The heart is an organ that works all the time. That is why it is worth taking care of it in a unique way. Proper diet, proper sleep hygiene and physical activity are the basis of a strong heart. One must not forget about preventive examinations and regular blood pressure checks.
Lifestyle for a strong heart
We work all our lives for a healthy organism. The condition of our internal organs, and thus our well-being and fitness, depends on how we have cared for them over many decades.
What has the greatest impact on the condition of the heart and the entire circulatory system? For years, the importance of three factors has been emphasized:
- diets,
- sleep hygiene,
- physical activity.
A diet to strengthen the heart
The correct work of the heart, patent blood vessels and normal blood pressure largely depend on what we eat. For years, nutritionists and doctors have emphasized that the key to success is not only a properly balanced diet, but also the amount of fluids consumed daily, as well as the regularity and size of meals.
According to the Food Pyramid published in 2021 by the Institute of Food and Nutrition – the basis of the scheme is physical activity understood not only as a typical sport, but also: walking up stairs, walking, Nordic walking, etc. The pyramid clearly indicates that the basis of the diet should be vegetables and fruits – which constitute up to half of what we eat. The proportions are also important, because 3/4 should be vegetables and less fruit.
The daily menu should include high-quality unsaturated fatty acids, including omega-3 and omega-6. Their sources are mainly sea fish (mackerel, tuna, salmon, trout), walnuts, almonds, as well as linseed, corn, rapeseed and sunflower oil. For the sake of well-being, it is worth giving up fatty, highly processed products, sweets and sweet drinks. You should definitely avoid saturated and trans fats, which are present mainly in lard, meat, cheese, palm oil and in all fast food dishes. The high amount of salt in the diet also has a negative effect on the parameters of the circulatory system. Its excess damages not only the heart, but also the nervous system and kidneys. Too high sodium concentration in the blood raises blood pressure, which in turn may lead to the development of cardiovascular diseases.
Vitamins and minerals are of no less importance for the proper functioning of the heart. Particular attention should be paid to vegetables containing potassium. These include all legumes (including beans, lentils, soybeans, chickpeas), as well as bananas, spinach, Brussels sprouts, avocados, potatoes and broccoli. A good and healthy diversion will also be fresh vegetables (about 2 servings a day), as well as whole grains, including buckwheat, pearl barley, millet and oatmeal.
The Mediterranean and DASH diets are undoubtedly the benchmarks for a heart-healthy diet. They help to stabilize blood pressure, reduce the risk of overweight and obesity, as well as lifestyle diseases, including atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes and hypercholesterolaemia.
Sleep hygiene
Night sleep promotes the regeneration of the entire body. During sleep, blood pressure drops, heart rate stabilizes and the heart slows down a little. However, in order for it to be sufficiently long and of good quality, it is worth taking care of several aspects. First of all, about 2 hours before going to bed, turn off all sources that emit blue light. We are talking here primarily about TVs, smartphones, laptops and tablets. Why is it so important? An endocrine gland called the pineal gland is responsible for XNUMX-hour wakefulness and distinguishing between day and night. Its function is to produce melatonin, a hormone that helps you fall asleep and ensures optimal sleep length. Scientific research has shown that blue radiation and light interfere with this process.
It is also good practice to ventilate the bedroom for a long time before going to bed and to ensure that the temperature in it does not exceed 19 degrees C. How long to sleep? Doctors argue that an adult should spend about 7 hours a day on this activity.
Moving is healthy
Daily physical activity is important at any age. Movement doesn’t have to be strenuous and sweating.
How to start? From ordinary walks, e.g. with poles, cycling, swimming or yoga. Another positive habit is taking a roundabout route to the bakery, choosing stairs instead of an elevator, or getting off the tram one stop earlier. When training more intensively, you must not forget about warming up before and stretching after.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a total of at least 150-300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week; or at least a total of 75-150 minutes of high intensity aerobic physical activity; or an equivalent combination of moderate and high intensity activities. Elderly people should be as physically active as their mobility allows and adjust their level of physical activity to the level of fitness.
Sport practiced in the frequency recommended by WHO reduces the risk of heart disease by as much as 14 percent.
Hypertension – a pressing problem for millions of Poles
Hypertension is a worldwide problem. Worldwide, 10 million people die from this disease each year. As many as 1,1 billion people on our globe have been diagnosed with arterial hypertension. The forecasts are not optimistic. It is estimated that by 2025, approximately 29,2% of people will suffer from this disease. population, which gives the number of 1,56 billion people! Hypertension affects older people more often, but young people are more and more likely to suffer from it.
In Poland, we estimate that there are about 12 million people with hypertension, and in 5-6 years this number may increase to 14 million – emphasizes prof. dr hab. n. med. Krzysztof Narkiewicz, internist, hypertensiologist, from the Department of Hypertension and Diabetology of the Medical University of Gdańsk I adds: Hypertension is a serious health problem of all continents and all countries.
The risk factors for developing high blood pressure are:
- age over 60 (the risk increases by as much as 60%),
- overweight and obesity,
- smoking,
- excessive salt consumption
- alcohol abuse,
- low or no physical activity,
- stressful lifestyle.
Only half of people with hypertension are aware of their disease, the other half live with this condition, which develops “quietly”, wreaking havoc on the body. Hypertension cannot be taken lightly. Although it is often not accompanied by any ailments, it consistently leads to organ complications. That is why it is so important to check the pressure regularly, even when we feel well. The Polish Society of Hypertension states that the primary goal of therapy in a patient with arterial hypertension is to reduce mortality and the global risk of cardiovascular and renal complications. This goal can be achieved by following your doctor’s recommendations (taking your medications regularly), and by remembering to modify your lifestyle, including a healthy diet and exercise.
The COVID-19 pandemic that has been going on since 2019 has significantly impeded the performance of preventive examinations and limited the availability of doctors of many specializations. The result is a delay in the diagnosis of blood pressure, and hence, all its consequences. As it turns out, uncontrolled hypertension worsens the course of COVID-19.
Uncontrolled arterial hypertension is a risk factor for a more severe course of COVID-19 and a worse prognosis for such a patient, because hypertension is the underlying cause of cardiovascular complications, ischemic heart disease and heart failure – says Prof. dr. hab. n. med. Agnieszka Olszanecka – cardiologist, hypertensiologist, XNUMXst Department of Cardiology, Interventional Electrocardiology and Hypertension, Jagiellonian University Collegium Medicum in Krakow.
Why should you measure your blood pressure?
Why is it important to check your blood pressure regularly? The research results are unambiguous. This disease increases the risk of stroke by as much as 62 percent. The likelihood of developing other cardiovascular diseases, including coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, and atherosclerosis, increases significantly. It is worth emphasizing that arterial hypertension is also correlated with the deterioration of eyesight and kidney function.
Blood pressure monitoring (at home and during visits to the doctor) is the only way to verify whether or not a high blood pressure problem exists. The disease is very often referred to as the silent killer that develops over the years, initially without any symptoms.
Everyone should know their blood pressure. In the world from 30 percent. up to 50 percent people do not know their blood pressure. In Poland, if we look at people up to 50 years of age, every second Pole does not know if he has arterial hypertension – says prof. dr hab. n. med. Krzysztof Narkiewicz.
What are the blood pressure norms?
The normal and therefore physiological blood pressure value in healthy subjects is
People who are treating high blood pressure should keep it at 120-129 / 70-79 mmHg.
The value of pressure should be checked in the general population, also among healthy people, at every opportunity. Systematic measurement should take place at least once a year. This is the bare minimum. A single pressure measurement does not give us 100%. information on how the actual pressure values are shaped all the time – argues prof. dr. hab. n. med. Agnieszka Olszanecka.
How to measure blood pressure? Only blood pressure monitors with a cuff are recommended. Wrist devices are too insensitive and too sensitive to changing the position of the hand. It is a good idea to take two measurements at intervals of time. They can differ by up to a dozen mmHg. It is worth conducting observation (at a similar time, at rest, in a relaxed state) twice a day for two days, and optimally for a week. The result can be written down in a notebook or a special application.
It is very important that the measurement is standardized. If we already have hypertension diagnosed, let’s buy a good apparatus and measure blood pressure regularly. The more measurements, the more precisely we will assess the height of arterial pressure – explains Prof. dr hab. n. med. Krzysztof Narkiewicz.
It is worth remembering that the result may be influenced by drinking coffee beforehand, as well as physical exertion, and even stress.
Treatment of hypertension
Pharmacological treatment of blood pressure is effective as long as it is regular and prolonged. Taking medications for this condition should become part of your daily routine. Also, the prescribed therapy must not be interrupted.
A large percentage of patients discontinue high blood pressure medication once its levels have stabilized. The effects of discontinuation of treatment or its lack may entail health and life-threatening complications. Chronically sustained high blood pressure slowly but steadily destroys many internal organs, not only the heart, but also the brain, eyesight, and kidneys. Examples include severe visual impairment, retinal disease, glomerular damage, decreased elasticity of blood vessels, atherosclerosis, stroke, heart attack and hypercholesterolaemia.
We have research that well-chosen drugs work for several or even several dozen years. This medicine will lower your blood pressure over the years. Especially if they are combined drugs, i.e. two or three substances in one tablet. In Poland, even 60 percent. patients either forget or partially stop taking medications on their own or do not modify their lifestyle, says Prof. dr hab. n. med. Krzysztof Narkiewicz.
Interestingly, experts agree that the more pills you take, the more likely you are to not take them all or that you will simply get tired of taking them. Therefore, the key to success may be the combination of several active substances in one tablet. The second important factor is the habit, e.g. taking medication always with morning tea.
Treatment is an investment for years as it extends healthy life. Untreated hypertension leads to serious complications or premature death. In 2018, all over the world, arterial hypertension “stole” 200 million years of life from people, says Prof. dr. hab. n. med. Agnieszka Olszanecka.
#Bojatakmowie campaign
In 2018, the international educational campaign #bojatakmowie was launched for the first time in 70 countries, including Poland. Currently, it is in its fifth edition. Its aim is to familiarize patients with the problems of arterial hypertension and the benefits of regular monitoring and treatment. The creators of the campaign want to emphasize the fact that early diagnosis of the disease gives a chance to lead a normal life and avoid many serious complications. It is also crucial not to stop the therapy on your own and to take the prescribed medications systematically.
It is no coincidence that the #bojatakmowie campaign is organized by Servier in May, because at the same time the International Society of Hypertension ISH conducts activities as part of the May Measurement Month, addressed to medical professionals.
More about the #bojatakmowie campaign on the website.
Experts’ opinions come from the Session for patients “Hypertension” created for the needs of the XNUMXrd Patient Forum “Patient’s Heart”.