Hypothermia: causes, symptoms

Hypothermia: causes, symptoms

Hypothermia is a situation where an individual’s body temperature is below 35 ° Celsius. Hypothermia bringing the individual’s body temperature too low, without prompt treatment, can prove to be fatal.

Definition of hypothermia

Hypothermia is a decrease in body temperature, below 35 ° Celsius (with a body temperature benchmark of 37 ° Celsius).

A situation of hypothermia can very quickly threaten the life of the individual and must be taken care of as quickly as possible.

Hypothermia generally appears during exposure to a very cold environment, and can be triggered by a combination of different factors, such as a long period of exposure to the cold, living in a home without heating or even when ‘a fall in icy water.

Causes of hypothermia

The people most vulnerable to hypothermia are the elderly or people with an underlying chronic pathology.

Infants and young children are also at greater risk. Indeed, their thermal self-regulation capacity is less than that of an adult.

Beyond these categories of “more fragile” people, any person can be exposed to a risk of hypothermia, within the framework of exposure, more or less long, to a cold environment, without adequate equipment.

Some athletes, such as climbers or skiers, also have an increased risk of hypothermia, and more in the winter season.

Possible evolutions and complications of hypothermia

If hypothermia is not immediately taken care of, the life of the individual can be greatly endangered.

Other complications may also be associated with it: death of a limb (finger, arm, hand, etc.) and risk of amputation, appearance of frostbite, cold burns, etc.

Symptoms of hypothermia

The clinical signs associated with hypothermia depend on the level to which the body temperature has dropped.

However, the general symptoms are akin to tremors, chills, chronic fatigue, increased breathing, cold pale skin.

The more the body temperature drops, the more intense the tremors. The risk of delusions, difficulty breathing, and performing certain movements may also be associated with hypothermia.

With regard to young children, they may present with hypothermia without any changes in their state of health being identifiable. Signs can still testify: the child is not very active, silent and calm. He has cold, pale skin and generally refuses to eat.

Greater hypothermia (linked to a more marked decrease in body temperature) can also cause a state of: confusion, loss of reason, loss of consciousness, difficulty in performing certain movements, slowing down of speech, etc. .

In the most extreme cases, complete loss of consciousness, stop breathing, general weakness of the body and dilated pupils can be warning signs.

Risk factors for hypothermia

The major risk factors for hypothermia are:

  • long-term contact with the cold, amplified by wearing equipment that is not suitable for the environment
  • unheated accommodation
  • a fall in frozen water
  • the practice of mountain sports in the middle of winter

Management and prevention of hypothermia

The first step in treating hypothermia is prevention. Consultation and recourse to a doctor or emergency room must be effective from the moment a situation of hypothermia is suspected.

In a situation of waiting for medical services, support measures are similar to:

  • move the hypothermic individual to a warmer location, if possible.
  • once the person is in a warmer area, remove any damp clothing.
  • wrap the individual in a survival blanket, towels or any warm clothing and / or protection.
  • offer a hot drink (no alcohol), and energy foods (chocolate, sugar, etc.), only if the hypothermic person is able to eat.
  • ensure that the individual’s body temperature rises and is maintained at an adequate temperature.

In addition, in the event of hypothermia, certain things should also be avoided:

  • do not take a hot bath to a person who is hypothermic
  • do not massage limbs and body
  • do not drink alcohol

Indeed, these actions can cause too much and too rapid vasodilation of the blood vessels of the members of the body. This can lead to a significant drop in blood pressure and thus impact the functioning of certain vital organs, such as the brain, heart, lungs or even the kidneys.

In the context of severe hypothermia (absence of movement of the person, loss of consciousness, confusion, etc.), the call and recourse to emergency services is essential.

During a hospitalization of a person in a situation of hypothermia, medical treatments can be administered to him. These allow in particular to facilitate the circulation of the blood, disturbed by the hypothermic situation. This treatment results in a cardiopulmonary bypass or even extracorporeal oxygenation.

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