Physical inactivity is the scourge of modernity. This problem is much more serious than it seems, which is confirmed by statistics. Up to 6 million people die from the effects of physical inactivity per year. It contributes to the development of heart disease and hormonal disorders.

According to the WHO, every fourth person leads a sedentary lifestyle. This is especially noticeable in countries with developed economies – there physical inactivity is observed in 26 – 35% of the population, and more often in women. Each new generation is more and more “immobile” – at the moment, up to 80% of adolescents are considered not physically active enough.

Physical inactivity is also called a slow, “lazy death.” It is a consequence of improving the quality of life, liberation from physical labor, the development of technology and machines.

The cardiovascular system is especially weakened, metabolism is reduced, blood supply to tissues is deteriorating. All this leads to serious consequences, at first completely imperceptible. But they inevitably increase every day, if nothing is changed in the way of life.

What is hypodynamia

Hypodynamia is not considered an independent disease. It is rather a complex that leads to violations of body functions. Reduced physical activity leads to muscle atrophy, inhibition of normal breathing and digestion, and causes an imbalance of hormones. Atrophied muscles weaken, the work of neuromuscular synapses is disturbed – that is, muscle fibers contract very weakly, even if they are stimulated. The discoordination of the work of the entire muscular corset develops, and the person feels weak and lethargic, it is difficult for him to even sit straight.

Muscles are also responsible for pumping blood from the limbs to the heart. With physical inactivity, the blood lingers in the veins, and insufficiently returns to the lungs. This also affects breathing – its volume decreases. Weakening of the heart muscle leads to insufficient blood supply to all tissues and constant starvation of cells.

Due to the development of technology and society, we see similar consequences. For example, developed urban transport and the availability of cars deprive most people of the need to walk a lot.

Causes of hypodynamia

The main cause of physical inactivity is a forced sedentary lifestyle. Now, for most people, work is not associated with active physical labor, even in production, workers mostly stand or sit. Long stay in some positions leads to muscle spasms and pain, and after such a working day, few people are happy with active rest.

Obesity is both a cause and a consequence of hypodynamia. It’s a vicious cycle – being overweight makes it difficult to move, while the lack of mobility leads to even more obesity.

Much less often, the cause of hypodynamia is serious illness and injury, when, for health reasons, a person is not able to fully move. As a result, he needs rehabilitation to restore normal functions.

It does not matter for what reason a person is inactive – the more he stays in this state, the harder it will be to restore activity. Broken nerve connections and atrophied muscles cannot be restored by deciding one day to start a new life “from Monday”. Only a gradual increase in load will give a result, it takes a lot of time. For many, this is difficult to overcome, since the result is not immediately visible. It is difficult to get out of the pathological state of hypodynamia, in which bone, joint changes, and respiratory distress are possible.

Symptoms of hypodynamia

Overweight does not develop immediately, in some cases a person may remain thin. But the first symptoms make themselves felt quite early.

Usually, due to physical inactivity, a person feels constant fatigue, even for no particular reason. Sleep is disturbed – insomnia is possible at night, and drowsiness during the day. Efficiency decreases, irritation increases, emotions are unstable. Sexual desire may also decrease, in women the menstrual cycle goes astray. Such symptoms develop because hypodynamia has a bad effect on brain function. Of course, these can be signs of other diseases, so competent diagnosis is important.

Treatment of hypodynamia

Since more than half of the cases of physical inactivity are lack of physical activity and obesity, the main treatment is aimed precisely at the formation of a new lifestyle.

Experts recommend gradually increasing the load, starting with a simple charge for 5 minutes, ending with full workouts. WHO states that an adult needs strength training at least 2-3 times a week, and cardio loads (brisk walking, cycling, swimming, etc.) should take from 150 minutes a week.

To select the right exercises, it is necessary to be examined so that the load takes into account the condition, diseases and well-being of a person. For the formation of a new type of nutrition and eating behavior, the help of a nutritionist and a psychologist is sometimes required.


In addition to interviewing the patient and taking anamnesis, the doctor may prescribe an examination, depending on the person’s complaints.

First of all, the condition of the heart is checked. To do this, use the ECG and ultrasound of the heart and large vessels. Lung function is assessed using spirography. You may even have to test muscle strength with dynamometers.

Since the hormonal system usually suffers with prolonged physical inactivity and obesity, blood tests are prescribed. They also show whether the level of cholesterol, glucose is elevated.

Modern treatments

If the condition is prolonged and advanced, you may need to seek medical attention. Massage, physiotherapy, water exercises, breathing exercises and other methods will help to simplify the most difficult first stage. This must be combined with the help of a nutritionist to draw up a nutrition program, an instructor of physical therapy for competent training.

A smooth change in habits and lifestyle will save the result. Sharp weight loss or active physical activity without any preparation is more likely to be harmful, so you need to be patient.

Prevention of physical inactivity at home

The basis of health is regular physical activity, a varied diet and disease prevention. You need to periodically visit a medical facility, take a general blood test, urine, do fluorography, ECG and other studies. This is necessary in order to identify possible diseases at an early stage.

Do not aggravate the condition with bad habits: smoking, alcohol, toxic substances. When sedentary work, you need to take breaks, warm up, take walks in your free time. You can buy sports equipment for your home and practice with it. For example, a yoga mat and small dumbbells will suffice to get you started.

Popular questions and answers

Although hypodynamia is not a disease, it reduces the quality of life and health status to a large extent. Learn more about hypodynamia and its consequences cardiologist, doctor of medical sciences, associate professor of the Kuban State Medical University, chairman of the Krasnodar regional branch of the Society of Evidence-Based Medicine Specialists Vitaly Zafiraki.

What is dangerous hypodynamia?
A sedentary lifestyle greatly affects the risk of diseases such as arterial hypertension, obesity, type 2 diabetes, coronary heart disease. This is not a guarantee that these diseases will certainly occur in the absence of regular physical activity, but the likelihood of these diseases occurring with prolonged physical inactivity increases dramatically.

Conversely, regular physical activity allows you to achieve significant changes for the better in the health of those patients who have already acquired the listed diseases. Moreover, in large long-term studies it has been shown that regular exercise even reduces mortality among those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases by 20-30% – far from all drugs have such a pronounced effect.

What are the complications of hypodynamia?
It is impossible to talk about complications here, because. complications occur in diseases, and physical inactivity is not a disease, but a risk factor for a number of diseases, i.e. it increases the risk of their development. Plus, physical inactivity inevitably leads to a state of detraining, when a person endures physical activity worse and worse – adaptation to stress is lost, as a result, even in the absence of cardiovascular diseases, it can be difficult for a person to cope even with domestic stress, for example, quickly climb third floor: there is shortness of breath, palpitations, fatigue. A person begins to spare himself more and more, continues to avoid stress as a factor that causes discomfort – as a result, this vicious circle is closed, the quality of life suffers.
When to call a doctor for hypodynamia?
A doctor’s consultation is mainly required when a person with cardiovascular diseases after a long sedentary lifestyle decides to start training. Before starting intensive sports, an initial assessment of the state of the cardiovascular system may also be required for a healthy person who has led a sedentary lifestyle for a long time.
Can playing sports from an early age serve as a kind of prevention of hypodynamia in the future?
Playing sports from an early age can serve as a prevention of physical inactivity in adulthood, to the extent that the habits laid down from childhood continue to operate after growing up. We are talking about other components of a healthy lifestyle, for example, eating habits. Although, of course, a significant part of children and adolescents involved in sports, as they enter adulthood, may lose motivation for sports, or even simply do not have enough time for this due to the emergence of a family, building a career, etc.

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