Hyperventilation – causes and symptoms. Treatment of hyperventilation

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By definition, hyperventilation is controlled or autonomous increased ventilation of the lungs. It can represent a condition in which more air enters the alveoli, reducing the partial pressure of carbon dioxide, leading to the development of respiratory alkalosis.

Hyperventilation it is usually caused by the following factors:

  1. increased effects of nervous stimuli such as psychological stress, the effects of cold and others,
  2. degenerative changes in the central nervous system,
  3. pregnancy – in this case, hyperventilation is the result of adaptation of the respiratory system,
  4. the effect of allergens or toxins on the respiratory system,
  5. hypoxia (oxygen deficiency in tissues).

There are also known instances of triggering hyperventilation by the patient, because it is mechanically very simple and possible to recreate.

It is common to wonder about the question that whether hyperventilation is dangerous. Of course, it is not advisable to induce it yourself, but it is worth mentioning that it is often used by swimmers and divers.

This release involves taking three deep breaths, which removes carbon dioxide and heavy gases from your lungs. Depending on the depth of inspiration, more or less of the substances mentioned are removed. Hyperventilation prepares the alveoli by stretching them so that you can draw in more air with the next inhalation. Long-lasting However, hyperventilation is dangerous – it leads to an increase in the amount of air flowing into the alveoli, causing hypocapnia and leading to the development of respiratory alkalosis, which disturbs the acid-base balance.

As hyperventilation often accompanies panic attacks, it is sometimes a sign of nervous diseases, but also diseases of the blood system and lungs. The most effective ad hoc way to fight hyperventilation there is an injection of calcium bicarbonate which increases the amount of carbon dioxide rapidly expelled from the body.

This effect can be magnified by breathing into a paper bag. Hyperventilation it may be one of the symptoms of chronic lung diseases, motion sickness, but also degenerative changes in the central nervous system. Chronic hyperventilation results from an abnormal lifestyle and is often associated with asthma, emphysema and lung cancer. The immediate effect hyperventilation fainting may occur, therefore, in the event of diagnosis of its symptoms, it is worth applying the solutions indicated above, if possible.

Alternative treatments hyperventilation is practicing tai-chi, yoga, meditating or using acupuncture therapy, but you should not give up visiting a doctor.

Hyperventilation – physiology

This disorder often accompanies, first of all, neurotic diseases, which means that, if ignored, it can even lead to a deterioration of the mental state. If you suspect the presence of neurosis, you should consult immediately psychiatrist. It also doesn’t hurt to avoid stressful situations. Hyperventilation it can be a symptom of both physiological and neurological disorders, and therefore, although it is not a disease itself, it is an ailment which, if ignored, may have consequences. Disturbance of the acid-base balance caused by hyperventilation often results in numbness of the face, hands, feet, and oxygen deficiency in the brain. As long as one-time hyperventilation it does not pose a threat to health, so its regular occurrence is a sign that you should go to an appointment immediately specialistwhich will help you avoid possible consequences.

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