Hypocholesterol diet: menu, reviews

Hypocholesterol diet: menu, reviews

Among a variety of diets, hypocholesterol occupies a special place, since its main task is not to correct weight, but to help lower high cholesterol levels. And if you follow it for a long time, then many health problems can be easily avoided.

What is cholesterol and why is it dangerous?

With all the negative attitude towards cholesterol, the normal functioning of the body is simply impossible without it, since with its help new tissues are built, including nerve cells. Without the intake of cholesterol in the body, the synthesis of vitamin D is impossible, and without it, in turn, the full assimilation of calcium. Therefore, it is not entirely correct to declare that cholesterol is harmful. In certain proportions, it is produced by the body itself, only a third of it comes from food, but the main problem is that if the diet is improper, it becomes too much, and then problems may begin, which a hypocholesterol diet will help to avoid. An excess of this substance is fraught with the formation of fatty plaques on the walls of blood vessels, up to their blockage, but thrombosis can become a consequence of this. Depending on the place of formation of the latter, heart attacks and strokes, including fatal ones, occur.

You can check your blood cholesterol level by passing the appropriate tests. For an adult, this indicator should not exceed 6 units.

What products are its main source

The most common sources of so-called bad cholesterol are fatty meats, which include:

  • mutton
  • pork
  • stew
  • any kind of sausages
  • fat
  • smoked meats
  • fatty dairy products, from butter to sour cream

But that is not all. Also, with excessive use, egg yolks and meat broth can change the level of cholesterol.

To avoid excess cholesterol in the broth, the first water after boiling any kind of meat should be drained, changing it to clean, and boiling hot in the second broth

Hypocholesterol diet and its menu

Its principle is quite simple, you just need to give up harmful fats and find a worthy replacement for them, which will help not deprive the body of the substances it needs, but at the same time rid it of an abundance of cholesterol. So, the cholesterol diet menu is quite simple, and you can form it in accordance with your own taste preferences, but taking into account the choice of the right products.

Fatty meats are replaced by poultry and rabbit, and fatty dairy products are replaced by those whose threshold does not exceed 3%. Baking pastries, alcohol, any drinks with a high sugar content, including store juices and any soda, are prohibited. Vegetables and fruits should dominate the menu, in terms of proteins, special attention should be paid to eggs, not eating more than two or three per week when eggs are cooked together with yolks. Cooking methods should be dietary, that is, no frying, but only stewing, baking or boiling.

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