
Hypothyroidism is a disease that affects an increasing number of Poles and Polish women. Women are more affected by hypothyroidism. Interestingly, and what is worth noting, it is a disease that affects not only humans, but also animals. Hypothyroidism is strongly associated with slowing down the overall metabolic processes in the body.
Epidemiology of the disease: who gets sick, when?
- Women get sick more often
- It affects about 2 to 7 percent. of the entire population up to the age of 60
- The incidence of hypothyroidism increases with age
Thyroid: types of its hypofunction
There are many different types of disease. Each of them is characterized by slightly different symptoms, but also methods of treatment. This primary, most common, hypothyroidism is associated with damage to the thyroid gland. Hashimoto’s disease, which is difficult to treat, is also becoming more and more common.
Other types of hypothyroidism
- Childbirth thyroiditis – as the name suggests, appears only in women after childbirth
- Subacute thyroiditis – can occur in both men and women
- Hypothyroidism also arises after thyroidectomy due to other conditions and diseases
- It may also appear after iodine therapy or after radiotherapy or drug therapy (only with selected drugs with such properties)
It should also be remembered that hypothyroidism may be a direct congenital disease, or there may be certain defects in the body related to the abnormal synthesis of thyroid hormones. It is very important to see your doctor if you notice any symptoms of hypothyroidism, as this can also be a sign of a developing tumor in the hypothalamus in the brain.
Hypothyroidism: the most common symptoms
- Weight gain, rapid weight gain in a short period of time
- Difficulties in concentrating, but also memory disorders and a feeling of frequent fatigue, also drowsiness, even after sleeping all night
- Slowing down the peristalsis of the intestines and problems with defecation
- Problems with normal sweating by inhibiting the activity of the sweat glands
- Feeling cold often, freezing very easily
- Dry and cold skin, often also pale and excessively calloused
- Thinning of eyebrows, hair, also hair loss. In addition, the hair is brittle
- Lack of regular menstruation in women
- Cardiovascular problems, including sinus bradycardia
- An altered voice from his natural voice