Hypoallergenic diet by Ado

The text is for informational purposes only. We urge you not to use diets, do not resort to any medical menus and fasting without medical supervision. Recommended reading: “Why you can not go on a diet on your own.” The therapeutic nutrition system according to Ado was developed by the Soviet immunologist Andrei Dmitrievich Ado. He devoted almost his entire life to the study of allergology and pathological physiology. One of his many works is a hypoallergenic diet, which helps to overcome allergic reactions and significantly reduce the risk of their occurrence in children.

The essence of diet

The goal of the diet is to identify the problematic food that is causing the allergic reaction. Using a simple scheme, you must first eliminate certain foods from the diet, and then gradually introduce them. This is easy for adults, but a little more difficult with children. Also, the Ado diet is useful for pregnant and lactating women, it helps to prevent the development of allergies in babies.

The Ado nutrition system allows you to cope with a painful reaction to food. Unfortunately, allergies can be caused by a number of other reasons: dust, wool, synthetic substances. This is because the body is trying to protect itself from harmful substances and viruses. Actually, that is why histamine (allergic) reactions occur. When foreign substances enter the body from the outside, special antibodies are produced in it to suppress them. This helps a person to overcome many viral and fungal diseases. But sometimes antibodies begin to “attack” absolutely harmless components. In medicine, this is called an “unnecessarily strong reaction.”

To date, a host of pharmaceutical preparations have been developed to suppress such reactions. However, for those who suffer from a similar problem, taking pills does not make it easier. Many allergy sufferers are literally dependent on their medications. Therefore, the Ado diet is often recommended for pregnant women in order to minimize the risk of the disease in the child. First of all, those who have allergies in the family should be careful. People suffering from other types of allergies (non-food) will also benefit from this program.

In addition to its main benefits, the diet contributes to the overall health of the body. It completely excludes food that contains preservatives, dyes, emulsifiers and similar additives. Reviews of the Ado diet from women reveal another of its positive aspects – since the allowed foods are low in calories, this system will result in a slight weight loss.

Ado diet for adults

First of all, before starting a diet, be sure to consult a doctor. Self-correction of the diet can give negative results. Only after the approval of a specialist can you start a diet. In laboratory conditions, it is possible to establish which product the reaction occurs on. But there are times when it is very difficult to do this, and this is exactly what the Ado diet comes in handy for.

To do this, you need to figure out which products will have to be excluded, and which can be left. The scientist, based on his own observations and research, compiled a list of highly allergenic products and compounds.

Products by Ado
Citruses (lemons, tangerines, grapefruits, etc.)Fruits, except prohibited
Any fishPorridge: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal
Fatty Meat and PoultryLean beef, young lamb
All kinds of nuts except almondsDried fruits (except exotic)
Products containing cocoa (chocolate, pastes, creams, drinks)Sugar, homemade desserts without cocoa
Coffee (instant and grain)Green tea, decoctions of herbs
Smoked meats (sausage, sausages, balyk, fat)Boiled meat
Sauces (mustard, mayonnaise, ketchup)Olive oil
VinegarGreen sour apples
Any spices (including dried herbs)Salt
Radish, radish, horseradishPumpkin
Red fruits and berries (strawberries, cherries, grapes)Green and yellow fruits
Red vegetablesOther types of vegetables: green, orange, yellow
All kinds of mushroomsGreens
Chicken eggsCourgettes, squash
Exotic fruitsAllowed fruits and berries: white currants, gooseberries
Peaches, apricotsPlum, watermelon
liquid milkKefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt without additives
MuffinWhite bread
AlcoholHomemade compotes and infusions

There is also a small list of products that have an average degree of reaction. These include: pork, rabbit meat, peas, bananas, turkey, green pepper. Such ingredients can be used for the Ado diet menu, but carefully. It is recommended to eat them only in the morning and before dinner. In the event of a reaction, it is easier and faster to get the necessary help during the day.

Ado diet for adults lasts 2-3 week. First you need to completely eliminate prohibited foods until the symptoms are completely neutralized. Then gradually introduce one component and monitor the reaction. This scheme will allow you to determine what exactly the body reacts to. In addition, immunity to allergens is often produced. This will completely eliminate some types of allergies.

It is better not to extend the technique for longer than 21 days. The diet cannot be called balanced, it will not have enough proteins and carbohydrates. An inadequate diet can lead to skin, hairline, and digestive problems.

Take antihistamines during the diet can not. This will hide the true effect of products on the body. Also, it is important to keep a gastronomic diary, in which you will need to record everything that has been eaten and your well-being. Such records will help the doctor to draw the necessary conclusions. Specialist better to visit at least once a week.

Ado menus for adults

The menu for a hypoallergenic diet will change every week. The more time passes, the easier it will be to make your diet, as it will include more and more products. The first seven days will consist solely of authorized components. But even from them you can make and cook a lot of delicious dishes.

The menu for the first week of the diet Ado
Day of the weekBreakfastDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
Monday“Hercules” on the water, teaVegetable soup with breadGreen apple with natural yogurtA serving of buckwheat with a salad of cucumber and cabbage
TuesdayMillet porridge with milk, teaVegetable stewDietary bread with cottage cheese, teaBoiled rice with vegetables
WednesdayWhite toasted bread toasts, green curd cheese, teaThick soup of cabbage, carrots and potatoes with breadNatural jujube, apple juiceVegetable stew
ThursdayOatmeal with dried apricotsVegetable broth with white bread croutonsApple, a glass of yogurt without additivesBuckwheat, a piece of boiled beef, cucumber
FridayRice porridge with slices of prunesRagout of zucchini, yellow pepper and potatoesSandwich made of white bread and cottage cheese, teaMillet porridge with vegetable salad
SaturdayWhite bread toasts, vegetable salad with olive oil, teaCabbage Soup, BreadNatural yogurt with pieces of dried apricots and prunesSteamed vegetables, a glass of kefir
SundayOatmeal on the water, teaBeef broth with broccoli and zucchiniCottage cheese toast, apple juiceBoiled rice with cabbage and carrot salad

After a week of strict menu by Ado, you can enter gradually prohibited foods. It is better to start with the above components with a moderate degree of allergenicity. After taking one or another ingredient, you need to wait a few days and write changes in the state in a notebook. Impairment of well-being may not necessarily be caused by the product. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor and get tested.

Recipes for a hypoallergenic diet

The list of products for the initial stage of the diet is quite narrow, but even with it you can come up with a lot of delicious dishes. With the same ingredients, the menu may look different every day.

Zucchini Casserole Recipe

For the dish you will need:

  • 1 zucchini medium size;
  • 1 medium bulb;
  • 100 ml unsweetened yogurt;
  • 1 carrots;
  • 250 gr beef or lamb.

Washed meat should be minced with a raw onion. Cover the baking dish with parchment or smear with olive oil. In it lay out an even layer of salted minced meat. Carrots and zucchini need to be cut into small cubes and spread them evenly on the meat. Top with yogurt and bake for 40 minutes.

Cookie Recipe

For baking you need:

  • 250 of flour (can be wheat or rye);
  • 250 ml low-fat yogurt;
  • 1-2 Art. l olive oil;
  • 3-4 Art. l Sahara;
  • soda (on the tip of the knife).

Beat kefir with sugar and butter. There you need to add the sifted flour and soda. Mix everything to a single consistency. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place all the dough on it in one layer. Bake for 30 minutes at a temperature of 180 C. Cut the cake into arbitrary shapes. The top of each cookie can be smeared with a paste of powdered sugar and water.

Such recipes are suitable for children and adults. In addition, on special forums, you can search for reviews about the diet on Ado. There, people with the same problem share recommendations, personal observations and recipes.

Ado’s diet for pregnant and lactating

The list of products for women in position and lactation is exactly the same as for all others. In future mothers may be hidden allergies that manifest themselves differently from other types of this disease. Symptoms of latent allergies can be excessive weight gain, high blood pressure, severe swelling, preeclampsia. Subsequently, the intolerance of any product goes to the child, but sometimes in a more complex form.

Women in position and nursing mothers need to undergo a special test for the concentration of Ig G4 antibodies in the blood. The menu for pregnant women will completely exclude fatty, fried, red. To prepare cereals, cereals must first be soaked in water for 1,5-2 hours. In the warm season, it is recommended to use vegetables and fruits seasonally, and frozen in winter. Juices should not contain sugar and preservatives. Drinks designed for children are best. Natural juice can be diluted with boiled water. Dairy products should be low in fat.

Any changes to the menu of the expectant or nursing mother should occur under the supervision of a leading doctor.

Ado’s diet for kids

Children are exposed to allergic diseases not less often than adults. On the contrary, their body is even more prone to self-defense, so the risk of an allergic reaction in babies is greater. The Ado hypoallergenic diet for a child is based on the same rules as for adults. If there are children in the family who require a special diet, doctors advise the whole family to go through such a diet.

During an exacerbation of the disease (manifestations of symptoms), prohibited foods must be completely excluded from the children’s menu. Even with an average tendency to allergic reactions, the basis of the diet should be boiled vegetables, light soups with lean beef (or without meat), special juices, homemade fruit purees. Fruits and berries with bright colors should be avoided: strawberries, pomegranates, black currants, beets, etc.

After improvement and the complete absence of symptoms of the disease, you can enter one component. This should take place under the supervision of a physician. To begin a diet, also, it is necessary only after approval of the doctor. Unreasonable restriction of the child’s diet can lead to impaired development of the child.

A strict menu for children according to Ado is not recommended to be extended for more than one decade (10 days). After identifying allergens, the child will have their own individual hypoallergenic diet.

In conclusion

The Ado diet is a special treatment program for children and adults. According to ISAAC (an international study), cases of allergic rhinitis have tripled worldwide in the last 25 years. Between 1999 and 2010, there were 1446 deaths in the US alone from heavy use of antihistamines.

Techniques to control and prevent this disease are becoming increasingly necessary. Therefore, it is difficult to overestimate the achievement of A. D. Ado. The effectiveness of his diet has been clinically proven and by the people who have taken it. It helps to identify the cause of the allergy and avoid painful symptoms in the future. This technique reduces the risk of angioedema, atopic dermatitis, itching and many other consequences of allergies. Pregnant and lactating women, having passed such a diet, will protect themselves and their child from such problems in the future.

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