Hypersensitivity you can overcome
Hypersensitivity you can overcomeHypersensitivity you can overcome

Nowadays, the percentage of people struggling with allergies is relatively high. For this group, everyday functioning can be extremely problematic when they have to deal with allergens. Is there a way to face them effectively and so that the old nightmares no longer make life difficult?

A few words about allergies

Considering how often you hear about someone being allergic, we can say that it is a scourge of our time. Perhaps this is influenced by the change in diagnosing such cases. In the past, no one bothered with seasonal sneezing. Today, in the case of intensification of such symptoms, we go to an allergist, because we suspect that it is this specialist who will help us overcome persistent defensive reactions of the body. According to estimates, it is assumed that as much as 30-40% of the world’s population may suffer from allergic diseases. The largest group are those affected by pollinosis. It usually appears between the ages of ten and twenty. Rare are the cases when this happens for the first time only after the age of forty.

Typically, the scenario of the course of the disease looks the same. After human contact with an allergen, the body’s immune reaction occurs, resulting in the formation of antibodies that, bound to the antigen, release substances that cause various inflammations. Sensitization can manifest itself relatively mildly through a runny nose or allergic cough, ending with a dangerous anaphylactic shock, and in extreme cases also leads to death.

Allergen reactions can take two forms. The first one is immediate and can be related much more easily to a given situation. In a different case, it occurs only after six, sometimes even up to ten hours after such an event. Both the first and second cases have been the subject of many studies. It was established, among others the fact that there are almost as many allergy sufferers with an early reaction as with a delayed one. As a general rule, almost anything can cause allergic symptoms. People sensitive to pollen do not have an easy life depending on the season and place of residence. Thanks to the pollen calendar, they are able to predict this event with an accuracy of a month and prepare for the worst.

A cure for all evil

As a rule, allergic reactions are associated with a runny nose or lacrimation, but rarely do we suppose that it may also be a cough. This happens when a foreign, unwanted substance enters the human body by inhalation. High annoyance makes us want to get rid of this condition as soon as possible.

An allergic cough reflex can have a variety of causes. Firstly, it is the passage through the respiratory system into the body of such allergens as e.g. pollen, animal hair, mold spores, mites. Eating foods such as eggs, milk or seafood can also affect it. In addition, the group of factors initiating such a cough should include diseases such as sinusitis and allergic asthma. As a rule, other symptoms are also noticeable in the case of an allergic cough. At the same time, there may be sneezing, tearing, or congestion of the mucous membranes in the nose and throat. Much less often it is accompanied by hives or a rash on the skin.

Treatment of persistent cough can take many forms. You can try to rely on one of the home methods, i.e. drink at least 3 liters of water a day, rinse your nose with salt solution. You can also take some medicine, such as Claritine without a prescriptionwhich in the case of allergies can do a lot. Available in the form of tablets and syrup, it can also be taken by children. You can find out more about its composition and properties here: http://www.claritine.pl/

Allergy that affects a person can be a real nuisance. However, if we reach for its symptoms, for example, after Claritine, there is a good chance that we will be able to exist without any problem in the hard days for us so far.

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