Hypoallergenic Diet

The text is for informational purposes only. We urge you not to use diets, do not resort to any medical menus and fasting without medical supervision. Recommended reading: “Why you can not go on a diet on your own.” An allergy is an overactive reaction of the immune system that occurs due to the fact that the body’s defense cells mistakenly identify substances entering the body as dangerous and begin to fight them. Anything can cause an allergy: insect bites, animal hair, dust, even seemingly harmless substances such as water or vegetables. However, most often adverse reactions are caused by the use of foods containing an increased amount of proteins and fats. Often, allergic reactions occur due to the use of foods that require special enzymes to digest. If the body does not have time to produce the right amount of enzymes, the food cannot be fully digested, and intestinal disorders, rashes or other reactions occur.

To reduce the likelihood of an allergy, it is very important to follow the diet and follow simple rules: exclude potentially dangerous foods, eat enough green vegetables, fruits (dried fruits), gluten-free cereals, eat small meals, do not overeat (follow the daily norms of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and calories), drink enough water, do not skip meals and eat regularly.

Permitted products

In the case of food allergy, an important element of treatment will be a special diet. It is based on products that are considered hypoallergenic, that is, do not cause negative reactions from the immune system.

Safe for allergy sufferers are white poultry meat (turkey and chicken), vegetable oil, rice, buckwheat, oatmeal, dairy products, green vegetables, potatoes, unsalted cheese, apples and green pears, unleavened bread (unleavened), crackers from white bread without additives, dried fruits, black and green tea.

The set of authorized foods is individual, so an exact diet for a particular person should be made together with your doctor.

Try to diversify your diet by eating the same product no more than once per 3-4 of the day. This is necessary to ensure that specific product proteins do not accumulate in the body, and do not cause the development of a new bout of allergy.

What products to exclude from the menu

With a hypoallergenic diet, the following foods should be discarded:

  • a fish;
  • citrus;
  • nuts;
  • coffee;
  • chocolate;
  • smoked products;
  • hard cheese;
  • eggplants;
  • eggs;
  • tomatoes;
  • mushrooms;
  • honey;
  • canned and pickled vegetables and fruits;
  • mayonnaise and ketchup;
  • alcohol;
  • a pineapple;
  • melon;
  • all orange or red berries, or fruits;
  • spicy vegetables (radish, radish, horseradish);
  • skim milk and dairy products;
  • pastry, fresh bread and pastries.

If you notice undesirable reactions (rash, puffiness, runny nose) after eating any other products (outside this list), they should also be completely excluded.

Sample menu of a common hypoallergenic diet

To create an antihistamine diet menu for a week, be sure to consider not only hypersensitivity to certain foods, but also the likelihood of a “cross allergy”. So, often people suffering from hay fever during the flowering period of birch trees cannot tolerate apples, plums, and hazelnuts (hazelnuts). And hypersensitivity to coffee almost always means an active reaction of the body to legumes.

With a pronounced reaction to cow’s milk, it is better to abandon veal and beef, as well as soy and products containing gastric enzymes in cattle.

Intolerance to carrots may also indicate an increased sensitivity to parsley, celery, vitamin A and carotene.

If you are allergic to fish, it is advisable to exclude fish and seafood, as well as avoid contact with food for aquarium fish, which is made from daphnia (water flea).

The proposed menu of the hypoallergenic diet is indicative and can be changed or supplemented by the recommendation of an allergist or a nutritionist.

The first day

Breakfast: millet porridge with prunes, green tea.

Lunch: cream of cauliflower soup, steam meatballs from turkey, apple jelly.

Dinner: rice porridge with boiled beef or low-fat pork, low-fat kefir.

Second day

Breakfast: fat-free yogurt, 2 cracker made from wheat bread with avocado, tea.

Lunch: stewed cabbage with rice, dried fruit compote.

Dinner: beef goulash, boiled potatoes, pear.

The third day

Breakfast: pasta with steamed vegetables, tea.

Lunch: porridge, apple, compote.

Dinner: boiled fish, stewed zucchini, jelly.

Fourth day

Breakfast: fruit salad, yogurt with galetny cookies.

Lunch: lean borscht, steam meatballs, juice.

Dinner: pork stewed vegetables, tea.

Fifth day

Breakfast: oatmeal with fruit, tea.

Lunch: vegetable soup with beef, kefir, fruit.

Dinner: porridge with vegetables, jelly.

Sixth day

Breakfast: turkey sandwich, yogurt, fruit.

Lunch: meat soup, banana, tea.

Supper: macaroni, cabbage salad, compote.

Seventh day

Breakfast: vegetable casserole with tea.

Lunch: vegetable stew, steamed croquettes, yogurt.

Dinner: porridge with cutlet, fruit jelly.

Atopic dermatitis diet

Chronic allergy – atopic dermatitis – requires maximum attention to nutrition. All recipes should be as simple as possible, and the quality of the products does not cause the slightest doubt.

For atopic dermatitis, wheat, bananas, honey and sugar, red and orange vegetables, fruits or berries, milk and dairy products, eggs, fatty meats and fish, chocolate, seasonings and spices, coffee, vinegar, nuts, sweets should be excluded from the menu , spicy dishes.

Cook soups from soaked vegetables and cereals, steam cutlets made from turkey or lean meat, casseroles, vegetable purees with the addition of vegetable oil, porridge from authorized cereals, dried fruit compotes.

Diet recipes

Corn porridge in a slow cooker (steamer)

Pour the washed corn grits (200 grams) into a steaming bowl and pour water in the ratio of 1 to 4 (4 cups of water for each cup of grits). Set the double boiler timer for 30 minutes.

At the end of the cycle, the porridge should be slightly salted, add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil and mix well. If necessary, add some hot water. Turn on the steamer for another 5 minutes. Turn off the steamer with porridge, leave closed for 10-15 minutes, so that it is well steamed. When serving, porridge can be added to stewed vegetables, meatballs or natural yogurt.

If you want to cook a large portion of porridge at once, keep in mind that it will take more time to warm and cook it.

Dinner at the multicooker

Pour the peeled, washed and cut into pieces potatoes and cauliflower with water for an hour. Divide the soaked vegetables: put the potatoes in the multicooker bowl, and the cauliflower in the overhead double boiler (upper compartment). Cover the cabbage with slices of turkey fillet on top (cut the meat into medium-sized pieces, you can lightly beat off). Sprinkle with a little sea salt and cook for an hour in the “Steamer” mode.

Serve the finished dish better with natural yogurt or low-fat sour cream.

Features of the menu for nursing mothers

During lactation, it is important to monitor the nutrition of a nursing mother, since food directly affects the quality of breast milk and its composition. So, when eating chocolate, citrus, too fatty foods, or products containing dyes, flavors, or other synthetic additives (stabilizers, emulsifiers), the baby’s weak immune system may react too violently: rash on the cheeks, colic, bloating, constipation, or diarrhea.

Particular attention should be paid to food mothers, who themselves suffer from allergies. It is proved that the tendency to increased food sensitivity is inherited, which means that the likelihood of allergies in children, one (or both) of whose parents suffer from allergies, is much higher.

In this case, the basis of the diet of a nursing mother should be dairy-free cereals, vegetarian soups made from permitted vegetables and cereals, fruits and berries of soft flowers, dried fruits.

Re-introduction of hypersensitivity products

A long hypoallergenic diet can cause the development of hypovitaminosis or a lack of minerals, therefore, most often, doctors prescribe an additional intake of vitamin-mineral complexes.

After a period of strict diet, when all the manifestations of allergies (rash, swelling, runny nose) completely disappeared, you should gradually begin to introduce new foods.

Thus, you can accurately determine the products that cause a particular reaction. In addition, there are frequent situations when a rash or bloating is observed after exceeding a certain dose of the product. For example, one toast of wheat bread does not cause discomfort, but after two or three pieces, there are already unpleasant sensations in the stomach, itching or a rash on the skin. This means that in order to prevent allergic reactions, you will only need not exceed safe portions of products for you.

Remember that products must be administered one at a time, starting with a serving of 10 grams on the first day, gradually increasing to 150 grams over the course of a week. If after a week of continuous consumption there is no re-reaction, the product can be considered authorized and used in the daily diet (in reasonable quantities).

A new product can be entered no earlier than 2 weeks after the previous one has been completely entered.

Be sure to keep a food diary, where write down not only a detailed list of all the foods eaten per day, but also your well-being, presence / absence of allergic reactions. This will help you more accurately track reactions to certain combinations of products.

Consequences of not following the diet for allergies

If you notice any manifestations of allergies in yourself or your child, do not postpone a visit to the doctor and immediately begin to follow a hypoallergenic diet.

It is very important to eliminate contact with the allergen as soon as possible, because otherwise a one-time intolerance attack can develop into a chronic form – atopic dermatitis.

In addition, against the background of constant non-compliance with the diet for allergies, the development of colitis, flatulence, the addition of secondary skin infections (including fungal infections) and even the development of depressive states are possible.

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