Hypnotherapist: all you need to know about this profession
Panic attacks, insomnia, addictions… The hypnotherapist uses hypnosis to treat a psychological or somatic disorder. Who are hypnotherapists? How are they trained? How to choose yours? Explanations.
What is hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is defined as the psychotherapeutic use of hypnosis. In other words, hypnosis is used to treat mental or somatic disorders.
Hypnotherapy can be practiced by a health professional (doctor, psychiatrist, psychologist, psychotherapist, psychopractor, etc.) or a therapist trained in the hypnosis method.
Hypnotherapy uses several forms of hypnosis and mainly: classic hypnosis (the hypnotist suggests a directive change to the patient), Ericksonnian hypnosis (the hypnotic state opens access to the unconscious so that the patient finds itself the solutions to its problems), hypnoanalysis (hypnosis is an accessory to psychoanalysis.
Box: But what is hypnosis?
The term hypnosis comes from the Greek: “hypno” meaning “sleep”. However, the hypnotic state is different from that of sleep and wakefulness. It is a modified state of consciousness (EMC) which we also call hypnotic trance. For the physician Bernheim (1840-1919), the hypnotic state is a particular state which increases the suggestibility of the mind. For the psychiatrist Erickson, this state favors the functioning of the unconscious over that of the conscious.
The hypnotic process refers to the passage from the waking state to the hypnotic state. This transition can be provided for therapeutic purposes. Hypnosis has thus been used for medical purposes since the XNUMXth century (although the hypnotic state has been used since the dawn of time and in a large number of cultures).
Hypnosis is today part of unconventional therapeutic practices (also called “complementary”, “parallel” or “alternative” medicine). It can have three main aims: analgesic (hypnoalgesia), sedative (hypnosedation) and or psychotherapeutic (hypnotherapy).
Hypnotherapy: what therapeutic indications?
The indications for hypnotherapy are the same as for any psychotherapy. However, it is not suitable for the treatment of acute psychotic disorders (schizophrenia, delusional flushes, etc.). It can be used for the following issues:
Psychology / psychiatry | Lack of self-esteem, assertiveness, management of stage fright and stress, relationship difficulties, phobias, anxiety, obsessions, OCD, panic attacks, overwork, etc. |
Mood disorders | Depression, cyclothymia, bipolar disorder, etc. |
Sleeping troubles | Insomnia, hypersomnia, parasomnia, etc. |
Psycho trauma and victimology | Post-traumatic syndrome (accident, catastrophe, fact of war, attacks, rape, assault, etc.). |
Eating disorders | Bulimia, anorexia nervosa, obesity, binge eating, etc. |
Addictology | Tobacco, alcohol, obesity, sexuality, games, etc. |
Sexology | Erectile dysfunction, impotence, premature ejaculation, vaginismus, etc. |
Chronic somatic pain | Fibromyalgia, migraine, etc. |
Child psychiatry | Sleep disturbances, bedwetting, relationship problems, stuttering, etc. |
Note that hypnosis is used in various fields of medicine such as neurology, gastroenterology, gynecology, dentistry, sports medicine, pain treatment, anesthesia, palliative care, etc. .
Role of the hypnotherapist
Unlike the hypnotist, the goal of the hypnotherapist is not to plunge the patient into a hypnotic trance state but rather to respond to his problem and bring him better mental health. Hypnosis is only a tool for the hypnotherapist and not an end in itself.
Hypnotherapy opens with a consultation for diagnostic purposes to target the patient’s needs but also to determine the strategy that will be used for the next sessions. The first consultation is therefore generally the longest. A hypnotherapy session can last between 45 and 60 minutes. Generally, a part is reserved for the exchange with the practitioner and a second for the hypnosis session. About ten sessions are generally sufficient.
Hypnotherapist: what training?
The hypnotherapist must have completed training in hypnosis. There are university training courses but also training provided by private organizations or associations. However, these training courses are not recognized by the Order of Physicians. Doctors are therefore not allowed to mention this skill on their plate and / or on prescriptions.
Training courses reserved for doctors and healthcare professionals
University training hypnosis exist in the form of DU (university degree), DIU (interuniversi diplomataire), DESU (graduate studies diploma). These training courses are generally reserved for doctors and students at the end of their medical
Education also exists at the private and associative level. Most of these training courses are reserved for healthcare professionals. They can be provided as part of continuing education and Continuous Professional Development (CPD).
In addition, associations and organizations that are members of the CFHTB (French-speaking Confederation of Hypnosis and Brief Therapies), have created hypnosis training only reserved for medical and paramedical practitioners (doctors, dentists, physiotherapists, psychologists, etc.). The list of these institutes and associations is available online. Among the latter, we find in particular Emergences Institute et the Milton H. Erickson Institutes.
Training accessible to a wider audience
There are other training courses which do not adhere to the CFHTB charter and which can be provided to a wider audience (non-health professionals) without a prerequisite diploma. While these training courses are not prohibited by law, the practice of therapeutic hypnosis by non-doctors has already been condemned for illegal practice of medicine.
How to find a hypnotherapist?
A healthcare professional specializing in your area of care
It is preferable to turn to a hypnotherapist who is first of all a health professional: doctor, psychologist, physiotherapist, nurse, etc.
In addition, it is imperative that the profession of your hypnotherapist is adapted to your request. For example, if you are going through depression, it is recommended that you turn to a psychiatrist or psychologist. Finally, it is essential to focus more specifically on the area of care in which your therapist specializes (for example: smoking cessation, self-esteem, weight loss, etc.) before making an appointment.
Reference sites
In order to find a trusted therapist, you can browse the website of the French-speaking Confederation of Hypnosis and Brief Therapies or CFHTB, which brings together schools and organizations with an ethics charter and training reserved for health professionals. The CFHTB is part of the European Society of Hypnosis and the International Society of Hypnosis.
The directory of the French Institute of Hypnosis (IFH) allows for its part to select the type of health professional desired (doctor, psychologist, etc.), his location and the indications on which he intervenes. The French Institute of Hypnosis (IFH) is not a member of the CFHTB but this training organization follows the same positioning as the latter. Indeed, the IFH provides training reserved only for healthcare professionals as part of continuing professional development (CPD).