For people who are not used to limiting themselves in food, any diet is already a punishment, and a hypocaloric food system is a real torture. But here we must immediately make a reservation that this type of diet is not an option for young ladies who want to lose 2-3 kilos gained over the holidays. This food system has medical roots. As a rule, it is prescribed to people with different degrees of obesity and serious metabolic disorders. But in our time, this dietary program has gone beyond medical use. Those who want to achieve ideal body proportions as quickly as possible are not afraid of the “hungry” diet of table number 8 (this is what doctors call this nutrition system). Is it possible for people with a slight excess of weight to go on this diet, and how does hypocaloric nutrition differ from other low-calorie systems?
General information about the diet
The hypocaloric diet, or table number 8, is a balanced nutrition system, the total daily calorie content of which, most often, does not exceed 1200 kcal. This program is designed by professional nutritionists for people who are obese and lead a sedentary lifestyle. It is the balance of the diet that distinguishes a hypocaloric diet from other low-calorie counterparts. Unlike most “hungry” nutrition programs, the hypocaloric diet includes foods from all major food groups.
And this is dairy and protein foods, fruits, vegetables, cereals, as well as healthy fats. The hypocaloric system provides for fractional nutrition. In addition to the 3 main meals, during the day you will have to make 2 snacks, which may consist of fruits, raw vegetables or milk.
The duration of the diet is determined by the doctor, based on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. But in any case, it is forbidden to sit on a hypocaloric for more than 6 months. If a person suffers from severe obesity and it takes him a long time to lose weight, a 6-month cycle should be observed until the desired weight is reached, alternating a hypocaloric nutrition system with a maintenance one. For one such dietary course without harm to health, you can lose from 5 to 7 kg.
How does a hypocalorie work?
It is believed that for normal life, the female body needs a daily intake of 2000 kcal, and the male requires about 2500 kcal (although different schools of nutritionists may give slightly different numbers). This calorie content is enough to provide the body with energy for the whole day.
But if a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, and the number of calories consumed exceeds those spent, the excess turns into fat reserves. And the longer these reserves accumulate, the higher the degree of obesity.
Obesity is not just being overweight, but a real disease. In such patients, fat accumulates not only under the skin, internal organs are overgrown with fatty deposits, because of which they lose the ability to work at full strength. In this case, losing weight is no longer a matter of aesthetics, but a vital necessity. By the way, a hypocaloric diet is also used to treat obesity in children.
To get rid of excess weight, it is usually advised to cut the calorie content of the diet and start exercising. At the initial stage of the treatment of severe obesity, exercise is usually not possible, so during this period the main emphasis is on reducing calories. In some cases, the energy value of the daily menu is reduced to critical 800 kcal. With such a calorie deficit, the body has no choice but to start using energy from fat reserves. This is how weight loss starts.
Varieties of a hypocaloric diet
In order to begin to lose weight, it is usually necessary to cut the usual caloric content of the daily diet by only 500 kcal. But if we are talking about too large stocks of body fat, then the choice of food will have to be approached much tougher.
Hypocaloric diet is used by doctors all over the world. But the diet of this weight loss program in the post-Soviet space and in the West is slightly different. In our country, doctors are guided by the standards and recommendations prescribed by M. Pevzner in the middle of the twentieth century. In the West, the requirements for hypocalorie are more loyal. There are a variety of diet options, including not always balanced.
According to Pevzner, there are 4 varieties of hypocalorie, compiled for people with different amounts of excess weight:
- up to 1800 kcal – this menu option is suitable for people who have a noticeable excess weight, which, however, has not yet passed into the stage of obesity;
- up to 1500 kcal – this nutrition system is prescribed to patients with the first stage of obesity;
- up to 1200 kcal – intended for patients with the second degree of obesity;
- up to 800 kcal – a diet with such a limited calorie content is prescribed only for medical reasons for people suffering from stage 3-4 obesity and bed rest.
The Western version of the hypocalorie, depending on the degree of obesity, can range between 1800 and 500 kcal. The Western diet differs from the Pevzner diet in the amount of fat allowed. If in the post-Soviet space, losing weight is allowed to eat from 40 to 60 g of fat per day, then the Americans limit their patients to a portion of 20 g per day.
Regardless of which version of the hypocaloric diet you decide to follow – Western or Soviet, at the very start of losing weight, it is important not to violate the main rule. In many cases, this diet provides a very low-calorie menu, which cannot be switched to abruptly. The beginning of the diet should be preceded by a preparatory period. Every day, you should cut your menu by 500 kcal and continue like this until you reach 1300-1200. And only then can you start a full diet.
How to choose foods for a diet
Emphasis on proteins
Hypocalorie can be safely attributed to the group of protein diets, since in its menu the main emphasis is on the use of protein foods. Regardless of what kind of hypocalorie diet a person who is losing weight observes, his daily diet should contain at least 90-100 g of protein. The increase in the amount of proteins is achieved by eliminating sugar and confectionery (in other words, all sources of simple carbohydrates are excluded), as well as by eliminating foods containing saturated fats from the menu (fatty dairy products, fatty meats). When choosing protein foods for a hypocaloric diet, nutritionists advise giving preference to lean meat, chicken and other types of poultry meat, fish, seafood, chicken proteins (whole eggs can be consumed no more than 2-3 times a week). According to the rules of this diet, protein foods should be eaten at least 2 times a day.
No to Fast Carbs and Saturated Fats
As with any other weight loss diet, the hypocalorie rules contain a list of prohibited foods. I must say, there are a lot of them in this diet. First of all, the taboo applies to harmful (fast) carbohydrates. Those who want to cure obesity will have to leave in the past delicacies containing sugar, white rice, pasta, wheat bread and rich pastries. Strict restrictions apply to fatty products. As already mentioned, the “black list” is fatty meats, whole milk, high-calorie cheeses, all foods containing saturated and trans fats. In addition to the listed products, salinity, smoked dishes, as well as snacks containing flavor enhancers and other “E” are banned for people with a large proportion of excess weight.
Proper preparation
For a diet menu, it is important not only what products are included in it, but also how they were prepared. Meat in the diet of losing weight should be boiled or baked. Cooked in this way, it contains much fewer calories than fried, but at the same time retains all the nutrients. Vegetables are best served raw or steamed. It is important to avoid starchy vegetables and overly sweet fruits. Prolonged cooking of plant foods in large amounts of salted water significantly reduces its nutritional value. Remember: few vitamins can survive the test of high temperatures. In addition, raw fruits and vegetables are an excellent source of fiber, which is considered the best friend of all losing weight.
What to do with caffeine
Recently, caffeine has been often cited as a fat burning agent. But in Pevsner’s diet, caffeine is banned. Therefore, coffee lovers and lovers of strong tea during the diet will have to reconsider their gastronomic preferences. A more useful drink for a slimming body, nutritionists call a rosehip decoction rich in vitamin C.
What else is not allowed
To be honest, it will not be easy for sweet-toothed people on this diet, since sugar in all its manifestations is strictly prohibited. Desserts are allowed only in the form of fruit curd soufflé and berry jelly. In addition to sweets, all alcoholic products fall under a strict ban.
The menu of a hypocaloric diet for a week, a month or several months can be compiled independently or together with a nutritionist, based on the allowed types of products. But when choosing diet meals for the day, it is important not to forget that a hypocalorie must comply with the rules of a balanced diet and contain products from different food categories in the daily diet.
When compiling a menu for breakfast, it is important to consider that this meal contains a portion of fiber and a portion of protein. For example, it can be an ordinary omelet with vegetables, chicken meat with salad, which can be washed down with tea with milk or a chicory milk drink.
It is useful that the first snack in a hypocalorie contains milk protein (approximately 18-20 g of pure protein). To achieve this task, a portion of cottage cheese or yogurt is suitable. You can make a curd soufflé or a cocktail of yogurt and a handful of berries.
For lunch, it is important to choose fiber-rich vegetables, as well as include a serving of protein (preferably with a minimum amount of fat) and a serving of complex carbohydrates in the menu. The best example of a dietary lunch is a vegetable soup, a slice of whole grain bread, a piece of boiled or stewed meat or fish.
Experts advise making an afternoon snack from a fermented milk product and vegetables. No ideas for menu options? And what about a glass of kefir and steamed carrot (or other vegetable) cutlets? Hearty, low-calorie and tasty.
The evening meal must contain one serving of protein and complex carbohydrates. Almost ideal for dinner, low-calorie, easily digestible and very healthy boiled buckwheat is suitable. You can cook fish with vegetables or meat for it (choose something that was not at lunch). In the role of a drink, herbal unsweetened tea or compote from fresh fruits or dried fruits is suitable.
People who find it very difficult to cope with hunger in the evening can drink a glass of kefir before going to bed.
Summing up, we can say that a hypocaloric diet is a balanced nutrition system with an emphasis on protein foods. When compiling a diet menu, it is important to remember two rules: eat foods from all food categories every day and monitor the calorie content of the diet. Even minimal physical activity will help speed up weight loss. If being overweight prevents you from doing aerobics, then for now your sports program may consist of several hours of walking in the fresh air. The key is to create a calorie deficit.