Often underestimated in the prevention of pain, hypnosis, distraction and relaxation are added to medications. Some have the advantage of not requiring any special training and can therefore be spontaneously applied by nurses.
Simple and adaptable to many situations, distraction is distracting the child’s attention. In practice, the applications are very diverse: concentration on a subject, inflating a balloon, video games…. Everything will depend on the age of the patient and the means of the hospital!
« However, a more passive distraction (such as watching a movie or listening to a song) is more effective when performing a venipuncture. », Emphasizes Edith Gatbois, pediatrician in the pain unit at Trousseau hospital.
Classic, but just as effective and fun: the clowns. Their presence lowered the average anxiety score by 50% during minor surgery performed on children aged 5 to 12, according to an Italian study published in 2005.
Finally, the last two therapeutic tools require specific training to achieve real physical and mental relaxation:
Hypnosis involves visualization and mental imagery. The child’s imagination is encouraged thanks to the solicitations of the accompanying person throughout the duration of the care. As for relaxation, it is based on breathing exercises and suggestions for pleasant images.
And the parents ? Your presence has a positive influence on your child’s anxiety during delicate care. So talk to the medical team! And know that, according to ANAES recommendations, as part of the management of acute pain on an outpatient basis in children up to 15 years old, the presence of parents must be possible when performing painful gestures and in all situations where the child is likely to feel pain, whenever the child and his family wish. |