different symptoms that both doctors and patients can easily go astray. There is also a form of this disease that manifests itself in pregnant women who ask themselves what the consequences for the baby are. Check how hypothyroidism can manifest itself, the causes of its occurrence and the course of treatment.

A patient who goes to the doctor and presents his problem is very often treated in a completely different direction. Most often he goes to a cardiologist because of an abnormal heart function, he is often diagnosed with too high cholesterol, and he is often referred to a dermatologist because of skin problems. Meanwhile, that’s what Hypothyroidism may cause these symptoms. It is difficult to say unequivocally what could be the cause hypothyroidism, because there are many reasons, ranging from an autoimmune disease to typically mechanical injuries.

Statistically Hypothyroidism it occurs in as much as 6 percent of people, and the more advanced the age, the more often this disease occurs and women are more likely to develop it. Hypothyroidism as a transient disease it also occurs in 5 percent pregnant women. For women who are expecting a baby and know they have thyroid problems but are under medical supervision, there are no problems whatsoever. Certainly, nothing will happen to the baby. However, untreated Hypothyroidism can be dangerous for the baby.

Hypothyroidism and pregnancy

In a situation where in a pregnant woman have advanced symptoms hypothyroidism without treatment, there is very little chance that a healthy baby will be born. However, if the correct treatment is implemented and the hormone levels return to normal, then the baby is usually born healthy. However, the baby should be examined for congenital birth immediately after birth hypothyroidism. In rare cases, it can occur even in children whose mothers have not had any problems with the thyroid gland. Anyway, today in Poland the level of the TSH hormone is measured in every child in the first days of life. If they turn out to be incorrect, treatment is immediately started, and it ensures further, proper development of the child.

With the thyroid gland during pregnancy really no kidding. Untreated hypothyroidism of this organ during pregnancy very often leads to serious malformations of the fetus, both physical and mental. Hypothyroidism occurring only in pregnancy is a transient disease and most often disappears after childbirth.

Hypothyroidism – tests in a pregnant woman

It is well known that thyroid hormones play a very important role in the body, and their importance increases during pregnancy. Their normal level in the mother’s blood is of particular importance at the beginning of pregnancy, when the fetus is so tiny that it does not yet produce its own hormones. In this phase of fetal development, thyroid hormones determine the proper development of the brain and the entire skeletal system.

In pregnant women TSH levels are not routinely tested. The doctor orders them only on the basis of the interview with the patient and the symptoms that she notices.

The work of the thyroid gland is strictly examined in pregnant women who had problems with this organ before becoming pregnant, or who had a miscarriage early and the cause of it has not been established. It should also be noted that during pregnancy, TSH levels are physiologically lower and are sometimes interpreted as abnormal. Therefore, it is recommended to perform in-depth research and mark FT3 and FT4, let alone give a full, real picture of the situation.

Hypothyroidism in pregnancy – symptoms

In the case of hypothyroidismwhich will appear during pregnancy, women first of all notice unnatural weakness and extreme drowsiness. Of course these symptoms can occur in the normal situation, but if a slow heart rate and a clear intolerance to cold are observed, the doctor should definitely pay attention to it. On the other hand, with hyperthyroidism, there may be an unpleasant feeling of general trembling and increased heart palpitations. If this is combined with heat intolerance and digestive problems, it may be that your thyroid hormone levels are too high.

Hypothyroidism and iodine

If it occurs in a pregnant woman Hypothyroidism, it is recommended to administer iodine preparations, and to this day some people mistakenly believe that it is inadvisable. This is what happens when the thyroid gland is overactive. In this situation, any drugs that are responsible for restoring the normal level of hormones should not contain iodine.

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