Hypertension – causes, symptoms, treatment, complications. How to take the measurement?

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Hypertension is a disease that affects every third adult Pole in Poland, of which a large part of the population of several million is not aware of the problem, so they do not use any treatment. Among people aware of their own disease, many are inadequately treated: they take medications irregularly or not at all, in too low doses, etc. Unfortunately, many years of poor blood pressure control have a detrimental effect on the functioning of the circulatory system and kidneys, causing numerous complications that are dangerous to health and life.

Hypertension is a symptom for which it is characteristic high blood pressure in the vascular systemif the blood pressure is above 140 mmHg for systolic blood pressure and / or above 90 mmHg for diastolic blood pressure.

The risk of developing this condition increases with age. However, in younger people, hypertension may be the result of other ailments. When measuring pressure, read the systolic pressure given first and the diastolic pressure given as the second value. You can test your blood pressure at home thanks to the Tensio wrist blood pressure monitor. The device is easy to use and has the function of storing up to 80 test results.

Breakdown of blood pressure:

  1. pressure below 120/80 mmHg – it is optimal;
  2. systolic pressure 120-129 mmHg and / or diastolic 80-84 – this is the normal blood pressure;
  3. systolic blood pressure of 130-139 mmHg and / or diastolic blood pressure of 85-89 mmHg – this is normal, but high blood pressure.

Also read: Hypotension – causes, symptoms and treatment

Types of hypertension

  1. First degree hypertension – systolic blood pressure of 140-159 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure of 90-99 mmHg are characteristic.
  2. Second degree hypertension – in this case, the systolic blood pressure is 160-179 mmHg, and the diastolic blood pressure is 100-109 mmHg.
  3. XNUMXrd degree hypertension – here systolic blood pressure fluctuates above 180 mmHg, and diastolic pressure above 110 mmHg.

Check your blood pressure regularly using the Omron M2 HEM-7121-E Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor, which you can buy at a promotional price on Medonet Market.

The causes of hypertension depend on its type. Some of its types may be related to genetic tendencies or environmental influences, while others may be based on specific diseases.

We can distinguish primary hypertension that occurs for no specific reason. It may be suspected that various environmental and genetic factors increase the risk of hypertension, while disrupting the mechanisms involved in the regulation of blood pressure, such as the RAA system or NO (nitric oxide);

Secondary hypertension usually occurs as a result of other ailments. The diseases that increase the risk of high blood pressure are:

  1. Cushing’s syndrome – caused by elevated levels of cortisol in the blood;
  2. chronic kidney disease;
  3. renal artery disease;
  4. Conn’s syndrome – characterized by an excess production of aldosterone by the adrenal glands;
  5. phaeochromocytoma – is usually a benign tumor of the adrenal medulla and secretes adrenaline and norepinephrine;
  6. obstructive sleep apnea;
  7. aortic stenosis.

The appropriate level of omega-3 fatty acids in the body has a positive effect on the stabilization of blood pressure. At Medonet Market you can buy a high-quality Super Omega 1540 mg dietary supplement with omega-3 acids, the natural composition of which strengthens the circulatory system. Other dietary supplements and herbal preparations for the circulatory system available on Medonet Market will also help regulate blood pressure.

In the prevention of hypertension, rowan can be used, which strengthens blood vessels and supports the work of the heart. Rowan fruit in the form of dried tea for preparing tea can be bought at Medonet Market.

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In addition, there are factors that increase the risk of hypertension, including:

  1. inadequate lifestyle;
  2. obesity (especially abdominal obesity);
  3. smoking;
  4. overweight;
  5. physical inactivity;
  6. excessive salt consumption (it is recommended to consume a maximum of half a teaspoon of salt a day – 3,8 g);
  7. consuming a lot of alcohol;
  8. genetics (people whose mother or father suffer from hypertension are particularly at risk).

If you’re at risk of developing blood pressure problems, take Ginkgo biloba supplementation. The plant, also known as Japanese ginkgo, regulates the work of blood vessels and increases blood flow, thus minimizing the risk of hypertension.

Worth knowing

The development of arterial hypertension is actually a long and complex process that depends not only on environmental but also genetic factors, over which we have no influence. Therefore, prevention is better than cure, i.e. the risk of hypertension in the future should be minimized. The Butcher’s broom dietary supplement will be helpful in this, which thanks to natural plant extracts has a positive effect on the circulatory system.

In many patients, hypertension does not cause any symptoms, especially in the early stages of the disease, when pressure abnormalities are not that high. More serious symptoms appear when there are additional complications, such as left ventricular hypertrophy or the development of atherosclerosis. Thus, the risk of a heart attack or stroke increases. Secondary hypertension is characterized by very high blood pressure and may not respond to treatment.

Many patients may develop uncharacteristic complaints in the form of:

  1. shortness of breath;
  2. headaches;
  3. dizziness;
  4. insomnia;
  5. palpitations;
  6. sweating;
  7. hot flashes;
  8. facial flushing;
  9. low physical and mental fitness.

Along with the development of hypertension, other symptoms begin to appear, which are a consequence of damaged organs due to poor blood pressure values. Then the patient may develop:

  1. kidney problems;
  2. problems with proper feeling and movement;
  3. trouble with eyesight;
  4. lower intellectual efficiency;
  5. hypothermia of the limbs;
  6. swelling of the limbs.

Certain herbs, e.g. motherwort, yarrow, and hawthorn have a beneficial effect on hypertension. You can find them in the EKO Tea for Nervous Men, which you can buy at Medonet Market.


Several factors affect the blood pressure, including the number of beats per minute, the strength of the heartbeat, stress, work performed, and blood volume in the body. Thanks to the Tma-20 Smart upper arm blood pressure monitor you will get a decisive blood pressure result. The device comes with a measurement diary, which makes it easy to remember the test results for each day.

  1. Do you often have headaches and shortness of breath? Do you get hot flashes? Do not hesitate and make an appointment with a cardiologist today

We talk about arterial hypertension when, in at least two separate measurements, the systolic blood pressure exceeds 140, and the diastolic blood pressure exceeds 90 mmHg (millimeters of mercury). In children, special diagrams are used to determine hypertension. percentile grids. In adults, it is most often impossible to determine the cause of the disease, only every tenth patient suffers from secondary hypertension; in children it is exactly the opposite.

Diseases and situations in the course of which hypertension occurs and which should be excluded during diagnostics and before the implementation of chronic treatment include:

  1. diseases of the parenchyma of the kidneys and of the blood vessels supplying the kidney;
  2. adrenal tumors, e.g., pheochromocytoma and kidney;
  3. numerous endocrine diseases;
  4. the use of certain drugs and addictive substances.

There are also situations when in the doctor’s office the patient presents elevated values ​​of arterial pressure, with completely correct measurements taken independently at home. This is called white coat hypertension

At Medonet Market you can buy an iHealt upper arm blood pressure monitor with the function of detecting cardiac arrhythmias. The device is characterized by high quality and fast measurement time.

Diagnostic methods used in the diagnosis of hypertension:

  1. pressure measurement – of course, do not rely on a single measurement! Before starting the measurement, the doctor should interview the patient and exclude factors that may interfere with the correct result, e.g. stress, smoking (especially half an hour before the test). Before taking the measurement, the patient should be refreshed (it is worth staying at least ten minutes before the test in a sitting position); it is very useful to have the pressure measured by the sick person at home. He can record the obtained values ​​- it helps not only to recognize hypertension, but also to choose the appropriate treatment method (of course, after prior consultation with a doctor);
  2. exclusion of organ complications in the patient – it should be performed when diagnosing arterial hypertension in a patient. This is important because it is not known for how long a certain patient suffers from hypertension and what damage may have been caused to the body during that time;
  3. echocardiographic examination of the heart – performed in patients with diagnosed hypertension; helps to determine the condition of the heart and possible overgrowth of its walls;

You can find clinics that perform the echo test on the website clinics.pl.

  1. laboratory tests – reveal other factors that increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases; for this purpose, the concentration of potassium, peripheral blood count, sodium concentration, as well as glucose and creatinine are performed; in some patients, a cholesterol test and a general urinalysis are indicated.

The diagnosis of arterial hypertension can be performed with the help of laboratory tests. You can buy a diagnostic test package that you can perform at several hundred locations throughout the country quickly and safely at Medonet Market.

Also read: How to measure blood pressure? Check that you are not making any mistakes

In the treatment of hypertension, the most important thing is:

  1. lifestyle change;
  2. minimizing the risk factors of arterial hypertension;
  3. taking medications that lower blood pressure.

In the treatment of essential hypertension, various antihypertensive (hypotensive) drugs are used, either singly or in combination. The introduction of lifestyle modifications is extremely important ie increasing physical activity, quitting smoking, losing weight (if you are overweight or obese), reducing salt and alcohol consumption, introducing a Mediterranean diet. It is worth supporting an active lifestyle and a healthy diet with appropriate supplementation.

We recommend a cardiovascular dietary supplement containing Antarctic Krill Oil. The preparation, thanks to the presence of fatty acids, strengthens the heart and regulates blood pressure. At medonetmarket.pl, at an attractive price, you can also order a natural dietary supplement Harmonix 500 ml, which regulates blood pressure. This product contains extracts of 10 herbs and chokeberry juice, comprehensively supporting the body’s functions.

Treatment of hypertension is chronic and requires the patient’s commitment and persistence, which is often difficult, especially in the context of the long-term absence of disease symptoms.

Preparations used in the treatment of hypertension:

  1. diuretic preparations;
  2. sympathetic lowering beta-blockers;
  3. calcium channel blockers;
  4. aldosterone antagonists;
  5. angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers – lower blood pressure.

Thoroughly conducted therapeutic management brings tangible benefits in the treatment of hypertension. It allows you to avoid or significantly delay the occurrence of complications of hypertension, which include:

  1. development of atherosclerosis in the arteries of the heart, neck, kidneys and lower extremities;
  2. myocardial infarction,
  3. left ventricular hypertrophy with its subsequent failure;
  4. deterioration of eyesight and kidney function (chronic renal failure of various severity);
  5. stroke.

In order to have the pressure under constant control, it is worth getting a good quality blood pressure monitor. At Medonet Market you will find a wide range of various types of blood pressure monitors:

  1. upper arm blood pressure monitors,
  2. wrist sphygmomanometers.

Hypertension and pregnancy

Diagnosing hypertension in a pregnant woman requires separate diagnostics and management. There are the following types of hypertension in pregnant women:

  1. gestational hypertension – occurs after 20 weeks of pregnancy and disappears up to 42 days after the baby is born. When Gestational Hypertension is accompanied by proteinuria, it is called pre-eclampsia and is dangerous because it leads to eclampsia, which is a risk to both mother and baby;
  2. pre-existing hypertension – usually occurs before pregnancy or until the 20th week of pregnancy;
  3. pre-existing arterial hypertension with superimposed gestational hypertension – the course of this pressure increases and exacerbates during pregnancy;
  4. arterial hypertension not classified before delivery – occurs when hypertension is diagnosed after the 20th week of pregnancy and it has not been measured before or in the earlier weeks of pregnancy.

By purchasing a medical subscription, you provide yourself with comprehensive medical care at every stage of pregnancy. Take advantage of the Medonet Market offer and take care of your health today.


Diagnosing hypertension in a woman before pregnancy will require a change in its treatment, as many preparations used for this ailment can damage the fetus.

  1. Do you want to check if you have high blood pressure? Take advantage of the Medonet Market offer and buy a high-quality blood pressure monitor.
  1. Measure your blood pressure in a sitting position, after at least five minutes of rest.
  2. Smoking cigarettes, drinking coffee and exercising half an hour before the measurement disturbs the result.
  3. It is best to place the forearm of your non-dominant hand on a flat surface, at the same level as your heart.
  4. The back should be straight.
  5. The feet must be on the floor.
  6. Take 2 or 3 measurements at a time, one minute apart and take the average value from them.
  7. Remember to write down your blood pressure results on a piece of paper.

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